Travelled to:
1 × Cyprus
2 × Switzerland
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
O.Lhoták N.Yuldashev T.Kalibera F.Plasil
Talks about:
environ (3) compon (3) travers (2) state (2) space (2) model (2) java (2) use (2) interact (1) identifi (1)
Person: Pavel Parizek
DBLP: Parizek:Pavel
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- OOPSLA-2012-ParizekL #abstraction #java #source code
- Predicate abstraction of Java programs with collections (PP, OL), pp. 75–94.
- ASE-2011-ParizekL #identification #traversal
- Identifying future field accesses in exhaustive state space traversal (PP, OL), pp. 93–102.
- SAC-2010-ParizekY #component #interactive #traversal #using
- Extraction of component-environment interaction model using state space traversal (PP, NY), pp. 2203–2210.
- TACAS-2010-ParizekK #component #detection #fault #java #performance #random #using
- Efficient Detection of Errors in Java Components Using Random Environment and Restarts (PP, TK), pp. 451–465.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2008-ParizekP #component #modelling #process
- Modeling of Component Environment in Presence of Callbacks and Autonomous Activities (PP, FP), pp. 2–21.