Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × Egypt
1 × France
1 × India
1 × Israel
1 × The Netherlands
2 × Greece
7 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.B.Gibbons U.Vishkin J.Y.Gil J.S.Vitter M.Wang N.Alon M.Szegedy A.Silberschatz ∅ E.Porat S.Cohen D.Oren S.Sagiv V.Poosala C.Faloutsos S.Ganguly M.Dietzfelbinger N.Pippenger M.Roth A.Ben-David D.Deutscher G.Flysher I.Horn A.Leichtberg N.Leiser R.Merom N.Nisan J.Bayer D.Chandra T.Franji R.Gardner N.Rhodes M.Seltzer D.Tom H.R.Varian D.Zigmond
Talks about:
hash (4) histogram (3) parallel (3) approxim (3) join (3) base (3) wavelet (2) mainten (2) sampl (2) estim (2)
Person: Yossi Matias
DBLP: Matias:Yossi
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 18 papers:
- KDD-2010-RothBDFHLLMM #graph #social #using
- Suggesting friends using the implicit social graph (MR, ABD, DD, GF, IH, AL, NL, YM, RM), pp. 233–242.
- Google’s Auction for TV Ads (NN, JB, DC, TF, RG, YM, NR, MS, DT, HRV, DZ), pp. 309–327.
- SIGMOD-2006-Matias #performance #roadmap
- Trends in high performance analytics (YM), p. 720.
- ICALP-2003-MatiasP #performance #traversal
- Efficient Pebbling for List Traversal Synopses (YM, EP), pp. 918–928.
- SIGMOD-2003-CohenM
- Spectral Bloom Filters (SC, YM), pp. 241–252.
- CC-2002-OrenMS #online #profiling
- Online Subpath Profiling (DO, YM, SS), pp. 78–94.
- VLDB-2000-MatiasVW #maintenance
- Dynamic Maintenance of Wavelet-Based Histograms (YM, JSV, MW), pp. 101–110.
- PODS-1999-AlonGMS #self
- Tracking Join and Self-Join Sizes in Limited Storage (NA, PBG, YM, MS), pp. 10–20.
- SIGMOD-1998-GibbonsM #approximate #query #statistics #summary
- New Sampling-Based Summary Statistics for Improving Approximate Query Answers (PBG, YM), pp. 331–342.
- SIGMOD-1998-MatiasVW #estimation
- Wavelet-Based Histograms for Selectivity Estimation (YM, JSV, MW), pp. 448–459.
- VLDB-1997-GibbonsMP #approximate #incremental #maintenance #performance
- Fast Incremental Maintenance of Approximate Histograms (PBG, YM, VP), pp. 466–475.
- SIGMOD-1996-GangulyGMS #estimation
- Bifocal Sampling for Skew-Resistant Join Size Estimation (SG, PBG, YM, AS), pp. 271–281.
- STOC-1996-AlonMS #approximate #complexity
- The Space Complexity of Approximating the Frequency Moments (NA, YM, MS), pp. 20–29.
- VLDB-1996-FaloutsosMS #modelling #multi #using
- Modeling Skewed Distribution Using Multifractals and the “80-20” Law (CF, YM, AS), pp. 307–317.
- ICALP-1994-GilM #parallel #performance
- Simple Fast Parallel Hashing (JYG, YM), pp. 239–250.
- ICALP-1992-DietzfelbingerGMP #polynomial #reliability
- Polynomial Hash Functions Are Reliable (MD, JYG, YM, NP), pp. 235–246.
- STOC-1991-MatiasV #parallel #probability
- Converting High Probability into Nearly-Constant Time-with Applications to Parallel Hashing (YM, UV), pp. 307–316.
- ICALP-1990-MatiasV #integer #on the #parallel #sorting
- On Parallel Hashing and Integer Sorting (YM, UV), pp. 729–743.