Tag #staging
26 papers:
CASE-2019-XuLXKCCDKITC - Mosquito Staging Apparatus for Producing PfSPZ Malaria Vaccines (MX, SL, YX, CK, BKC, JSC, JDD, JSK, II, RHT, GSC), pp. 443–449.
GPCE-2017-Courtes - Code staging in GNU Guix (LC), pp. 41–48.
GPCE-2017-OfenbeckRP #programming- Staging for generic programming in space and time (GO, TR, MP), pp. 15–28.
GPCE-2017-OishiK #multi #programming #type safety- Staging with control: type-safe multi-stage programming with control operators (JO, YK), pp. 29–40.
PEPM-2016-InoueKK #challenge- Staging beyond terms: prospects and challenges (JI0, OK, YK), pp. 103–108.
PEPM-2016-Yallop #programming- Staging generic programming (JY), pp. 85–96.
GPCE-2016-Rompf #composition #exclamation #lightweight- Lightweight modular staging (LMS): generate all the things! (TR), p. 1.
ECOOP-2014-ScherrC - Implicit Staging of EDSL Expressions: A Bridge between Shallow and Deep Embedding (MS, SC), pp. 385–410.
GPCE-2014-DanilewskiKLMS - Specialization through dynamic staging (PD, MK, RL, RM, PS), pp. 103–112.
PDP-2014-ChervenakSGSH #adaptation #performance #resource management #using- Efficient Data Staging Using Performance-Based Adaptation and Policy-Based Resource Allocation (ALC, AS, JG, RS, NH), pp. 244–247.
POPL-2013-RompfSABJLJOO #compilation #data type #optimisation #source code- Optimizing data structures in high-level programs: new directions for extensible compilers based on staging (TR, AKS, NA, KJB, VJ, HL, MJ, KO, MO), pp. 497–510.
GPCE-2010-RompfO #approach #code generation #composition #domain-specific language #lightweight #runtime- Lightweight modular staging: a pragmatic approach to runtime code generation and compiled DSLs (TR, MO), pp. 127–136.
SEKE-2009-EzenwoyeVSFDK #adaptation #composition #distributed #workflow- Task Decomposition for Adaptive Data Staging in Workflows for Distributed Environments (OE, BV, SMS, LF, GD, SK), pp. 16–19.
PEPM-2009-KameyamaKS - Shifting the stage: staging with delimited control (YK, OK, CcS), pp. 111–120.
HPDC-2009-AbbasiWEKSZ #named #scalability- DataStager: scalable data staging services for petascale applications (HA, MW, GE, SK, KS, FZ), pp. 39–48.
CHI-2006-BenfordCRSDFD #case study #design #experience #risk management- Designing for the opportunities and risks of staging digital experiences in public settings (SB, AC, SR, JGS, AJD, MF, AD), pp. 427–436.
PEPM-2006-SwadiTKP #approach #monad- A monadic approach for avoiding code duplication when staging memoized functions (KNS, WT, OK, EP), pp. 160–169.
GPCE-2006-KaminAK #analysis #generative- Staging static analyses for program generation (SK, BA, MK), pp. 1–10.
LOPSTR-2003-MurakamiHKT #algorithm #analysis #performance- An Efficient Staging Algorithm for Binding-Time Analysis (TM, ZH, KK, MT), pp. 106–107.
VLDB-2001-AksoyZF #on-demand- Data Staging for On-Demand Broadcast (DA, MJF, SBZ), pp. 571–580.
ALP-PLILP-1998-HatcliffDL #analysis #using- Staging Static Analyses Using Abstraction-Based Program Specialization (JH, MBD, SL), pp. 134–151.
VLDB-1995-Wang #implementation #parallel #query- DB2 Query Parallelism: Staging and Implementation (YW), pp. 686–691.
CSEE-1995-TalbertG #quality- Managing Quality in Course Staging — A Working Paper (ST, EG), p. 437.
POPL-1994-Muller #calculus #verification- A Staging Calculus and its Application to the Verification of Translators (RM), pp. 389–396.
PEPM-1991-Hannan #automaton- Staging Transformations for Abstract Machines (JH), pp. 130–141.
POPL-1986-JorringS #compilation- Compilers and Staging Transformations (UJ, WLS), pp. 86–96.