7 papers:
CHI-2015-KnavingWFB #comprehension #design #motivation- Flow is Not Enough: Understanding the Needs of Advanced Amateur Runners to Design Motivation Technology (KK, PW, MF, SB), pp. 2013–2022.
CHI-2014-HoareBJM #online- Coming in from the margins: amateur musicians in the online age (MH, SB, RJ, NMF), pp. 1295–1304.
CHI-2013-PaceTGPBB- A tribute to Mad skill: expert amateur visuality and world of Warcraft Machinima (TP, AT, SG, TP, JB, SB), pp. 2019–2028.
ASPLOS-2013-Paulos #evolution- The rise of the expert amateur: DIY culture and the evolution of computer science (EP), pp. 153–154.
CSCW-2012-EngstromPJ #video- Amateur vision and recreational orientation: : creating live video together (AE, MJP, OJ), pp. 651–660.
ITiCSE-2007-Skoric- Summer schools on the amateur radio computing (MS), p. 346.
SIGMOD-1986-BancilhonR #query #recursion- An Amateur’s Introduction to Recursive Query Processing Strategies (FB, RR), pp. 16–52.