28 papers:
AdaEurope-2015-MkaouarZHJ #specification- From AADL Model to LNT Specification (HM, BZ, JH, MJ), pp. 146–161.
QoSA-2014-JohnsenLPH #dependence #graph #modelling #slicing #verification- Regression verification of AADL models through slicing of system dependence graphs (AJ, KL, PP, KH), pp. 103–112.
FM-2014-BaeOM #analysis #multi #semantics- Definition, Semantics, and Analysis of Multirate Synchronous AADL (KB, PCÖ, JM), pp. 94–109.
HILT-2014-AhmadLBZD #behaviour #cyber-physical #hybrid #interactive #modelling- Hybrid annex: an AADL extension for continuous behavior and cyber-physical interaction modeling (EA, BRL, SCB, NZ, YD), pp. 29–38.
HILT-2014-Feiler #modelling- AADL and model-based engineering (PHF), pp. 17–18.
HILT-2014-HuguesG #ada #modelling- Leveraging Ada 2012 and SPARK 2014 for assessing generated code from AADL models (JH, CG), pp. 39–46.
DATE-2013-MaYGGTBH #analysis #architecture #towards #validation- Toward polychronous analysis and validation for timed software architectures in AADL (YM, HY, TG, PLG, JPT, LB, MH), pp. 1173–1178.
HILT-2013-LarsonHFD #fault #modelling #safety #using- Illustrating the AADL error modeling annex (v.2) using a simple safety-critical medical device (BRL, JH, KF, JD), pp. 65–84.
FASE-2012-BaeOMA #maude- The SynchAADL2Maude Tool (KB, PCÖ, JM, AAN), pp. 59–62.
ECSA-2011-JohnsenPL #architecture #specification #verification- An Architecture-Based Verification Technique for AADL Specifications (AJ, PP, KL), pp. 105–113.
AdaEurope-2011-JohnsenL- Developing Dependable Software-Intensive Systems: AADL vs. EAST-ADL (AJ, KL), pp. 103–117.
SIGAda-2011-GaudelSPRDL #ada #analysis #design pattern #pattern matching #pattern recognition #performance #recognition- An Ada design pattern recognition tool for AADL performance analysis (VG, FS, AP, SR, PD, JL), pp. 61–68.
ECMFA-2011-BehjatiYNBS #architecture #concept #modelling- Extending SysML with AADL Concepts for Comprehensive System Architecture Modeling (RB, TY, SN, LCB, BS), pp. 236–252.
MoDELS-v1-2010-Shiraishi #approach #modelling #variability- An AADL-Based Approach to Variability Modeling of Automotive Control Systems (SS), pp. 346–360.
CAV-2010-BozzanoCKNNRW #model checking- A Model Checker for AADL (MB, AC, JPK, VYN, TN, MR, RW), pp. 562–565.
QoSA-2009-BjornanderGL #architecture #simulation #specification #state machine- Timed Simulation of Extended AADL-Based Architecture Specifications with Timed Abstract State Machines (SB, LG, KL), pp. 101–115.
DATE-2009-CasteresR #architecture #integration #modelling #realtime #trade-off- Aircraft integration real-time simulator modeling with AADL for architecture tradeoffs (JC, TR), pp. 346–351.
DATE-2009-YangHMP #behaviour #semantics #towards- Towards a formal semantics for the AADL behavior annex (ZY, KH, DM, LP), pp. 1166–1171.
AdaEurope-2009-BerthomieuBCDFV #specification #verification- Formal Verification of AADL Specifications in the Topcased Environment (BB, JPB, CC, SDZ, MF, FV), pp. 207–221.
AdaEurope-2009-LasnierZPH #analysis #automation #code generation #modelling- Ocarina : An Environment for AADL Models Analysis and Automatic Code Generation for High Integrity Applications (GL, BZ, LP, JH), pp. 237–250.
AdaEurope-2009-PiBF #communication #modelling- Modeling AADL Data Communication with BIP (LP, JPB, MF), pp. 192–206.
AdaEurope-2009-SokolskyLC #algebra #modelling- Process-Algebraic Interpretation of AADL Models (OS, IL, DC), pp. 222–236.
SIGAda-2009-DelangePPKSK #simulation #using #validation- Validate, simulate, and implement ARINC653 systems using the AADL (JD, LP, AP, MK, FS, FK), pp. 31–44.
SIGAda-2009-Gluch #analysis #embedded #modelling- Embedded systems engineering with the AADL: modeling & analysis (DPG), pp. 7–8.
ESEC-FSE-2009-BozzanoCRKNN #evaluation #modelling #performance #verification- Verification and performance evaluation of aadl models (MB, AC, MR, JPK, VYN, TN), pp. 285–286.
SIGAda-2007-SinghoffP #analysis #modelling- AADL modeling and analysis of hierarchical schedulers (FS, AP), pp. 41–50.
AdaEurope-2005-VergnaudPK #component #distributed #middleware #using- Using the AADL to Describe Distributed Applications from Middleware to Software Components (TV, LP, FK), pp. 67–78.
SIGAda-2005-SinghoffLNM #analysis #memory management #requirements #scheduling- Scheduling and memory requirements analysis with AADL (FS, JL, LN, LM), pp. 1–10.