Stem arbitrarili$ (all stems)
18 papers:
ICPR-2012-ZhangL #detection #using- Arbitrarily oriented text detection using geodesic distances between corners and skeletons (YZ, JL), pp. 1896–1899.
ICDAR-2011-RahnemoonfarA #documentation #image #using- Restoration of Arbitrarily Warped Historical Document Images Using Flow Lines (MR, AA), pp. 905–909.
AFL-J-2008-Blanchet-SadriOR10 #theorem #word- Fine and Wilf’s Theorem for Partial Words with Arbitrarily Many Weak Periods (FBS, TO, TDR), pp. 705–722.
DATE-2009-NegreanSE #analysis #multi- Response-time analysis of arbitrarily activated tasks in multiprocessor systems with shared resources (MN, SS, RE), pp. 524–529.
ICDAR-2007-GatosPN #documentation #image #segmentation- Segmentation Based Recovery of Arbitrarily Warped Document Images (BG, IP, KN), pp. 989–993.
DATE-2005-KavvadiasN #embedded #hardware- Hardware Support for Arbitrarily Complex Loop Structures in Embedded Applications (NK, SN), pp. 1060–1061.
KDD-2005-JagannathanW #clustering #distributed #privacy- Privacy-preserving distributed k-means clustering over arbitrarily partitioned data (GJ, RNW), pp. 593–599.
SAC-2005-WojnickiL #query- Jelly view: a technology for arbitrarily advanced queries within RDBMS (IW, AL), pp. 629–633.
ICPR-v2-2004-LiZYH #image #performance #robust #segmentation #sequence- FFT Snake: A Robust and Efficient Method for the Segmentation of Arbitrarily Shaped Objects in Image Sequences (TL, YZ, DY, DH), pp. 116–119.
ICPR-v3-2004-BenoitF #kernel- Steerable Kernels for Arbitrarily-Sampled Spaces (SB, FPF), pp. 578–581.
KDD-2002-HultenD #constant #database #mining #modelling #scalability- Mining complex models from arbitrarily large databases in constant time (GH, PMD), pp. 525–531.
PPoPP-2001-LimLL #array #clustering #using- Blocking and array contraction across arbitrarily nested loops using affine partitioning (AWL, SWL, MSL), pp. 103–112.
ICDAR-v2-1995-Randriamasy #benchmark #image #metric- A set-based benchmarking method for address bloc location on arbitrarily complex grey level images (SR), pp. 619–622.
DAC-1993-Lee #2d #algorithm #bound #design- A Bounded 2D Contour Searching Algorithm for Floorplan Design with Arbitrarily Shaped Rectilinear and Soft Modules (TcL), pp. 525–530.
DAC-1985-ShaD #algorithm- An analytical algorithm for placement of arbitrarily sized rectangular blocks (LS, RWD), pp. 602–608.
DAC-1982-OdawaraIK- Arbitrarily-sized module location technique in the lop system (GO, KI, TK), pp. 718–726.
DAC-1981-HorngL #automation #interactive #layout- An automatic/interactive layout planning system for arbitrarily-sized rectangular building blocks (CSH, ML), pp. 293–300.
DAC-1979-PreasC #algorithm- Placement algorithms for arbitrarily shaped blocks (BP, WMvC), pp. 474–480.