151 papers:
TLCA-2015-BiernackiP #logic #type system- Logical Relations for Coherence of Effect Subtyping (DB, PP), pp. 107–122.
FLOPS-2014-NaR #formal method #subclass #type system- A New Formalization of Subtyping to Match Subclasses to Subtypes (HN, SR), pp. 238–252.
ICPR-2014-TaxSRM #performance #type system- The Effect of Aggregating Subtype Performances Depends Strongly on the Performance Measure Used (DMJT, HMJS, MJTR, PDM), pp. 3720–3725.
ECOOP-2014-AnconaC #induction #object-oriented #type system- Sound and Complete Subtyping between Coinductive Types for Object-Oriented Languages (DA, AC), pp. 282–307.
PPDP-2014-ChenDY #on the #precise #type system- On the Preciseness of Subtyping in Session Types (TCC, MDC, NY), pp. 135–146.
RTA-TLCA-2014-Dezani-CiancagliniG #precise #type system- Preciseness of Subtyping on Intersection and Union Types (MDC, SG), pp. 194–207.
ESOP-2013-SchererR #data type #type system- GADTs Meet Subtyping (GS, DR), pp. 554–573.
ICALP-v2-2013-Padovani #type system- Fair Subtyping for Open Session Types (LP), pp. 373–384.
SAC-OOPS-J-2009-SaitoI13 #type system- Matching MyType to subtyping (CS, AI), pp. 933–952.
CSL-2013-Materzok #axiom #continuation- Axiomatizing Subtyped Delimited Continuations (MM), pp. 521–539.
TLCA-2013-DudderMR #type system- Intersection Type Matching with Subtyping (BD, MM, JR), pp. 125–139.
TLCA-2013-FridlenderP #algorithm #evaluation #normalisation #type system- A Type-Checking Algorithm for Martin-Löf Type Theory with Subtyping Based on Normalisation by Evaluation (DF, MP), pp. 140–155.
ECMFA-2012-GuyCDSJ #on the #type system- On Model Subtyping (CG, BC, SD, JS, JMJ), pp. 400–415.
ICLP-2012-Hadjichristodoulou #polymorphism #prolog #type system- A Gradual Polymorphic Type System with Subtyping for Prolog (SH), pp. 451–457.
IFM-J-2009-DovlandJOS11 #behaviour #incremental #inheritance #lazy evaluation #multi #reasoning #type system- Incremental reasoning with lazy behavioral subtyping for multiple inheritance (JD, EBJ, OO, MS), pp. 915–941.
ICFP-2011-CastagnaX #morphism #parametricity #polymorphism #type system- Set-theoretic foundation of parametric polymorphism and subtyping (GC, ZX), pp. 94–106.
ICFP-2011-GesbertGL #logic #morphism #parametricity #polymorphism #semantics #type system- Parametric polymorphism and semantic subtyping: the logical connection (NG, PG, NL), pp. 107–116.
ICFP-2011-MaterzokB #continuation #type system- Subtyping delimited continuations (MM, DB), pp. 81–93.
ICFP-2010-BiermanGHL #semantics #smt #type system- Semantic subtyping with an SMT solver (GMB, ADG, CH, DEL), pp. 105–116.
POPL-2010-Hutchins #type system- Pure subtype systems (DSH), pp. 287–298.
SAC-OOPS-J-2008-HallettLRS10 #multi #type system- Integrating coercion with subtyping and multiple dispatch (JJH, VL, SR, GLSJ), pp. 787–795.
ESOP-2009-MalayeriA #empirical #type system- Is Structural Subtyping Useful? An Empirical Study (DM, JA), pp. 95–111.
SAC-2009-AraujoSSF #classification #named #sequence #type system- HIVSetSubtype: software for subtype classification of HIV-1 sequences (LVdA, SSS, ECS, JEF), pp. 811–815.
SAC-2009-SaitoI #type system- Matching ThisType to subtyping (CS, AI), pp. 1851–1858.
ESOP-2008-Cheney #query #regular expression #type system #xml- Regular Expression Subtyping for XML Query and Update Languages (JC), pp. 32–47.
FM-2008-DovlandJOS #behaviour #lazy evaluation #type system- Lazy Behavioral Subtyping (JD, EBJ, OO, MS), pp. 52–67.
ECOOP-2008-MalayeriA #type system- Integrating Nominal and Structural Subtyping (DM, JA), pp. 260–284.
SAC-2008-HallettLRS #multi #type system- Integrating coercion with subtyping and multiple dispatch (JJH, VL, SR, GLSJ), pp. 166–170.
CSL-2008-AbelR #higher-order #type system- Syntactic Metatheory of Higher-Order Subtyping (AA, DR), pp. 446–460.
ICFP-2007-Pfenning #revisited #type system- Subtyping and intersection types revisited (FP), p. 219.
MoDELS-2007-SteimannK #modelling #type system- Piecewise Modelling with State Subtypes (FS, TK), pp. 181–195.
MoDELS-2007-SteimannK #modelling #type system- Piecewise Modelling with State Subtypes (FS, TK), pp. 181–195.
ICFP-2006-DenielouL #abstraction #distributed #type system- Abstraction preservation and subtyping in distributed languages (PMD, JJL), pp. 286–297.
IFL-2006-Kozsik #proving #type system- Proving Program Properties Specified with Subtype Marks (TK), pp. 163–180.
ESOP-2005-NiehrenPS #complexity #satisfiability #type system- Complexity of Subtype Satisfiability over Posets (JN, TP, ZS), pp. 357–373.
ESOP-2005-SecoC #component #polymorphism #type system- Subtyping First-Class Polymorphic Components (JCS, LC), pp. 342–356.
ICALP-2005-CastagnaF #semantics #type system- A Gentle Introduction to Semantic Subtyping (GC, AF), pp. 30–34.
CEFP-2005-Kozsik #tutorial #type system- Tutorial on Subtype Marks (TK), pp. 191–222.
PPDP-2005-CastagnaF #semantics #type system- A gentle introduction to semantic subtyping (GC, AF), pp. 198–199.
SAC-OOPS-J-2005-BettiniBL #flexibility #type system- Safe and Flexible Objects with Subtyping (LB, VB, SL), pp. 5–29.
SAC-OOPS-J-2005-KaminaT #flexibility #mixin #type system- Flexible Method Combination based on Mixin Subtyping (TK, TT), pp. 95–115.
LICS-2005-CastagnaNV #calculus #semantics #type system- Semantic Subtyping for the p-Calculus (GC, RDN, DV), pp. 92–101.
TLCA-2005-CosmoPR #commutative #recursion #type system- Subtyping Recursive Types Modulo Associative Commutative Products (RDC, FP, DR), pp. 179–193.
ECOOP-2004-FindlerFF #contract #semantics #type system- Semantic Casts: Contracts and Structural Subtyping in a Nominal World (RBF, MF, MF), pp. 364–388.
CSL-2004-Vouillon #type system- Subtyping Union Types (JV), pp. 415–429.
AdaEurope-2003-LinM #behaviour #object-oriented #programming #type system- A Behavioural Notion of Subtyping for Object-Oriented Programming in SPARK95 (TML, JAM), pp. 309–321.
ECOOP-2003-PalaczV #java #realtime #testing #type system- Java Subtype Tests in Real-Time (KP, JV), pp. 378–404.
GPCE-2003-ZolyomiPK #c++ #metaprogramming #type system- An Extension to the Subtype Relationship in C++ Implemented with Template Metaprogramming (IZ, ZP, TK), pp. 209–227.
POPL-2003-Chen #calculus #type system- Coercive subtyping for the calculus of constructions (GC), pp. 150–159.
LICS-2003-KuncakR #decidability #recursion #type system- Structural Subtyping of Non-Recursive Types is Decidable (VK, MCR), pp. 96–107.
ECOOP-2002-IgarashiV #on the #parametricity #type system- On Variance-Based Subtyping for Parametric Types (AI, MV), pp. 441–469.
PPDP-2002-Chen #integration #type system- Full integration of subtyping and if-expression (GC), pp. 181–188.
PPDP-2002-Shafarenko #morphism #type inference #type system- Coercion as homomorphism: type inference in a system with subtyping and overloading (AVS), pp. 14–25.
POPL-2002-SuANPT #constraints #first-order #type system- The first-order theory of subtyping constraints (ZS, AA, JN, TP, RT), pp. 203–216.
ICLP-2002-CoqueryF #morphism #named #parametricity #polymorphism #type system- TCLP: Overloading, Subtyping and Parametric Polymorphism Made Practical for CLP (EC, FF), p. 480.
LICS-2002-FrischCB #semantics #type system- Semantic Subtyping (AF, GC, VB), pp. 137–146.
LICS-2002-PalsbergZ #performance #type inference #type system- Efficient Type Inference for Record Concatenation and Subtyping (JP, TZ), pp. 125–136.
IFL-2001-Minamide #behaviour #runtime #type system- Runtime Behavior of Conversion Interpretation of Subtyping (YM), pp. 155–167.
OOPSLA-2001-ZibinG #encoding #performance #testing #type system- Efficient Subtyping Tests with PQ-Encoding (YZ, JYG), pp. 96–107.
POPL-2001-Gil #type system- Subtyping arithmetical types (JYG), pp. 276–289.
POPL-2001-RehofF #analysis #polymorphism #type system- Type-base flow analysis: from polymorphic subtyping to CFL-reachability (JR, MF), pp. 54–66.
ESEC-FSE-2001-FindlerLF #behaviour #contract #type system- Behavioral contracts and behavioral subtyping (RBF, ML, MF), pp. 229–236.
LICS-2001-Jeffrey #induction #lts #type system- A Symbolic Labelled Transition System for Coinductive Subtyping of Fμ≤ Types (AJ), pp. 323–333.
TLCA-2001-Chroboczek #game studies #recursion #type system- Subtyping Recursive Games (JC), pp. 61–75.
FoSSaCS-2000-BartheR #calculus #induction #type system- Constructor Subtyping in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions (GB, FvR), pp. 17–34.
FoSSaCS-2000-Zimmer #algorithm #mobile #type system- Subtyping and Typing Algorithms for Mobile Ambients (PZ), pp. 375–390.
ICFP-2000-Crary #compilation #type system- Typed compilation of inclusive subtyping (KC), pp. 68–81.
ICFP-2000-GapeyevLP #functional #recursion #type system- Recursive subtyping revealed: functional pearl (VG, MYL, BCP), pp. 221–231.
IFL-2000-GustavssonS #analysis #bound #morphism #polymorphism #type system- A Usage Analysis with Bounded Usage Polymorphism and Subtyping (JG, JS), pp. 140–157.
ECOOP-2000-FisherR #type system- Extending Moby with Inheritance-Based Subtyping (KF, JHR), pp. 83–107.
TOOLS-USA-2000-HeberleLNZ #type system- Weak Subtyping and Genericity (AH, WL, RN, WZ), pp. 149–158.
TOOLS-USA-2000-SoundarajanF #behaviour #multi #type system- Behavioral Subtyping and Behavioral Enrichment of Multimethods (NS, SF), p. 105–?.
POPL-2000-KnoblockR #bytecode #java #type system- Type Elaboration and Subtype Completion for Java Bytecode (TBK, JR), pp. 228–242.
CSL-2000-Aspinall #type system- Subtyping with Power Types (DA), pp. 156–171.
LICS-2000-Chroboczek #game studies #semantics #type system- Game Semantics and Subtyping (JC), pp. 192–203.
LICS-2000-Miquel #type system- A Model for Impredicative Type Systems, Universes, Intersection Types and Subtyping (AM), pp. 18–29.
ESOP-1999-BartheF #type system- Constructor Subtyping (GB, MJF), pp. 109–127.
ESOP-1999-GayH #interactive #type system- Types and Subtypes for Client-Server Interactions (SJG, MH), pp. 74–90.
FoSSaCS-1999-Benke #algebra #ml #type system- An Algebraic Characterization of Typability in ML with Subtyping (MB), pp. 104–119.
CSL-1999-CompagnoniG #higher-order #symmetry #type system- Anti-Symmetry of Higher-Order Subtyping (ABC, HG), pp. 420–438.
LICS-1999-ColazzoG #kernel #recursion #type system- Subtyping Recursive Types in Kernel Fun (DC, GG), pp. 137–146.
TLCA-1999-Zwanenburg #type system- Pure Type Systems with Subtyping (JZ), pp. 381–396.
ESOP-1998-Remy #type system- From Classes to Objects via Subtyping (DR), pp. 200–220.
SAS-1998-Duggan #finite #morphism #polymorphism #type inference #type system- Finite Subtype Inference with Explicit Polymorphism (DD), pp. 295–310.
ICALP-1998-HengleinR #automaton #complexity #constraints #recursion #type system- Constraint Automata and the Complexity of Recursive Subtype Entailment (FH, JR), pp. 616–627.
ICALP-1998-Sewell #distributed #type system #π-calculus- Global/Local Subtyping and Capability Inference for a Distributed π-calculus (PS), pp. 695–706.
ICFP-1998-Nordlander #polymorphism #type system- Pragmatic Subtyping in Polymorphic Languages (JN), pp. 216–227.
ICFP-1998-Pottier #framework #type inference #type system- A Framework for Type Inference with Subtyping (FP), pp. 228–238.
TOOLS-USA-1998-LoweNTZ #inheritance #type system- Weak Subtyping — Yet Another Notion of Inheritance (WL, RN, MT, WZ), pp. 333–345.
CSL-1998-Vorobyov #functional #type system- Subtyping Functional+Nonempty Record Types (SGV), pp. 283–297.
LICS-1998-Viswanathan #abstraction #first-order #recursion #type system- Full Abstraction for First-Order Objects with Recursive Types and Subtyping (RV), pp. 380–391.
SAS-1997-Frey #polynomial #type system- Satisfying Subtype Inequalities in Polynomial Space (AF), pp. 265–277.
ICFP-1997-Crary #higher-order #implementation #type system- Foundations for the Implementation of Higher-Order Subtyping (KC), pp. 125–135.
ICFP-1997-MarlowW #erlang #type system- A Practical Subtyping System For Erlang (SM, PW), pp. 136–149.
ECOOP-1997-BrucePF #object-oriented #type system- Subtyping Is Not a Good “Match” for Object-Oriented Languages (KBB, LP, AF), pp. 104–127.
POPL-1997-Rehof #type system- Minimal Typings in Atomic Subtyping (JR), pp. 278–291.
ESEC-FSE-1997-Rushby #specification #type system- Subtypes for Specifications (JMR), pp. 4–19.
LICS-1997-HeintzeM #analysis #on the #polynomial #type system- On the Cubic Bottleneck in Subtyping and Flow Analysis (NH, DAM), pp. 342–351.
LICS-1997-HengleinR #complexity #type system- The Complexity of Subtype Entailment for Simple Types (FH, JR), pp. 352–361.
TLCA-1997-BrandtH #axiom #induction #recursion #similarity #type system- Coinductive Axiomatization of Recursive Type Equality and Subtyping (MB, FH), pp. 63–81.
SAS-1996-TrifonovS #type system- Subtyping Constrained Types (VT, SFS), pp. 349–365.
ICALP-1996-MitchellV #effectiveness #modelling #morphism #polymorphism #recursion #type system- Effective Models of Polymorphism, Subtyping and Recursion (Extended Abstract) (JCM, RV), pp. 170–181.
ICFP-1996-Ghelli #complexity #kernel #type checking #type system- Complexity of Kernel Fun Subtype Checking (GG), pp. 134–145.
ICFP-1996-Pottier #constraints #type system- Simplifying Subtyping Constraints (FP), pp. 122–133.
ECOOP-1996-GaweckiM #perspective #quantifier #type system- Integrating Subtyping, Matching and Type Quantification: A Practical Perspective (AG, FM), pp. 26–47.
POPL-1996-GordonR #calculus #first-order #similarity #type system- Bisimilarity for a First-Order Calculus of Objects with Subtyping (ADG, GDR), pp. 386–395.
ICSE-1996-DharaL #behaviour #inheritance #specification #type system- Forcing Behavioral Subtyping through Specification Inheritance (KKD, GTL), pp. 258–267.
CSL-1996-Luo #type system- Coercive Subtyping in Type Theory (ZL), pp. 276–296.
LICS-1996-AspinallC #dependent type #summary #type system- Subtyping Dependent Types (Summary) (DA, ABC), pp. 86–97.
LICS-1996-TiurynU #decidability #higher-order #problem #type system- The Subtyping Problem for Second-Order Types is Undecidable (JT, PU), pp. 74–85.
PEPM-1995-TangJ #type system- Effect Systems with Subtyping (YMT, PJ), pp. 45–53.
SAS-1995-DussartHM #analysis #polymorphism #polynomial #recursion #type system- Polymorphic Recursion and Subtype Qualifications: Polymorphic Binding-Time Analysis in Polynomial Time (DD, FH, CM), pp. 118–135.
FPCA-1995-AikenF #dynamic typing #type inference #type system- Dynamic Typing and Subtype Inference (AA, MF), pp. 182–191.
ECOOP-1995-AbadiC #on the #type system- On Subtyping and Matching (MA, LC), pp. 145–167.
OOPSLA-1995-DayGLM #morphism #parametricity #polymorphism #type system- Subtypes vs. Where Clauses: Constraining Parametric Polymorphism (MD, RG, BL, ACM), pp. 156–168.
POPL-1995-HoangM #bound #type inference #type system- Lower Bounds on Type Inference with Subtypes (MH, JCM), pp. 176–185.
POPL-1995-HofmannP #type system- Positive Subtyping (MH, BCP), pp. 186–197.
LICS-1995-LongoMS #logic #type system- A Logic of Subtyping (Extended Abstract) (GL, KM, SS), pp. 292–299.
TLCA-1995-BerardiB #optimisation #type system #using- Using Subtyping in Program Optimization (SB, LB), pp. 63–77.
ECOOP-1994-AlagicSB #declarative #inheritance #object-oriented #programming #prototype #type system- Declarative Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance, Subtyping and Prototyping (SA, RS, RB), pp. 236–259.
LICS-1994-PlotkinAC #parametricity #type system- Subtyping and Parametricity (GDP, MA, LC), pp. 310–319.
FPCA-1993-Lillie #type system- Conjunctive Subtyping (DJL), pp. 42–51.
ECOOP-1993-LiskovW #type system- A New Definition of the Subtype Relation (BL, JMW), pp. 118–141.
OOPSLA-1993-LiskovW #specification #type system- Specifications and Their Use in Defining Subtypes (BL, JMW), pp. 16–28.
POPL-1993-KozenPS #performance #recursion #type system- Efficient Recursive Subtyping (DK, JP, MIS), pp. 419–428.
POPL-1993-Mairson #logic #multi #type system- A Constructive Logic of Multiple Subtyping (HGM), pp. 313–324.
LFP-1992-CastagnaGL #calculus #type system- A Calculus for Overloaded Functions with Subtyping (GC, GG, GL), pp. 182–192.
LFP-1992-Kaes #recursion #type inference #type system- Type Inference in the Presence of Overloading, Subtyping and Recursive Types (SK), pp. 193–204.
POPL-1992-BruceM #higher-order #modelling #morphism #polymorphism #recursion #type system- PER Models of Subtyping, Recursive Types and Higher-Order Polymorphism (KBB, JCM), pp. 316–327.
POPL-1992-LincolnM #algorithm #aspect-oriented #type inference #type system- Algorithmic Aspects of Type Inference with Subtypes (PL, JCM), pp. 293–304.
POPL-1992-Ma #parametricity #type system- Parametricity as Subtyping (QM), pp. 281–292.
CADE-1992-NipkowQ #reduction #type system #unification #λ-calculus- Reduction and Unification in Lambda Calculi with Subtypes (TN, ZQ), pp. 66–78.
JICSLP-1992-RouzaudN #prolog #type system- Integrating Modes and Subtypes into a Prolog Type-Checker (YR, LNP), pp. 85–97.
LICS-1992-Tiuryn #type system- Subtype Inequalities (JT), pp. 308–315.
PODS-1991-BeeriM #type system- Subtyping in OODB’s (CB, TM), pp. 300–314.
POPL-1991-AmadioC #recursion #type system- Subtyping Recursive Types (RMA, LC), pp. 104–118.
POPL-1991-MitchellMM #inheritance #ml #standard #type system- An Extension of Standard ML Modules with Subtyping and Inheritance (JCM, SM, NM), pp. 270–278.
ESEC-1991-Parisi-PresicceP #algebra #inheritance #object-oriented #programming #type system- An Algebraic View of Inheritance and Subtyping in Object Oriented Programming (FPP, AP), pp. 364–379.
PLDI-1990-Jacobs #constraints #logic programming #type system- Type Declarations as Subtype Constraints in Logic Programming (DJ), pp. 165–173.
OOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-AmericaL #inheritance #object-oriented #parallel #type system- A Parallel Object-Oriented Language with Inheritance and Subtyping (PA, FvdL), pp. 161–168.
OOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-LeavensW #object-oriented #reasoning #source code #type system- Reasoning about Object-Oriented Programs that Use Subtypes (GTL, WEW), pp. 212–223.
POPL-1990-CookHC #inheritance #type system- Inheritance Is Not Subtyping (WRC, WLH, PSC), pp. 125–135.
LICS-1989-Pitts #polymorphism #type system- Non-trivial Power Types Can’t Be Subtypes of Polymorphic Types (AMP), pp. 6–13.
ESOP-1988-DietrichH #polymorphism #prolog #type system- A Polymorphic Type System with Subtypes for Prolog (RD, FH), pp. 79–93.
ESOP-1988-FuhM #type inference #type system- Type Inference with Subtypes (YCF, PM), pp. 94–114.
LFP-1988-JategaonkarM #ml #pattern matching #type system- ML with Extended Pattern Matching and Subtypes (LJ, JCM), pp. 198–211.
POPL-1988-Cardelli #type system- Structural Subtyping and the Notion of Power Type (LC), pp. 70–79.
POPL-1988-Stansifer #type inference #type system- Type Inference with Subtypes (RS), pp. 88–97.
CADE-1988-Jacquet #synthesis #type system- Program Synthesis by Completion with Dependent Subtypes (PJ), pp. 550–562.
ECOOP-1987-America #inheritance #object-oriented #parallel #type system- Inheritance and Subtyping in a Parallel Object-Oriented Language (PA), pp. 234–242.
VLDB-1978-Palmer #database #type system- Record Subtype Facilities in Database Systems (IRP), pp. 148–155.