Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × France
1 × Ireland
1 × Portugal
8 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.Anantpur M.J.Thazhuthaveetil A.Udupa V.Nagaraj P.Pandit S.S.Mannarswamy A.V.Thakur S.G.Nagarakatte K.Shyam S.Pai R.Manikantan K.Rajan A.Prasad
Talks about:
program (5) execut (5) heterogen (3) flow (3) use (3) synergist (2) multicor (2) softwar (2) pipelin (2) control (2)
Person: R. Govindarajan
DBLP: Govindarajan:R=
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 13 papers:
- CGO-2015-NagarajG #analysis #approximate #mining #pointer #using
- Approximating flow-sensitive pointer analysis using frequent itemset mining (VN, RG), pp. 225–234.
- CC-2014-AnantpurG #control flow
- Taming Control Divergence in GPUs through Control Flow Linearization (JA, RG), pp. 133–153.
- CGO-2014-PanditG #execution #kernel #multi #source code
- Fluidic Kernels: Cooperative Execution of OpenCL Programs on Multiple Heterogeneous Devices (PP, RG), p. 273.
- ASPLOS-2013-PaiTG #concurrent #kernel
- Improving GPGPU concurrency with elastic kernels (SP, MJT, RG), pp. 407–418.
- CGO-2013-AnantpurG #dependence #execution #runtime
- Runtime dependence computation and execution of loops on heterogeneous systems (JA, RG), p. 10.
- CGO-2012-MannarswamyG #compilation #transaction
- Reconciling transactional conflicts with compiler’s help (SSM, RG), pp. 53–62.
- HPCA-2011-ManikantanRG #distance #manycore #named #performance
- NUcache: An efficient multicore cache organization based on Next-Use distance (RM, KR, RG), pp. 243–253.
- PLDI-2011-PrasadAG #automation #compilation #execution #matlab #source code
- Automatic compilation of MATLAB programs for synergistic execution on heterogeneous processors (AP, JA, RG), pp. 152–163.
- CGO-2009-UdupaGT #execution #pipes and filters #source code
- Software Pipelined Execution of Stream Programs on GPUs (AU, RG, MJT), pp. 200–209.
- LCTES-2009-UdupaGT #execution #multi #source code
- Synergistic execution of stream programs on multicores with accelerators (AU, RG, MJT), pp. 99–108.
- CGO-2008-ThakurG #analysis #data flow
- Comprehensive path-sensitive data-flow analysis (AVT, RG), pp. 55–63.
- CC-2007-NagarakatteG #integer #linear #pipes and filters #programming #scheduling #using
- Register Allocation and Optimal Spill Code Scheduling in Software Pipelined Loops Using 0-1 Integer Linear Programming Formulation (SGN, RG), pp. 126–140.
- CC-2007-ShyamG #architecture #array #energy #memory management #reduction
- An Array Allocation Scheme for Energy Reduction in Partitioned Memory Architectures (KS, RG), pp. 32–47.