Travelled to:
1 × Croatia
1 × France
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.Fischer K.Nakakoji Y.Yamamoto K.Kishida B.Reeves
Talks about:
understand (2) repositori (2) support (2) inform (2) reus (2) framework (1) programm (1) expertis (1) deliveri (1) technic (1)
Person: Yunwen Ye
DBLP: Ye:Yunwen
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- CAiSE-2008-YeNY #comprehension
- Understanding and Improving Collective Attention Economy for Expertise Sharing (YY, KN, YY), pp. 167–181.
- ESEC-FSE-2007-YeYN #framework
- A socio-technical framework for supporting programmers (YY, YY, KN), pp. 351–360.
- ICSE-2003-YeK #comprehension #developer #motivation #open source #towards
- Toward an Understanding of the Motivation of Open Source Software Developers (YY, KK), pp. 419–429.
- ICSE-2002-YeF #personalisation #reuse
- Supporting reuse by delivering task-relevant and personalized information (YY, GF), pp. 513–523.
- ASE-2001-YeF #component #repository #scalability
- Context-Aware Browsing of Large Component Repositories (YY, GF), pp. 99–106.
- FSE-2000-YeFR #repository #reuse
- Integrating active information delivery and reuse repository systems (YY, GF, BR), pp. 60–68.