Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × Sweden
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
∅ I.Diethelm P.Brusilovsky S.H.Edwards A.N.Kumar L.Malmi L.Benotti P.Ihantola R.Prince T.Sirkiä S.A.Sosnovsky J.Urquiza-Fuentes A.Vihavainen M.Wollowski
Talks about:
scienc (2) object (2) comput (2) gui (2) objektgraph (1) curriculum (1) curricular (1) pedagogi (1) approach (1) reliabl (1)
Person: Duane Buck
DBLP: Buck:Duane
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ITiCSE-WGR-2014-BrusilovskyEKMB #education #learning
- Increasing Adoption of Smart Learning Content for Computer Science Education (PB, SHE, ANK, LM, LB, DB, PI, RP, TS, SAS, JUF, AV, MW), pp. 31–57.
- ITiCSE-2013-Buck #approach #reliability
- First, do no harm: a curricular approach to reliability (DB), p. 319.
- ITiCSE-2013-BuckD #authentication #education #modelling #using
- Authentic object modeling in the early computer science curriculum using objektgraph (DB, ID), p. 363.
- ITiCSE-2011-Buck #diagrams #editing #generative #named #user interface
- GUIGraph: editing live object diagrams for GUI generation enables new pedagogy in CS1/2 (DB), pp. 193–197.