Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × Cyprus
1 × Estonia
1 × Portugal
1 × The Netherlands
2 × France
2 × Germany
2 × Italy
2 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
P.Héam V.Hugot A.Lanoix E.Tushkanova A.Giorgetti R.Courbis F.Bellegarde J.Julliand C.Ringeissen H.Bride F.Peureux A.Dreyfus J.Dormoy Y.Boichut C.Marché C.Darlot A.Armando D.A.Basin Y.Chevalier L.Compagna J.Cuéllar P.H.Drielsma J.Mantovani S.Mödersheim D.v.Oheimb M.Rusinowitch J.Santiago M.Turuani L.Viganò L.Vigneron
Talks about:
refin (5) properti (4) approxim (3) tempor (3) base (3) constraint (2) rewrit (2) compon (2) readi (2) tage (2)
Person: Olga Kouchnarenko
DBLP: Kouchnarenko:Olga
Contributed to:
Wrote 15 papers:
- IFM-2014-BrideKP #constraints #specification #theorem proving #using #verification #workflow
- Verifying Modal Workflow Specifications Using Constraint Solving (HB, OK, FP), pp. 171–186.
- CIAA-2013-DreyfusHK #analysis #approximate #reachability
- Enhancing Approximations for Regular Reachability Analysis (AD, PCH, OK), pp. 331–339.
- RTA-2013-TushkanovaRGK #automation #calculus #decidability
- Automatic Decidability: A Schematic Calculus for Theories with Counting Operators (ET, CR, AG, OK), pp. 303–318.
- CIAA-2012-HeamHK #bound #constraints #on the
- On Positive TAGED with a Bounded Number of Constraints (PCH, VH, OK), pp. 329–336.
- FM-2012-DormoyKL #component #configuration management #refinement
- When Structural Refinement of Components Keeps Temporal Properties over Reconfigurations (JD, OK, AL), pp. 171–186.
- IJCAR-2012-HeamHK #linear #logic
- From Linear Temporal Logic Properties to Rewrite Propositions (PCH, VH, OK), pp. 316–331.
- WRLA-2012-TushkanovaGRK #framework #rule-based
- A Rule-Based Framework for Building Superposition-Based Decision Procedures (ET, AG, CR, OK), pp. 221–239.
- CIAA-2011-HeamHK #automaton
- Loops and Overloops for Tree Walking Automata (PCH, VH, OK), pp. 166–177.
- LDTA-2010-GiorgettiMTK #case study #java #source code #specification
- Specifying generic Java programs: two case studies (AG, CM, ET, OK), p. 8.
- CIAA-2009-CourbisHK #approximate #model checking
- TAGED Approximations for Temporal Properties Model-Checking (RC, PCH, OK), pp. 135–144.
- RTA-2008-BoichutCHK #abstraction #approximate #refinement
- Finer Is Better: Abstraction Refinement for Rewriting Approximations (YB, RC, PCH, OK), pp. 48–62.
- CAV-2005-ArmandoBBCCCDHKMMORSTVV #automation #internet #protocol #security #validation
- The AVISPA Tool for the Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications (AA, DAB, YB, YC, LC, JC, PHD, PCH, OK, JM, SM, DvO, MR, JS, MT, LV, LV), pp. 281–285.
- FME-2003-KouchnarenkoL #component #refinement #verification
- Refinement and Verification of Synchronized Component-Based Systems (OK, AL), pp. 341–358.
- FME-2001-BellegardeDJK #named #refinement
- Reformulation: A Way to Combine Dynamic Properties and B Refinement (FB, CD, JJ, OK), pp. 2–19.
- FASE-2000-BellegardeJK #composition #refinement
- Ready-Simulation Is Not Ready to Express a Modular Refinement Relation (FB, JJ, OK), pp. 266–283.