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Tag #c#
25 papers:
PLDI-2017-SanthiarK #concurrent #detection #source code- Static deadlock detection for asynchronous C# programs (AS, AK), pp. 292–305.
MSR-2016-ProkschANM #dataset #syntax- A dataset of simplified syntax trees for C# (SP, SA, SN, MM), pp. 476–479.
ASE-2015-Okur #comprehension #concurrent #refactoring- Understanding, Refactoring, and Fixing Concurrency in C# (SO), pp. 898–901.
ICSME-2014-CachoBAPGCSCFG #behaviour #case study #exception #how #java- How Does Exception Handling Behavior Evolve? An Exploratory Study in Java and C# Applications (NC, EAB, JA, FP, AFG, TC, ES, AC, TF, IG), pp. 31–40.
ICSE-2014-CachoCFSCSGBG #empirical #evolution #maintenance #robust #source code- Trading robustness for maintainability: an empirical study of evolving c# programs (NC, TC, TF, ES, AC, RS, IG, EAB, AG), pp. 584–595.
ICSE-2014-OkurHDD #case study #programming #tool support- A study and toolkit for asynchronous programming in c# (SO, DLH, DD, AvD), pp. 1117–1127.
ECOOP-2012-BiermanRMMT #formal method #game studies- Pause’n’Play: Formalizing Asynchronous C# (GMB, CVR, GM, EM, MT), pp. 233–257.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-DerezinskaR #evaluation #object-oriented #quality #source code #standard- Quality Evaluation of Object-Oriented and Standard Mutation Operators Applied to C# Programs (AD, MR), pp. 42–57.
ICSM-2010-BrantRPP #delphi #maintenance- Extreme maintenance: Transforming Delphi into C# (JB, DR, BP, JP), pp. 1–8.
ECOOP-2010-BiermanMT - Adding Dynamic Types to C# (GMB, EM, MT), pp. 76–100.
WCRE-1999-GatrellCH99a #design pattern #replication #using- Design Patterns and Change Proneness: A Replication Using Proprietary C# Software (MG, SC, TH), pp. 160–164.
SIGAda-2009-Brosgol #dot-net #framework- An introduction to the C# language and .NET infrastructure (BB), pp. 3–4.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2008-BishopH #design pattern #on the #performance- On the Efficiency of Design Patterns Implemented in C# 3.0 (JB, RNH), pp. 356–371.
PPoPP-2008-GregorL #design #framework #implementation- Design and implementation of a high-performance MPI for C# and the common language infrastructure (DG, AL), pp. 133–142.
OOPSLA-2007-BiermanMT #formal method- Lost in translation: formalizing proposed extensions to c# (GMB, EM, MT), pp. 479–498.
FM-2006-HuynhR #memory management- A Memory Model Sensitive Checker for C# (TQH, AR), pp. 476–491.
ECOOP-2006-EmirKRY #constraints- Variance and Generalized Constraints for C# Generics (BE, AK, CVR, DY), pp. 279–303.
ITiCSE-2005-GellerS #dot-net- Traditional and more “exotic” .NET languages: VB .NET, J#, C# and SML .NET (VG, CS), p. 406.
SAC-2005-CazzolaCC - [a]C#: C# with a customizable code annotation mechanism (WC, AC, DC), pp. 1264–1268.
SAC-OOPS-J-2005-CazzolaCC - Freely Annotating C# (WC, AC, DC), pp. 31–48.
SIGITE-2004-McMahon #case study #dot-net #education #framework #how #learning #what- How can you teach what you don’t know?: a case study of learning and teaching microsoft .NET framework and C# (REM), p. 269.
SEFM-2004-LeinoS #exception #safety- Exception Safety for C# (KRML, WS), pp. 218–227.
ITiCSE-2002-AlmBEOS #exclamation #set- You’d better set down for this!: creating a set type for CS1 & CS2 in C# (JA, RB, SE, CDO, AS), pp. 14–18.
ITiCSE-2002-Reges #java #question- Can C# replace java in CS1 and CS2? (SR), pp. 4–8.
ECOOP-2002-BentonCF #abstraction #concurrent- Modern Concurrency Abstractions for C# (NB, LC, CF), pp. 415–440.