Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × United Kingdom
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.Aldrich A.V.Nori K.Bierhoff D.Kim S.K.Rajamani R.J.Simmons
Talks about:
protocol (2) typest (2) probabilist (1) scalabl (1) practic (1) permiss (1) modular (1) correct (1) verifi (1) specif (1)
Person: Nels E. Beckman
DBLP: Beckman:Nels_E=
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- ECOOP-2011-BeckmanKA #empirical #protocol
- An Empirical Study of Object Protocols in the Wild (NEB, DK, JA), pp. 2–26.
- PLDI-2011-BeckmanN #composition #probability #scalability #specification #type system
- Probabilistic, modular and scalable inference of typestate specifications (NEB, AVN), pp. 211–221.
- ECOOP-2009-BierhoffBA #api #protocol
- Practical API Protocol Checking with Access Permissions (KB, NEB, JA), pp. 195–219.
- ISSTA-2008-BeckmanNRS #proving #testing
- Proofs from tests (NEB, AVN, SKR, RJS), pp. 3–14.
- OOPSLA-2008-BeckmanBA #type system #verification
- Verifying correct usage of atomic blocks and typestate (NEB, KB, JA), pp. 227–244.