Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × Singapore
Collaborated with:
A.Gupta V.M.A.KiranKumar R.Nalumasu A.Mokkedem G.Gopalakrishnan R.Kaivola N.Narasimhan A.Telfer J.Whittemore S.Pandav A.Slobodová C.Taylor V.Frolov E.Reeber A.Naik
Talks about:
formal (3) verif (2) model (2) intel (2) test (2) multiprocessor (1) processor (1) approach (1) graphic (1) verifi (1)
Person: Rajnish Ghughal
DBLP: Ghughal:Rajnish
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- FM-2014-GuptaKG #experience #verification
- Formally Verifying Graphics FPU — An Intel® Experience (AG, VMAK, RG), pp. 673–687.
- CAV-2009-KaivolaGNTWPSTFRN #execution #testing #validation #verification
- Replacing Testing with Formal Verification in Intel CoreTM i7 Processor Execution Engine Validation (RK, RG, NN, AT, JW, SP, AS, CT, VF, ER, AN), pp. 414–429.
- CAV-1998-NalumasuGMG #approach #memory management #model checking #modelling #multi #verification
- The “Test Model-Checking” Approach to the Verification of Formal Memory Models of Multiprocessors (RN, RG, AM, GG), pp. 464–476.