Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
F.Cheng H.Huang J.Jian T.Lin W.Wu M.Hung Y.Lin R.Lin
Talks about:
implement (2) metrolog (2) virtual (2) framework (1) algorithm (1) prognost (1) intellig (1) consider (1) various (1) generic (1)
Person: Yu-Chuan Su
DBLP: Su:Yu=Chuan
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CASE-2007-HuangSCJ #development #framework
- Development of a Generic Virtual Metrology Framework (HCH, YCS, FTC, JMJ), pp. 282–287.
- CASE-2007-SuLCW #algorithm #implementation
- Implementation Considerations of Various Virtual Metrology Algorithms (YCS, THL, FTC, WMW), pp. 276–281.
- CASE-2005-SuCHLL #design #implementation
- Design and implementation of an intelligent prognostics system (YCS, FTC, MHH, YCL, RCL), pp. 273–278.