Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Canada
1 × Italy
1 × Slovenia
1 × Switzerland
2 × France
2 × India
2 × Portugal
3 × Germany
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ R.Unland A.Stefik D.Stein S.Kleinschmager R.Robbes S.Endrikat M.Al-Mansari M.Hoppe É.Tanter P.Petersen V.Stricker B.Bachmendo Tim Marter Paul Babucke Philipp Lembken J.Feigenspan C.Kästner J.Liebig S.Apel C.Mayer P.Sánchez L.Fuentes M.McKenney A.A.Andrews S.K.Yellanki S.Siebert
Talks about:
program (13) type (10) system (7) static (7) experi (7) studi (7) empir (7) languag (6) aspect (6) model (6)
♂ Person: Stefan Hanenberg
DBLP: Hanenberg:Stefan
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 25 papers:
- ICPC-2014-PetersenHR #api #comparison #eclipse #empirical #groovy #ide #java #type system
- An empirical comparison of static and dynamic type systems on API usage in the presence of an IDE: Java vs. groovy with eclipse (PP, SH, RR), pp. 212–222.
- ICPC-2014-StefikHMAYS #design #empirical #programming language #what
- What is the Foundation of Evidence of Human Factors Decisions in Language Design? An Empirical Study on Programming Language Workshops (AS, SH, MM, AAA, SKY, SS), pp. 223–231.
- ICSE-2014-EndrikatHRS #api #documentation #how #question #static typing #type system #usability
- How do API documentation and static typing affect API usability? (SE, SH, RR, AS), pp. 632–642.
- Onward-2014-StefikH #community #programming language
- The Programming Language Wars: Questions and Responsibilities for the Programming Language Community (AS, SH), pp. 283–299.
- OOPSLA-2013-HoppeH #comparison #developer #empirical #java
- Do developers benefit from generic types?: an empirical comparison of generic and raw types in java (MH, SH), pp. 457–474.
- ICPC-2012-FeigenspanKLAH #experience #programming
- Measuring programming experience (JF, CK, JL, SA, SH), pp. 73–82.
- ICPC-2012-KleinschmagerHRS #empirical #maintenance #static typing #type system
- Do static type systems improve the maintainability of software systems? An empirical study (SK, SH, RR, ÉT, AS), pp. 153–162.
- OOPSLA-2012-MayerHRTS #empirical #static typing #type system #usability
- An empirical study of the influence of static type systems on the usability of undocumented software (CM, SH, RR, ÉT, AS), pp. 683–702.
- ICPC-2011-EndrikatH #aspect-oriented #development #maintenance #programming
- Is Aspect-Oriented Programming a Rewarding Investment into Future Code Changes? A Socio-technical Study on Development and Maintenance Time (SE, SH), pp. 51–60.
- ICPC-2011-SteinH #aspect-oriented #comparison #constraints #empirical #visual notation
- Comparison of a Visual and a Textual Notation to Express Data Constraints in Aspect-Oriented Join Point Selections: A Controlled Experiment (DS, SH), pp. 141–150.
- PLATEAU-2011-KleinschmagerH #case study #how #programming #self
- How to rate programming skills in programming experiments?: a preliminary, exploratory, study based on university marks, pretests, and self-estimation (SK, SH), pp. 15–24.
- ECOOP-2010-Hanenberg #developer #empirical #programming #static typing #type system
- Doubts about the Positive Impact of Static Type Systems on Programming Tasks in Single Developer Projects — An Empirical Study (SH), pp. 300–303.
- OOPSLA-2010-Hanenberg #development #empirical #static typing #type system
- An experiment about static and dynamic type systems: doubts about the positive impact of static type systems on development time (SH), pp. 22–35.
- OOPSLA-2010-Hanenberg10a
- Faith, hope, and love: an essay on software science’s neglect of human factors (SH), pp. 933–946.
- ICEIS-DISI-2009-KleinschmagerH #aspect-oriented #programming
- Is the Application of Aspect-oriented Programming Constructs Beneficial? — First Experimental Results (SK, SH), pp. 196–201.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-StrickerHS #constraints #design #diagrams #uml #using
- Designing Design Constraints in the UML Using Join Point Designation Diagrams (VS, SH, DS), pp. 57–76.
- MoDELS-2008-SanchezFSHU #aspect-oriented #composition #model transformation #weaving
- Aspect-Oriented Model Weaving Beyond Model Composition and Model Transformation (PS, LF, DS, SH, RU), pp. 766–781.
- SAC-2008-Al-MansariHU #on the #semantics
- On to formal semantics for path expression pointcuts (MAM, SH, RU), pp. 271–275.
- SAC-2006-HanenbergAU #aspect-oriented
- Aspect-specification based on structural type information (SH, MAM, RU), pp. 1575–1579.
- ECMDA-FA-2005-SteinHU #modelling #on the #query
- On Relationships Between Query Models (DS, SH, RU), pp. 254–268.
- UML-2004-SteinHU #modelling #query
- Query Models (DS, SH, RU), pp. 98–112.
- GCSE-2001-HanenbergBU #aspect-oriented
- An Object Model for General-Purpose Aspect Languages (SH, BB, RU), pp. 80–91.
- GTTSE-2015-Hanenberg #empirical #evaluation #programming language
- Empirical, Human-Centered Evaluation of Programming and Programming Language Constructs: Controlled Experiments (SH), pp. 45–72.
- PLATEAU-2015-HanenbergS #community #on the
- On the need to define community agreements for controlled experiments with human subjects: a discussion paper (SH, AS), pp. 61–67.
- Onward-2016-MarterBLH #identifier #lightweight #programming #readability #similarity #source code #using
- Lightweight programming experiments without programmers and programs: an example study on the effect of similarity and number of object identifiers on the readability of source code using natural texts (TM, PB, PL, SH), pp. 1–14.