Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.L.Furtado M.A.Casanova J.M.V.d.Castilho T.S.E.Maibaum M.R.Sadler C.J.P.d.Lucena R.C.B.Martins D.D.Cowan
Talks about:
data (4) specif (3) program (2) base (2) complementari (1) transform (1) systemat (1) perspect (1) abstract (1) process (1)
Person: Paulo A. S. Veloso
DBLP: Veloso:Paulo_A=_S=
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- ICSE-1984-LucenaMVC #problem #programming
- The Data Transform Programming Metho: An Example for File Processing Problems (CJPdL, RCBM, PASV, DDC), pp. 388–397.
- PODS-1984-CasanovaVF #database #perspective #specification
- Formal Data Base Specification — An Eclectic Perspective (MAC, PASV, ALF), pp. 110–118.
- GG-1982-FurtadoV #database #specification
- Specification of data bases through rewriting rules (ALF, PASV), pp. 102–114.
- VLDB-1981-VelosoCF #specification
- Systematic Derivation of Complementary Specifications (PASV, JMVdC, ALF), pp. 409–421.
- CSE-1985-MaibaumVS #data type #development #formal method #question
- A Theory of Abstract Data Types for Program Development: Bridging the Gap? (TSEM, PASV, MRS), pp. 214–230.