Travelled to:
1 × Cyprus
1 × Japan
1 × Spain
1 × Sweden
1 × United Kingdom
2 × USA
3 × France
3 × Italy
Collaborated with:
M.Martelli N.D.Francesco G.Levi P.Mancarella M.Codish R.Giacobazzi C.Bernardeschi A.Santone S.Cataudella P.Degano L.Tesei G.Vaglini M.J.Maher M.Bellia D.Pedreschi F.Turini G.Caravagna A.Maggiolo-Schettini P.Milazzo G.Pardini
Talks about:
program (6) logic (6) prolog (5) model (4) java (4) bytecod (3) check (3) techniqu (2) abstract (2) control (2)
Person: Roberto Barbuti
DBLP: Barbuti:Roberto
Contributed to:
Wrote 15 papers:
- SFM-2008-BarbutiCMMP #calculus #sequence
- The Calculus of Looping Sequences (RB, GC, AMS, PM, GP), pp. 387–423.
- SAC-2004-BarbutiC #bytecode #java #verification
- Java bytecode verification on Java cards (RB, SC), pp. 431–438.
- SAC-2002-BarbutiBF #abstract interpretation #bytecode #java #security
- Checking security of Java bytecode by abstract interpretation (RB, CB, NDF), pp. 229–236.
- SEKE-2002-BarbutiTBF #bytecode #java #verification
- Fixing the Java bytecode verifier by a suitable type domain (RB, LT, CB, NDF), pp. 377–382.
- FM-v1-1999-BarbutiFSV #abstraction #model checking #realtime
- Formula Based Abstractions of Transition Systems for Real-Time Model Checking (RB, NDF, AS, GV), pp. 289–306.
- ESOP-1996-BarbutiM #logic #multi #prolog #semantics
- A Multiple-Valued Logical Semantics for Prolog (RB, PM), pp. 62–76.
- ICLP-1995-BarbutiFS #execution #modelling #prolog #using
- Modeling OR-Parallel Execution of Prolog using CHOCS (RB, NDF, AS), pp. 547–561.
- ALP-1992-BarbutiCGM #prolog #semantics
- Oracle Semantics for Prolog (RB, MC, RG, MJM), pp. 100–114.
- POPL-1992-BarbutiCGL #modelling #prolog
- Modeling Prolog Control (RB, MC, RG, GL), pp. 95–104.
- WSA-1991-BarbutiCGL #modelling #prolog
- Modelling Prolog Control (RB, MC, RG, GL), pp. 117–124.
- PLILP-1988-BarbutiM #logic programming #source code
- A Tool to Check the Non-Floundering Logic Programs and Goals (RB, MM), pp. 58–67.
- ICLP-1986-BarbutiM86 #logic programming #source code
- Completeness of the SLDNF-resolution for a class of logic programs (RB, MM), pp. 600–614.
- SLP-1984-BarbutiBLM84 #functional #integration #logic programming #on the
- On the Integration of Logic Programming and Functional Programming (RB, MB, GL, MM), pp. 160–166.
- ILPC-1982-BarbutiDL82 #logic programming #proving #source code #towards
- Toward an Inductionless Technique for Proving Properties of Logic Programs (RB, PD, GL), pp. 175–181.
- CFLP-1987-BarbutiMPT #implementation #logic programming #source code
- Intensional Negation of Logic Programs: Examples and Implementation Techniques (RB, PM, DP, FT), pp. 96–110.