Travelled to:
1 × Germany
2 × Italy
Collaborated with:
A.Schürr G.Varró A.Anjorin E.Leblebici P.Stevens M.Stein D.Giessing M.Mühlhäuser
Talks about:
graph (2) methodolog (1) transform (1) algorithm (1) wireless (1) systemat (1) guidelin (1) approach (1) topolog (1) network (1)
Person: Roland Kluge
DBLP: Kluge:Roland
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- BX-2015-AnjorinLKSS #approach #graph grammar #guidelines
- A Systematic Approach and Guidelines to Developing a Triple Graph Grammar (AA, EL, RK, AS, PS), pp. 81–95.
- ICMT-2015-KlugeVS #algorithm #design #graph transformation
- A Methodology for Designing Dynamic Topology Control Algorithms via Graph Transformation (RK, GV, AS), pp. 199–213.
- ECMFA-2017-KlugeSGSM #c #embedded #generative #modelling #named #network
- cMoflon: Model-Driven Generation of Embedded C Code for Wireless Sensor Networks (RK, MS, DG, AS, MM), pp. 109–125.