Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Greece
1 × Italy
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
1 × USA
2 × Austria
Collaborated with:
∅ A.Balint R.V.Book P.Orponen D.A.Russo A.Biere A.Fröhlich E.Dantsin A.Goerdt E.A.Hirsch V.Arvind Y.Han L.A.Hemachandra J.Köbler A.Lozano M.Mundhenk M.Ogiwara R.Silvestri T.Thierauf
Talks about:
sat (4) algorithm (2) complex (2) search (2) local (2) bound (2) core (2) new (2) determinist (1) implement (1)
Person: Uwe Schöning
DBLP: Sch=ouml=ning:Uwe
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- SAT-2014-BalintBFS #heuristic #implementation #satisfiability
- Improving Implementation of SLS Solvers for SAT and New Heuristics for k-SAT with Long Clauses (AB, AB, AF, US), pp. 302–316.
- SAT-2012-BalintS #probability
- Choosing Probability Distributions for Stochastic Local Search and the Role of Make versus Break (AB, US), pp. 16–29.
- SAT-2002-Schoening #bound #satisfiability
- New worst case bounds on k-SAT (US), p. 1.
- ICALP-2000-DantsinGHS #algorithm #satisfiability
- Deterministic Algorithms for k-SAT Based on Covering Codes and Local Search (ED, AG, EAH, US), pp. 236–247.
- ICALP-1992-ArvindHHKLMOSST #reduction #set
- Reductions to Sets of Low Information Content (VA, YH, LAH, JK, AL, MM, MO, US, RS, TT), pp. 162–173.
- CSL-1987-Schoning #complexity
- Complexity Cores and Hard-To-Prove Formulas (US), pp. 273–280.
- ICALP-1986-Schoning #bound #recursion
- Lower Bounds by Recursion Theoretic Arguments (US), pp. 370–375.
- ICALP-1985-OrponenRS #complexity #polynomial
- Polynomial Levelability and Maximal Complexity Cores (PO, DAR, US), pp. 435–444.
- ICALP-1984-Schoning #algorithm #approach #robust
- Robust Algorithms: A Different Approach to Oracles (US), pp. 448–453.
- ICALP-1983-SchoningB
- Immunity (US, RVB), pp. 653–661.