Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × Italy
2 × France
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.Choppy ∅ N.Dershowitz D.A.Plaisted M.Soria G.Guiho
Talks about:
rewrit (9) abstract (2) concret (2) algebra (2) system (2) compil (2) proof (2) term (2) oper (2) nondeterminist (1)
Person: Stéphane Kaplan
DBLP: Kaplan:St=eacute=phane
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- ICSE-1990-ChoppyK #development #prototype #specification
- Mixing Abstract and Concrete Modules: Specification, Development and Prototyping (CC, SK), pp. 173–184.
- ICALP-1989-DershowitzKP #infinity #normalisation
- Infinite Normal Forms (ND, SK, DAP), pp. 249–262.
- POPL-1989-DershowitzK
- Rewrite, Rewrite, Rewrite, Rewrite, Rewrite (ND, SK), pp. 250–259.
- RTA-1989-KaplanC
- Abstract Rewriting with Concrete Operations (SK, CC), pp. 178–186.
- RTA-1987-ChoppyKS #algorithm #complexity #term rewriting
- Algorithmic Complexity of Term Rewriting Systems (CC, SK, MS), pp. 256–273.
- RTA-1987-Kaplan #compilation #term rewriting
- A Compiler for Conditional Term Rewriting Systems (SK), pp. 25–41.
- ESOP-1986-Kaplan #algebra #nondeterminism #proving
- Rewriting with a Nondeterministic Choice Operator: From Algebra to Proofs (SK), pp. 351–374.
- CAAP-1985-ChoppyGK #algebra #compilation #lisp #proving #semantics
- A Lisp Compiler for FP Language and Its Proof via Algebraic Semantics (CC, GG, SK), pp. 403–415.