Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Germany
1 × Hungary
13 × USA
2 × Spain
3 × Italy
4 × France
Collaborated with:
M.Gabbrielli C.Palamidessi R.Gori M.Comini R.Giacobazzi R.Barbuti F.Spoto ∅ M.C.Meo M.Martelli G.Vitiello G.Amato P.Volpe D.Ramundo M.Codish P.Degano E.Zaffanella R.Bagnara M.Falaschi M.Bellia A.Bossi M.Bugliesi P.Coscia P.Franceschi G.Sardu L.Torre P.G.Bosco E.Giovannetti C.Moiso P.Asirelli A.Martelli U.Montanari G.Pacini F.Sirovich F.Turini
Talks about:
program (15) logic (15) semant (9) abstract (7) constraint (5) interpret (5) declar (4) model (4) type (4) languag (3)
Person: Giorgio Levi
DBLP: Levi:Giorgio
Facilitated 8 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 33 papers:
- VMCAI-2003-GoriL #interpreter
- Properties of a Type Abstract Interpreter (RG, GL), pp. 132–145.
- VMCAI-2002-GoriL #abstract interpretation #empirical #type inference #verification
- An Experiment in Type Inference and Verification by Abstract Interpretation (RG, GL), pp. 225–239.
- PEPM-2000-LeviS #analysis #linear #refinement
- Non Pair-Sharing and Freeness Analysis Through Linear Refinement (GL, FS), pp. 52–61.
- SAS-2000-AmatoL #abstract interpretation #calculus #semantics
- Abstract Interpretation Based Semantics of Sequent Calculi (GA, GL), pp. 38–57.
- PPDP-1999-GoriL #finite #on the #verification
- On the Verification of Finite Failure (RG, GL), pp. 311–327.
- ALP-PLILP-1998-LeviS #empirical #logic programming #refinement #source code
- An Experiment in Domain Refinement: Type Domains and Type Representations for Logic Programs (GL, FS), pp. 152–169.
- ALP-PLILP-1998-LeviV #abstract interpretation #proving
- Derivation of Proof Methods by Abstract Interpretation (GL, PV), pp. 102–117.
- ILPS-1995-CominiLM #abstraction #composition
- Compositionality in SLD-Derivations and their Abstractions (MC, GL, MCM), pp. 561–575.
- ILPS-1995-CominiLV #declarative #revisited
- Declarative Diagnosis Revisited (MC, GL, GV), pp. 275–287.
- ILPS-1994-CominiL #algebra
- An Algebraic Theory of Observables (MC, GL), pp. 172–186.
- LOPSTR-1994-CominiLV #debugging #logic programming
- Abstract Debugging of Logic Program (MC, GL, GV), pp. 440–450.
- PLILP-1994-ZffanellaGL #concurrent #constraints #programming
- Abstracting Synchronization in Concurrent Constraint Programming (EZ, RG, GL), pp. 57–72.
- ICLP-1993-LeviR #formal method #metaprogramming
- A Formalization of Metaprogramming for real (GL, DR), pp. 354–373.
- POPL-1993-BossiB #difference #logic programming
- Differential Logic Programming (AB, MB, MG, GL, MCM), pp. 359–370.
- JICSLP-1992-GabbrielliLM #logic programming #source code
- Observational Equivalences for Logic Programs (MG, GL, MCM), pp. 131–145.
- POPL-1992-BarbutiCGL #modelling #prolog
- Modeling Prolog Control (RB, MC, RG, GL), pp. 95–104.
- WSA-1992-BagnaraGL #source code #static analysis
- Static Analysis of CLP Programs over Numeric Domains (RB, RG, GL), pp. 43–50.
- ICALP-1991-GabbrielliL #logic programming #on the #semantics #source code
- On the Semantics of Logic Programs (MG, GL), pp. 1–19.
- ICLP-1991-GabbrielliL #constraints #logic programming #modelling #source code
- Modeling Answer Constraints in Constraint Logic Programs (MG, GL), pp. 238–252.
- ICLP-1991-Levi #logic programming #on the #semantics #source code
- On the Semantics of Logic Programs (GL), p. 945.
- WSA-1991-BarbutiCGL #modelling #prolog
- Modelling Prolog Control (RB, MC, RG, GL), pp. 117–124.
- ALP-1990-GabbrielliL #concurrent #constraints #fixpoint #logic programming #semantics #source code
- Unfolding and Fixpoint Semantics of Concurrent Constraint Logic Programs (MG, GL), pp. 204–216.
- NACLP-1990-LeviMP #symmetry
- Failure and Success made Symmetric (GL, MM, CP), pp. 3–22.
- JICSCP-1988-CosciaFLST88 #compilation #logic programming
- Meta-Level Definition and Compilation of Inference Engines in the Epsilon Logic Programming Environment (PC, PF, GL, GS, LT), pp. 359–373.
- JICSCP-1988-FalaschiLMP88 #declarative #logic #semantics
- A New Declarative Semantics for Logic Languages (MF, GL, MM, CP), pp. 993–1005.
- JICSCP-1988-Levi88 #fixpoint #modelling #semantics
- Models, Unfolding Rules and Fixpoint Semantics (GL), pp. 1649–1665.
- ICLP-1987-LeviP87 #approach #declarative #logic #semantics
- An Approach to the Declarative Semantics of Synchronization in Logic Languages (GL, CP), pp. 877–893.
- SLP-1987-LeviPBGM87 #logic #semantics
- A Complete Semantic Characterization of K-Leaf: A Logic Language with Partial Functions (GL, CP, PGB, EG, CM), pp. 318–327.
- SLP-1985-LeviP85 #declarative #logic #semantics
- The Declarative Semantics of Logical Read-Only Variables (GL, CP), pp. 128–137.
- SLP-1984-BarbutiBLM84 #functional #integration #logic programming #on the
- On the Integration of Logic Programming and Functional Programming (RB, MB, GL, MM), pp. 160–166.
- ILPC-1982-BarbutiDL82 #logic programming #proving #source code #towards
- Toward an Inductionless Technique for Proving Properties of Logic Programs (RB, PD, GL), pp. 175–181.
- ICSE-1979-AsirelliDLMMPST #development #flexibility #interpreter
- A Flexible Environment for Program Development Based on a Symbolic Interpreter (PA, PD, GL, AM, UM, GP, FS, FT), pp. 251–264.
- CAAP-1991-GabbrielliL #algorithm #constraints
- A Solved Form Algorithm for Ask and Tell Herbrand Constraints (MG, GL), pp. 320–337.