21 papers:
OOPSLA-2015-CrafaP #approach #programming- The chemical approach to typestate-oriented programming (SC, LP), pp. 917–934.
ISSTA-2014-XiaoBIMGC #analysis #dependence #effectiveness #type system- ARC++: effective typestate and lifetime dependency analysis (XX, GB, FI, NM, AG, DC), pp. 116–126.
ASE-2013-Xiao0LLS #learning #named #type system- TzuYu: Learning stateful typestates (HX, JS, YL, SWL, CS), pp. 432–442.
OOPSLA-2012-MishneSY #code search #semantics #source code- Typestate-based semantic code search over partial programs (AM, SS, EY), pp. 997–1016.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-MehnertA #type system #using #verification- Verification of Snapshotable Trees Using Access Permissions and Typestate (HM, JA), pp. 187–201.
PLDI-2011-BeckmanN #composition #probability #scalability #specification #type system- Probabilistic, modular and scalable inference of typestate specifications (NEB, AVN), pp. 211–221.
ECOOP-2011-WolffGTA #type system- Gradual Typestate (RW, RG, ÉT, JA), pp. 459–483.
ASPLOS-2011-GaoZCZQ #concurrent #debugging #named #towards #type system- 2ndStrike: toward manifesting hidden concurrency typestate bugs (QG, WZ, ZC, MZ, FQ), pp. 239–250.
ICSE-2010-Bodden #analysis #hybrid #performance #type system- Efficient hybrid typestate analysis by determining continuation-equivalent states (EB), pp. 5–14.
ASE-2008-JoshiS #java #parallel #predict #source code #thread #type system- Predictive Typestate Checking of Multithreaded Java Programs (PJ, KS), pp. 288–296.
OOPSLA-2008-BeckmanBA #type system #verification- Verifying correct usage of atomic blocks and typestate (NEB, KB, JA), pp. 227–244.
OOPSLA-2008-NaeemL #analysis #multi- Typestate-like analysis of multiple interacting objects (NAN, OL), pp. 347–366.
ASE-2007-DwyerP #cost analysis #dynamic analysis #static analysis #type system- Residual dynamic typestate analysis exploiting static analysis: results to reformulate and reduce the cost of dynamic analysis (MBD, RP), pp. 124–133.
OOPSLA-2007-BierhoffA #alias #composition #type system- Modular typestate checking of aliased objects (KB, JA), pp. 301–320.
ISSTA-2006-FinkYDRG #alias #effectiveness #type system #verification- Effective typestate verification in the presence of aliasing (SJF, EY, ND, GR, EG), pp. 133–144.
OOPSLA-2005-NandaGC #type system- Deriving object typestates in the presence of inter-object references (MGN, CG, SC), pp. 77–96.
ESEC-FSE-2005-BierhoffA #lightweight #specification #type system- Lightweight object specification with typestates (KB, JA), pp. 217–226.
VMCAI-2005-LamKR #consistency #data type #type system- Generalized Typestate Checking for Data Structure Consistency (PL, VK, MCR), pp. 430–447.
ECOOP-2004-DeLineF #type system- Typestates for Objects (RD, MF), pp. 465–490.
SAS-2003-FieldGRY #abstraction #complexity #type system #verification- Typestate Verification: Abstraction Techniques and Complexity Results (JF, DG, GR, EY), pp. 439–462.
ESOP-2001-XuRM #type system- Typestate Checking of Machine Code (ZX, TWR, BPM), pp. 335–351.