Tag #heatmap
9 papers:
ICPR-2018-RathoreBKRP #approximate #clustering #scalability- Approximate Cluster Heat Maps of Large High-Dimensional Data (PR, JCB, DK, SR, MP), pp. 195–200.
EDM-2016-LeeRBY #analysis #approach #clustering #interactive #learning #visualisation- Hierarchical Cluster Analysis Heatmaps and Pattern Analysis: An Approach for Visualizing Learning Management System Interaction Data (JEL, MR, AB, MY), pp. 603–604.
DAC-2015-YoonSMC #behaviour #detection #embedded #memory management #realtime #using- Memory heat map: anomaly detection in real-time embedded systems using memory behavior (MKY, LS, SM, JC), p. 6.
CIG-2014-BauckhageSDTH #behaviour #clustering #game studies #using- Beyond heatmaps: Spatio-temporal clustering using behavior-based partitioning of game levels (CB, RS, AD, CT, FH), pp. 1–8.
CHI-2013-MatejkaGF13a #named #visualisation- Patina: dynamic heatmaps for visualizing application usage (JM, TG, GWF), pp. 3227–3236.
VISSOFT-2013-BenomarSP #visualisation- Visualizing software dynamicities with heat maps (OB, HAS, PP), pp. 1–10.
CAiSE-2012-KaragiannisMM #approach #evaluation #metamodelling- Compliance Evaluation Featuring Heat Maps (CE-HM): A Meta-Modeling-Based Approach (DK, CM, AM), pp. 414–428.
ICPC-2009-RothlisbergerNDPR #configuration management #ide #navigation- Supporting task-oriented navigation in IDEs with configurable HeatMaps (DR, ON, SD, DP, RR), pp. 253–257.
HCI-NT-2009-Bojko - Informative or Misleading? Heatmaps Deconstructed (AB), pp. 30–39.