32 papers:
ASE-2014-MaezawaNWH #ajax #using #validation- Validating ajax applications using a delay-based mutation technique (YM, KN, HW, SH), pp. 491–502.
ASE-2013-MaezawaWTH #ajax #automation #interactive #invariant #verification- Automated verification of pattern-based interaction invariants in Ajax applications (YM, HW, YT, SH), pp. 158–168.
CSMR-2013-NegaraTS #detection #web- Feature Detection in Ajax-Enabled Web Applications (NN, NT, ES), pp. 154–163.
HCI-IMT-2013-SakairiTKG #editing #multi #using #visual notation- Multi-layer Control and Graphical Feature Editing Using Server-Side Rendering on Ajax-GIS (TS, TT, KK, YG), pp. 722–729.
WCRE-2011-YingM #refactoring- Refactoring Traditional Forms into Ajax-enabled Forms (MY, JM), pp. 367–371.
ICSE-2011-MatthijssenZ #ajax #comprehension #detection #interactive #named- FireDetective: understanding ajax client/server interactions (NM, AZ), pp. 998–1000.
ASE-2010-LiHG #ajax #behaviour #detection #interactive #web- Detecting user-visible failures in AJAX web applications by analyzing users’ interaction behaviors (WL, MJH, CG), pp. 155–158.
SIGMOD-2010-FuKOPZ #incremental- Ajax-based report pages as incrementally rendered views (YF, KK, KWO, YP, KKZ), pp. 567–578.
CSMR-2010-MarchettoTR #ajax #approximate #modelling- Under and Over Approximation of State Models Recovered for Ajax Applications (AM, PT, FR), pp. 236–239.
ICPC-2010-AmalfitanoFPT #ajax #comprehension #named #web- DynaRIA: A Tool for Ajax Web Application Comprehension (DA, ARF, AP, PT), pp. 46–47.
ICPC-2010-MatthijssenZSBD #ajax #comprehension #interactive- Connecting Traces: Understanding Client-Server Interactions in Ajax Applications (NM, AZ, MADS, RIB, AvD), pp. 216–225.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-FortunaBB #ajax #flexibility #framework #interface- A Framework for Flexibility at the Interface — Joining Ajax Technology and Semiotics (FJF, RB, MCCB), pp. 30–37.
ICEIS-J-2010-FortunaBB10a #ajax #flexibility #framework #user interface- A Framework Based on Ajax and Semiotics to Build Flexible User Interfaces (FJF, RB, MCCB), pp. 526–540.
ICST-2010-RoestMD #ajax #testing- Regression Testing Ajax Applications: Coping with Dynamism (DR, AM, AvD), pp. 127–136.
HIMI-II-2009-KasemvilasF #ajax #usability- Effects of AJAX Technology on the Usability of Blogs (SK, DF), pp. 45–54.
ICEIS-SAIC-2009-BalzanoSL #ajax #collaboration #realtime #web- A Scheme of Strategies for Real-time Web Collaboration based on AJAX/Comet Techniques for Live RIA (WB, MRDS, LDL), pp. 35–40.
KMIS-2009-BusanelliBG #ajax #online #ontology- An AJAX Application to Improve Online Ontology Browsing — Ontology Explorer (MB, MB, NG), pp. 83–88.
OOPSLA-2009-MeyerovichGBCGBK #ajax #named #programming language- Flapjax: a programming language for Ajax applications (LAM, AG, JPB, GHC, MG, AB, SK), pp. 1–20.
ICSE-2009-MesbahD #ajax #automation #invariant #testing #user interface- Invariant-based automatic testing of AJAX user interfaces (AM, AvD), pp. 210–220.
VLDB-2008-DudaFKZ #crawling #named #web- AJAXSearch: crawling, indexing and searching web 2.0 applications (CD, GF, DK, CZ), pp. 1440–1443.
SCAM-2008-ChuD #ajax #automation #migration #web- Automated Migration of List Based JSP Web Pages to AJAX (JC, TRD), pp. 217–226.
PPDP-2008-PlasmeijerJKA #ajax #declarative #evaluation #using #workflow- Declarative Ajax and client side evaluation of workflows using iTasks (RP, JMJ, PWMK, PA), pp. 56–66.
ICST-2008-MarchettoTR #ajax #testing #web- State-Based Testing of Ajax Web Applications (AM, PT, FR), pp. 121–130.
WICSA-2007-MesbahD #ajax #architecture- An Architectural Style for Ajax (AM, AvD), p. 9.
ITiCSE-2007-DraganovaV #ajax #education- Teaching AJAX in web-centric courses (CD, VV), p. 311.
CSMR-2007-MesbahD #ajax #interface #migration #multi #web- Migrating Multi-page Web Applications to Single-page AJAX Interfaces (AM, AvD), pp. 181–190.
WCRE-2007-SamirSK #ajax #migration #named #web- Swing2Script: Migration of Java-Swing Applications to Ajax Web Applications (HS, ES, AK), pp. 179–188.
CHI-2007-AttererS #ajax #interactive #testing #usability- Tracking the interaction of users with ajax applications for usability testing (RA, AS), pp. 1347–1350.
SOSP-2007-KicimanL #behaviour #framework #monitoring #named #web- AjaxScope: a platform for remotely monitoring the client-side behavior of web 2.0 applications (EK, VBL), pp. 17–30.
ASE-2006-HanakawaI #ajax #web- A new web browser including a transferable function to Ajax codes (NH, NI), pp. 351–352.
GTTSE-2005-Galhardas #ajax #framework #using- Data Cleaning and Transformation Using the AJAX Framework (HG), pp. 327–343.
SIGMOD-2000-Galhardas #ajax #named- AJAX: An Extensible Data Cleaning Tool (HG, DF, DS, ES), p. 590.