Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × France
1 × Israel
1 × Italy
1 × United Kingdom
2 × The Netherlands
2 × USA
3 × Germany
3 × Portugal
Collaborated with:
B.Steffen S.Jörges V.Braun A.Lamprecht A.Claßen V.Gruhn P.Kelb M.Mendler C.Gsottberger ∅ R.Nagel A.Hagerer O.Niese H.Ide M.Merten F.Howar C.Wagner J.Kreileder C.J.Petrie U.Küster H.Lausen M.Zaremba H.Hungar G.Brune R.Nisius M.Reitenspieß M.v.d.Beeck A.Dannecker C.Friedrich D.Koschützki F.Schreiber C.Winkler C.Kubczak M.Brambilla S.Ceri D.Cerizza E.D.Valle F.M.Facca C.Tziviskou
Talks about:
model (5) tool (4) generat (3) system (3) design (3) frame (3) meta (3) base (3) constraint (2) synthesi (2)
♀ Person: Tiziana Margaria-Steffen
DBLP: Margaria-Steffen:Tiziana
Facilitated 6 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 20 papers:
- SPLC-2015-SteffenLM #constraints #product line #synthesis
- User-level synthesis: treating product lines as systems of constraints (BS, ALL, TMS), pp. 427–431.
- TACAS-2011-MertenSHM #generative
- Next Generation LearnLib (MM, BS, FH, TMS), pp. 220–223.
- GTTSE-2009-JorgesSM #code generation #tutorial
- Building Code Generators with Genesys: A Tutorial Introduction (SJ, BS, TMS), pp. 364–385.
- ICSM-2009-SteffenJWM #design #maintenance #modelling
- Maintenance, or the 3rd dimension of eXtreme model-driven design (BS, SJ, CW, TMS), pp. 483–486.
- ICEIS-SAIC-2007-MargariaWKSBCCVFT #comparison
- The SWS Mediator with WEBML/WEBRATIO and JABC/JETI: A Comparison (TMS, CW, CK, BS, MB, SC, DC, EDV, FMF, CT), pp. 422–429.
- ICEIS-SAIC-2007-PetrieMKLZ #challenge #lessons learnt
- SWS Challenge — Status, Perspectives, Lessons Learned So Far (CJP, TMS, UK, HL, MZ), pp. 447–452.
- CC-2006-LamprechtMS #analysis #data flow #model checking
- Data-Flow Analysis as Model Checking Within the jABC (ALL, TMS, BS), pp. 101–104.
- ICSE-2006-JorgesMS #generative #graph #modelling #named
- FormulaBuilder: a tool for graph-based modelling and generation of formulae (SJ, TMS, BS), pp. 815–818.
- TACAS-2005-MargariaNS #integration #named #tool support
- jETI: A Tool for Remote Tool Integration (TMS, RN, BS), pp. 557–562.
- FASE-2002-HagererHMNSI #modelling #testing
- Demonstration of an Operational Procedure for the Model-Based Testing of CTI Systems (AH, HH, TMS, ON, BS, HDI), pp. 336–340.
- FASE-2001-NieseSMHBI #consistency #design #industrial #testing
- Library-Based Design and Consistency Checking of System-Level Industrial Test Cases (ON, BS, TMS, AH, GB, HDI), pp. 233–248.
- TACAS-1999-BraunKMS #online
- The ETI Online Service in Action (VB, JK, TMS, BS), pp. 439–443.
- FASE-1998-MargariaS #automation #backtracking #design #synthesis
- Backtracking-Free Design Planning by Automatic Synthesis in METAFrame (TMS, BS), pp. 188–204.
- FM-1998-MargariaG #approach #flexibility #process #reliability
- Flexible and Reliable Process Model Properties: An Integrated Approach (TMS, VG), pp. 213–227.
- CAV-1997-KelbMMG #named #performance
- MOSEL: A Sound and Efficient Tool for M2L(Str) (PK, TMS, MM, CG), pp. 448–451.
- TACAS-1997-BeeckBCDFKMSS #graph #morphism #polymorphism #power of
- Graphs in METAFrame: The Unifying Power of Polymorphism (MvdB, VB, AC, AD, CF, DK, TMS, FS, BS), pp. 112–129.
- TACAS-1997-KelbMMG #flexibility #higher-order #logic #monad #named #tool support
- MOSEL: A FLexible Toolset for Monadic Second-Order Logic (PK, TMS, MM, CG), pp. 183–202.
- CAV-1996-SteffenMCB
- The METAFrame’95 Environment (BS, TMS, AC, VB), pp. 450–453.
- TACAS-1996-Margaria #automation #detection #fault
- Fully Automatic Verifcation and Error Detection for Parameterized Iterative Sequential Circuits (TMS), pp. 258–277.
- TACAS-1996-SteffenMCBNR #constraints
- A Constraint-Oriented Service Creation Environment (BS, TMS, AC, VB, RN, MR), pp. 418–421.