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Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × Spain
14 × USA
2 × Austria
2 × Estonia
2 × France
2 × Sweden
3 × Canada
3 × Denmark
3 × United Kingdom
4 × The Netherlands
5 × Germany
5 × Portugal
6 × Italy
Collaborated with:
J.Knoop O.Rüthing T.Margaria-Steffen R.Cleaveland F.Howar H.Hungar M.Merten A.Lamprecht M.Müller-Olm O.Niese S.Jörges B.Jonsson A.Claßen H.Seidl D.A.Schmidt V.Braun S.Cassel D.Koschützki S.Naujokat H.Raffelt A.Hagerer M.Klein O.Burkart S.Graf M.Isberner R.Nagel H.Ide J.Vollmer K.G.Larsen C.Weise A.Kindler T.Noll T.Margaria P.Zweihoff C.Wagner J.Kreileder R.J.v.Glabbeek S.A.Smolka C.M.N.Tofts S.Windmüller J.Neubauer O.Bauer A.Geser G.Lüttgen T.Berg O.Grinchtein M.Leucker G.Brune R.Nisius M.Reitenspieß M.v.d.Beeck A.Dannecker C.Friedrich F.Schreiber C.Winkler C.Kubczak M.Brambilla S.Ceri D.Cerizza E.D.Valle F.M.Facca C.Tziviskou
Talks about:
model (14) learn (10) code (9) program (8) check (8) base (8) automata (7) motion (7) generat (6) system (5)

Person: Bernhard Steffen

DBLP DBLP: Steffen:Bernhard

Facilitated 4 volumes:

VMCAI 2004Ed
TACAS 1998Ed
TACAS 1996Ed
TACAS 1995Ed

Contributed to:

CAV 20152015
SPLC 20152015
SEFM 20142014
CBSE 20132013
FASE 20122012
TACAS 20122012
VMCAI 20122012
SFM 20112011
TACAS 20112011
VMCAI 20112011
GTTSE 20092009
ICSM 20092009
ICEIS SAIC 20072007
CC 20062006
FASE 20062006
ICSE 20062006
ESOP 20052005
FASE 20052005
TACAS 20052005
CAV 20032003
VMCAI 20032003
FASE 20022002
FASE 20012001
ESOP 20002000
POPL 20002000
CC 19991999
FASE 19991999
PPoPP 19991999
SAS 19991999
TACAS 19991999
CC 19981998
ESOP 19981998
FASE 19981998
SAS 19981998
ICALP 19971997
TACAS 19971997
CAV 19961996
CC 19961996
SAS 19961996
TACAS 19961996
PLDI 19951995
TACAS 19951995
PLDI 19941994
ICALP 19931993
PDP 19931993
Best of PLDI 20041992
CAV 19921992
CC 19921992
PLDI 19921992
CAV 19911991
ICALP 19911991
CAV 19901990
ESOP 19901990
LICS 19901990
ICALP 19891989
TAPSOFT, Vol.1: CAAP 19871987
TAPSOFT, Vol.2: CCPSD 19911991
FASE 20192019

Wrote 65 papers:

CAV-2015-IsbernerHS #automaton #framework #learning #open source
The Open-Source LearnLib — A Framework for Active Automata Learning (MI, FH, BS), pp. 487–495.
SPLC-2015-SteffenLM #constraints #product line #synthesis
User-level synthesis: treating product lines as systems of constraints (BS, ALL, TMS), pp. 427–431.
SEFM-2014-CasselHJS #finite #learning #state machine
Learning Extended Finite State Machines (SC, FH, BJ, BS), pp. 250–264.
CBSE-2013-WindmullerNSHB #quality
Active continuous quality control (SW, JN, BS, FH, OB), pp. 111–120.
FASE-2012-NaujokatLS #programming
Loose Programming with PROPHETS (SN, ALL, BS), pp. 94–98.
TACAS-2012-MertenHSCJ #automaton #learning
Demonstrating Learning of Register Automata (MM, FH, BS, SC, BJ), pp. 466–471.
VMCAI-2012-HowarSJC #automaton #canonical
Inferring Canonical Register Automata (FH, BS, BJ, SC), pp. 251–266.
SFM-2011-SteffenHM #automaton #learning #perspective
Introduction to Active Automata Learning from a Practical Perspective (BS, FH, MM), pp. 256–296.
TACAS-2011-MertenSHM #generative
Next Generation LearnLib (MM, BS, FH, TMS), pp. 220–223.
VMCAI-2011-HowarSM #abstraction #automation #automaton #learning #refinement
Automata Learning with Automated Alphabet Abstraction Refinement (FH, BS, MM), pp. 263–277.
VMCAI-2011-SteffenR #quality
Quality Engineering: Leveraging Heterogeneous Information — (BS, OR), pp. 23–37.
GTTSE-2009-JorgesSM #code generation #tutorial
Building Code Generators with Genesys: A Tutorial Introduction (SJ, BS, TMS), pp. 364–385.
ICSM-2009-SteffenJWM #design #maintenance #modelling
Maintenance, or the 3rd dimension of eXtreme model-driven design (BS, SJ, CW, TMS), pp. 483–486.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-MargariaWKSBCCVFT #comparison
The SWS Mediator with WEBML/WEBRATIO and JABC/JETI: A Comparison (TMS, CW, CK, BS, MB, SC, DC, EDV, FMF, CT), pp. 422–429.
CC-2006-LamprechtMS #analysis #data flow #model checking
Data-Flow Analysis as Model Checking Within the jABC (ALL, TMS, BS), pp. 101–104.
FASE-2006-RaffeltS #automaton #learning #library #named
LearnLib: A Library for Automata Learning and Experimentation (HR, BS), pp. 377–380.
ICSE-2006-JorgesMS #generative #graph #modelling #named
FormulaBuilder: a tool for graph-based modelling and generation of formulae (SJ, TMS, BS), pp. 815–818.
ESOP-2005-Muller-OlmSS #interprocedural
Interprocedural Herbrand Equalities (MMO, HS, BS), pp. 31–45.
FASE-2005-BergGJLRS #consistency #on the #testing
On the Correspondence Between Conformance Testing and Regular Inference (TB, OG, BJ, ML, HR, BS), pp. 175–189.
TACAS-2005-MargariaNS #integration #named #tool support
jETI: A Tool for Remote Tool Integration (TMS, RN, BS), pp. 557–562.
CAV-2003-HungarNS #automaton #learning #optimisation
Domain-Specific Optimization in Automata Learning (HH, ON, BS), pp. 315–327.
VMCAI-2003-SteffenH #behaviour
Behavior-Based Model Construction (BS, HH), pp. 5–19.
FASE-2002-HagererHMNSI #modelling #testing
Demonstration of an Operational Procedure for the Model-Based Testing of CTI Systems (AH, HH, TMS, ON, BS, HDI), pp. 336–340.
FASE-2002-HagererHNS #generative
Model Generation by Moderated Regular Extrapolation (AH, HH, ON, BS), pp. 80–95.
FASE-2001-NieseSMHBI #consistency #design #industrial #testing
Library-Based Design and Consistency Checking of System-Level Industrial Test Cases (ON, BS, TMS, AH, GB, HDI), pp. 233–248.
ESOP-2000-SeidlS #analysis #constraints #interprocedural #parallel #source code
Constraint-Based Inter-Procedural Analysis of Parallel Programs (HS, BS), pp. 351–365.
Sparse Code Motion (OR, JK, BS), pp. 170–183.
CC-1999-KnoopRS #semantics
Expansion-Based Removal of Semantic Partial Redundancies (JK, OR, BS), pp. 91–106.
FASE-1999-Muller-OlmSC #algebra #approach #component #evolution #on the
On the Evolution of Reactive Components: A Process-Algebraic Approach (MMO, BS, RC), pp. 161–175.
PPoPP-1999-KnoopS #parallel #source code
Code Motion for Explicitly Parallel Programs (JK, BS), pp. 13–24.
SAS-1999-Muller-OlmSS #model checking #named #tutorial
Model-Checking: A Tutorial Introduction (MMO, DAS, BS), pp. 330–354.
SAS-1999-RuthingKS #detection #performance #precise
Detecting Equalities of Variables: Combining Efficiency with Precision (OR, JK, BS), pp. 232–247.
TACAS-1999-BraunKMS #online
The ETI Online Service in Action (VB, JK, TMS, BS), pp. 439–443.
CC-1998-KnoopKS #graph #question
Basic-Block Graphs: Living Dinosaurs? (JK, DK, BS), pp. 65–79.
ESOP-1998-KnoopRS #question
Code Motion and Code Placement: Just Synonyms? (JK, OR, BS), pp. 154–169.
FASE-1998-MargariaS #automation #backtracking #design #synthesis
Backtracking-Free Design Planning by Automatic Synthesis in METAFrame (TMS, BS), pp. 188–204.
SAS-1998-SchmidtS #abstract interpretation #model checking #program analysis
Program Analysis as Model Checking of Abstract Interpretations (DAS, BS), pp. 351–380.
ICALP-1997-BurkartS #calculus #infinity #model checking #process #μ-calculus
Model Checking the Full Modal μ-Calculus for Infinite Sequential Processes (OB, BS), pp. 419–429.
TACAS-1997-BeeckBCDFKMSS #graph #morphism #polymorphism #power of
Graphs in METAFrame: The Unifying Power of Polymorphism (MvdB, VB, AC, AD, CF, DK, TMS, FS, BS), pp. 112–129.
The METAFrame’95 Environment (BS, TMS, AC, VB), pp. 450–453.
CC-1996-GeserKLRS #fixpoint #higher-order
Non-monotone Fixpoint Iterations to Resolve Second Order Effects (AG, JK, GL, OR, BS), pp. 106–120.
Property-Oriented Expansion (BS), pp. 22–41.
TACAS-1996-KleinKKS #automaton #program analysis
DFA&OPT-METAFrame: A Tool Kit for Program Analysis and Optimazation (MK, JK, DK, BS), pp. 422–426.
TACAS-1996-SteffenMCBNR #constraints
A Constraint-Oriented Service Creation Environment (BS, TMS, AC, VB, RN, MR), pp. 418–421.
PLDI-1995-KnoopRS #power of
The Power of Assignment Motion (JK, OR, BS), pp. 233–245.
TACAS-1995-KnoopSV #analysis #exclamation #explosion #for free #parallel
Parallelism for Free: Bitvector Analyses -> No State Explosion! (JK, BS, JV), pp. 264–289.
TACAS-1995-LarsenSW #constraints #proving
A Constraint Oriented Proof Methodology Based on Modal Transition Systems (KGL, BS, CW), pp. 17–40.
Partial Dead Code Elimination (JK, OR, BS), pp. 147–158.
ICALP-1993-HungarS #model checking #process
Local Model Checking for Context-Free Processes (HH, BS), pp. 593–605.
PDP-1993-KindlerNS #imperative #parallel #source code
Hierarchical parallelization of imperative programs (AK, TN, BS), pp. 178–184.
Best-of-PLDI-1992-KnoopRS92a #lazy evaluation
Lazy code motion (with retrospective) (JK, OR, BS), pp. 460–472.
CAV-1992-CleavelandKS #calculus #model checking #performance #μ-calculus
Faster Model Checking for the Modal μ-Calculus (RC, MK, BS), pp. 410–422.
CC-1992-KnoopS #interprocedural #theorem
The Interprocedural Coincidence Theorem (JK, BS), pp. 125–140.
PLDI-1992-KnoopRS #lazy evaluation
Lazy Code Motion (JK, OR, BS), pp. 224–234.
CAV-1991-CleavelandS #algorithm #calculus #linear #model checking #μ-calculus
A Linear-Time Model-Checking Algorithm for the Alternation-Free Modal μ-Calculus (RC, BS), pp. 48–58.
ICALP-1991-CleavelandS #behaviour
Computing Behavioural Relations, Logically (RC, BS), pp. 127–138.
CAV-1990-GrafS #composition #finite
Compositional Minimization of Finite State Systems (SG, BS), pp. 186–196.
ESOP-1990-SteffenKR #graph #program transformation #representation
The Value Flow Graph: A Program Representation for Optimal Program Transformations (BS, JK, OR), pp. 389–405.
LICS-1990-CleavelandS #proving #specification #using
When is “Partial” Adequate? A Logic-Based Proof Technique Using Partial Specifications (RC, BS), pp. 440–449.
LICS-1990-GlabbeekSST #generative #modelling #probability #process
Reactive, Generative, and Stratified Models of Probabilistic Processes (RJvG, SAS, BS, CMNT), pp. 130–141.
Characteristic Formulae (BS), pp. 723–732.
CAAP-1987-Steffen #abstract interpretation #optimisation #runtime
Optimal Run Time Optimization Proved by a New Look at Abstract Interpretation (BS), pp. 52–68.
CCPSD-1991-SteffenKR #adaptation #performance #reduction
Efficient Code Motion and an Adaption to Strength Reduction (BS, JK, OR), pp. 394–415.
TAPSOFT-1995-SteffenMC #flexibility
The META-Frame: An Environment for Flexible Tool Management (BS, TM, AC), pp. 791–792.
FASE-2019-ZweihoffNS #collaboration #generative #modelling #named #online
Pyro: Generating Domain-Specific Collaborative Online Modeling Environments (PZ, SN, BS), pp. 101–115.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.