Travelled to:
1 × Finland
1 × France
1 × Iceland
1 × Switzerland
1 × The Netherlands
2 × Denmark
2 × Latvia
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
H.Q.Ngo A.Rudra A.C.Gilbert M.J.Strauss Y.Li Y.Bachrach A.Rothschild Y.Matias M.Lewenstein A.Amir T.Kopelowitz R.Krauthgamer S.Solomon A.Andoni A.Goldberger A.McGregor C.Ré D.M.Kane J.Nelson D.P.Woodruff P.Indyk O.Lipsky E.Eisenberg A.Levy N.Shapira Y.Aumann R.Cole
Talks about:
optim (4) recoveri (3) spars (3) time (3) fingerprint (2) algorithm (2) correct (2) sketch (2) effici (2) applic (2)
Person: Ely Porat
DBLP: Porat:Ely
Contributed to:
Wrote 14 papers:
- ICALP-v1-2014-GilbertLPS
- For-All Sparse Recovery in Near-Optimal Time (ACG, YL, EP, MJS), pp. 538–550.
- ICALP-v2-2014-KopelowitzKPS #bound #graph #worst-case
- Orienting Fully Dynamic Graphs with Worst-Case Time Bounds (TK, RK, EP, SS), pp. 532–543.
- ICALP-v1-2013-GilbertNPRS
- ℓ2/ℓ2-Foreach Sparse Recovery with Low Risk (ACG, HQN, EP, AR, MJS), pp. 461–472.
- ICALP-v2-2013-BachrachP #big data #performance #pseudo #recommendation #sketching #using
- Sketching for Big Data Recommender Systems Using Fast Pseudo-random Fingerprints (YB, EP), pp. 459–471.
- STOC-2013-AndoniGMP #sketching
- Homomorphic fingerprints under misalignments: sketching edit and shift distances (AA, AG, AM, EP), pp. 931–940.
- PODS-2012-NgoPRR #algorithm #worst-case
- Worst-case optimal join algorithms: [extended abstract] (HQN, EP, CR, AR), pp. 37–48.
- ICALP-v1-2011-NgoPR #matrix
- Efficiently Decodable Error-Correcting List Disjunct Matrices and Applications — (HQN, EP, AR), pp. 557–568.
- STOC-2011-KaneNPW #data type #estimation #performance
- Fast moment estimation in data streams in optimal space (DMK, JN, EP, DPW), pp. 745–754.
- ICALP-v1-2010-AmirELPS #detection
- Cycle Detection and Correction (AA, EE, AL, EP, NS), pp. 43–54.
- STOC-2010-GilbertLPS #approximate #metric #optimisation
- Approximate sparse recovery: optimizing time and measurements (ACG, YL, EP, MJS), pp. 475–484.
- ICALP-A-2008-PoratR #adaptation #combinator #testing
- Explicit Non-adaptive Combinatorial Group Testing Schemes (EP, AR), pp. 748–759.
- ICALP-2004-IndykLLP #problem
- Closest Pair Problems in Very High Dimensions (PI, ML, OL, EP), pp. 782–792.
- ICALP-2003-AmirACLP #algorithm #bound
- Function Matching: Algorithms, Applications, and a Lower Bound (AA, YA, RC, ML, EP), pp. 929–942.
- ICALP-2003-MatiasP #performance #traversal
- Efficient Pebbling for List Traversal Synopses (YM, EP), pp. 918–928.