Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × Sweden
1 × Turkey
Collaborated with:
V.Karavirta A.Vihavainen J.Sorva M.Luukkainen L.Haaranen P.Brusilovsky S.H.Edwards A.N.Kumar L.Malmi L.Benotti D.Buck R.Prince T.Sirkiä S.A.Sosnovsky J.Urquiza-Fuentes M.Wollowski
Talks about:
program (2) automat (2) sourc (2) serverless (1) javascript (1) difficulti (1) snapshot (1) granular (1) increas (1) exercis (1)
Person: Petri Ihantola
DBLP: Ihantola:Petri
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- ICSE-v2-2015-HaaranenISV #design #programming
- In Search of the Emotional Design Effect in Programming (LH, PI, JS, AV), pp. 428–434.
- ITiCSE-WGR-2014-BrusilovskyEKMB #education #learning
- Increasing Adoption of Smart Learning Content for Computer Science Education (PB, SHE, ANK, LM, LB, DB, PI, RP, TS, SAS, JUF, AV, MW), pp. 31–57.
- SIGITE-2014-IhantolaSV #automation #detection #programming
- Automatically detectable indicators of programming assignment difficulty (PI, JS, AV), pp. 33–38.
- SIGITE-2014-VihavainenLI #analysis #source code
- Analysis of source code snapshot granularity levels (AV, ML, PI), pp. 21–26.
- ITiCSE-2010-IhantolaK #open source
- Open source widget for parson’s puzzles (PI, VK), p. 302.
- ITiCSE-2010-KaravirtaI #assessment #automation #javascript
- Serverless automatic assessment of Javascript exercises (VK, PI), p. 303.