20 papers:
ICALP-v1-2015-ThapperZ- Sherali-Adams Relaxations for Valued CSPs (JT, SZ), pp. 1058–1069.
CAV-2015-FinkbeinerGO #distributed #named #synthesis- Adam: Causality-Based Synthesis of Distributed Systems (BF, MG, ERO), pp. 433–439.
SIGIR-2014-GiangrecoKS #database #information retrieval #multi #named #query #scalability- ADAM: a system for jointly providing ir and database queries in large-scale multimedia retrieval (IG, IAK, HS), pp. 1257–1258.
OSDI-2014-ChilimbiSAK #learning #performance #scalability- Project Adam: Building an Efficient and Scalable Deep Learning Training System (TMC, YS, JA, KK), pp. 571–582.
ICALP-v1-2013-CheriyanGGS #on the #symmetry- On Integrality Ratios for Asymmetric TSP in the Sherali-Adams Hierarchy (JC, ZG, KG, SS), pp. 340–351.
CASE-2012-LeeHJKL #matlab #simulation #using- Dynamic simulation of radial active magnetic bearing system for high speed rotor using ADAMS and MATLAB co-simulation (KCL, DKH, YHJ, CYK, MCL), pp. 880–885.
STOC-2009-CharikarMM- Integrality gaps for Sherali-Adams relaxations (MC, KM, YM), pp. 283–292.
STOC-2009-MathieuS- Sherali-adams relaxations of the matching polytope (CM, AS), pp. 293–302.
DAC-2008-FaruqueKH #communication #distributed #named #runtime- ADAM: run-time agent-based distributed application mapping for on-chip communication (MAAF, RK, JH), pp. 760–765.
ICSE-2008-LuciaOT #semantics #traceability- Adams re-trace: traceability link recovery via latent semantic indexing (ADL, RO, GT), pp. 839–842.
STOC-2007-Dantchev #complexity #proving #rank- Rank complexity gap for Lovász-Schrijver and Sherali-Adams proof systems (SSD), pp. 311–317.
CSMR-2006-LuciaFOT #named- ADAMS: ADvanced Artefact Management System (ADL, FF, RO, GT), pp. 349–350.
CSMR-2005-LuciaFOT #traceability- ADAMS Re-Trace: A Traceability Recovery Tool (ADL, FF, RO, GT), pp. 32–41.
SEKE-2004-LuciaFFT #named #process- ADAMS: an Artefact-based Process Support System (ADL, FF, RF, GT), pp. 31–36.
TRI-Ada-1996-NeedhamDGPZME #ada #design #eiffel #independence #inheritance #modelling #named #object-oriented- ADAM: A Language-Independent, Object-Oriented, Design Environment for Modeling Inheritance and Relationship Variants in Ada 95, C++, and Eiffel (DMN, SAD, KEG, TJP, PZ, MM, HJCE), pp. 99–113.
AdaEurope-1993-ThyseliusSS #ada #simulation #tool support- Adam, an Ada Simulation Toolkit (RT, MS, BS), pp. 298–313.
SAC-1993-Meo-EvoliNPR #named #object-oriented- ADAMS: An Object-Oriented System for Epidemiological Data Manipulation (LME, EN, DMP, FLR), pp. 652–659.
DAC-1989-JainKMP #experience #synthesis- Experience with ADAM Synthesis System (RJ, KK, MJM, ACP), pp. 56–61.
DAC-1986-KnappP #design- A design utility manager: the ADAM planning engine (DK, ACP), pp. 48–54.
DAC-1985-GranackiKP #automation #bibliography #design #interface #natural language- The ADAM advanced design automation system: overview, planner and natural language interface (JJG, DK, ACP), pp. 727–730.