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Travelled to:
1 × Denmark
1 × Finland
1 × Italy
1 × Switzerland
Collaborated with:
W.Joosen K.Yskout Katja Tuma T.Heyman Bashar Nassar K.Buyens Musard Balliu P.H.Nguyen J.Klein Y.L.Traon
Talks about:
secur (5) architectur (4) softwar (3) pattern (3) design (3) analysi (2) system (2) flow (2) flaw (2) predictor (1)

Person: Riccardo Scandariato

DBLP DBLP: Scandariato:Riccardo

Contributed to:

ICSE 20152015
MoDELS 20152015
ICSE 20122012
WICSA/ECSA 20122012
ECSA 20102010
ICSA 20172017
ECSA 20182018
ICSA 20192019

Wrote 8 papers:

ICSE-v1-2015-YskoutSJ #design #question #security
Do Security Patterns Really Help Designers? (KY, RS, WJ), pp. 292–302.
MoDELS-2015-NguyenYHKST #design pattern #named #security
SoSPa: A system of Security design Patterns for systematically engineering secure systems (PHN, KY, TH, JK, RS, YLT), pp. 246–255.
ICSE-2012-YskoutSJ #architecture #question #security
Does organizing security patterns focus architectural choices? (KY, RS, WJ), pp. 617–627.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-HeymanSJ #architecture #formal method #modelling #reuse
Reusable Formal Models for Secure Software Architectures (TH, RS, WJ), pp. 41–50.
ECSA-2010-ScandariatoBJ #architecture #automation #detection
Automated Detection of Least Privilege Violations in Software Architectures (RS, KB, WJ), pp. 150–165.
ICSA-2017-NassarS #fault #metric #predict #question #traceability
Traceability Metrics as Early Predictors of Software Defects? (BN, RS), pp. 235–238.
ECSA-2018-TumaS #analysis #architecture
Two Architectural Threat Analysis Techniques Compared (KT, RS), pp. 347–363.
ICSA-2019-TumaSB #analysis #data flow #design
Flaws in Flows: Unveiling Design Flaws via Information Flow Analysis (KT, RS, MB), pp. 191–200.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.