Travelled to:
2 × France
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
Q.Deng X.He Z.He Q.Zhao H.Zeng M.Yuan J.Cui
Talks about:
schedul (3) softwar (2) integr (2) compon (2) optim (2) model (2) embed (2) time (2) reconfigur (1) preemption (1)
Person: Zonghua Gu
DBLP: Gu:Zonghua
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- DATE-2013-ZhaoGZ #named #scheduling
- PT-AMC: integrating preemption thresholds into mixed-criticality scheduling (QZ, ZG, HZ), pp. 141–146.
- DAC-2007-GuHY #distributed #embedded #model checking #optimisation
- Optimization of Static Task and Bus Access Schedules for Time-Triggered Distributed Embedded Systems with Model-Checking (ZG, XH, MY), pp. 294–299.
- DATE-2007-CuiDHG #2d #algorithm #configuration management #online #performance
- An efficient algorithm for online management of 2D area of partially reconfigurable FPGAs (JC, QD, XH, ZG), pp. 129–134.
- SEKE-2007-GuD #component #embedded #execution #integration #multi
- QoS-Optimized Integration of Embedded Software Components with Multiple Modes of Execution (ZG, QD), pp. 320–325.
- CBSE-2005-GuH #component #implementation #modelling #realtime #scheduling #synthesis
- Real-Time Scheduling Techniques for Implementation Synthesis from Component-Based Software Models (ZG, ZH), pp. 235–250.