27 papers:
DATE-2014-ErbSSB #fault #performance #smt- Efficient SMT-based ATPG for interconnect open defects (DE, KS, MS, BB), pp. 1–6.
DAC-2013-LiaoHL #detection #fault- GPU-based n-detect transition fault ATPG (KYL, SCH, JCML), p. 8.
DAC-2006-NelsonBDB #detection #multi #physics- Multiple-detect ATPG based on physical neighborhoods (JEN, JGB, RD, RD(B), pp. 1099–1102.
DAC-2003-LuWCMH #case study #correlation #industrial- A signal correlation guided ATPG solver and its applications for solving difficult industrial cases (FL, LCW, KTC, JM, ZH), pp. 436–441.
DATE-2003-IchiharaI #fault #generative #testing- Test Generation for Acyclic Sequential Circuits with Single Stuck-at Fault Combinational ATPG (HI, TI), pp. 11180–11181.
DATE-2003-ShengH #novel #performance #using- Efficient Preimage Computation Using A Novel Success-Driven ATPG (SS, MSH), pp. 10822–10827.
DAC-2002-AbramoviciYR #low cost- Low-cost sequential ATPG with clock-control DFT (MA, XY, EMR), pp. 243–248.
DAC-2002-ShengTH #effectiveness #safety #using- Effective safety property checking using simulation-based sequential ATPG (SS, KT, MSH), pp. 813–818.
DAC-2002-ZengAA #identification #using- False timing path identification using ATPG techniques and delay-based information (JZ, MSA, JAA), pp. 562–565.
DATE-2002-LeeCDGM #algorithm #detection #fault #multi #testing- A New ATPG Algorithm to Limit Test Set Size and Achieve Multiple Detections of All Faults (SL, BC, JD, MRG, MRM), pp. 94–99.
DATE-2001-GianiSHA #performance- Efficient spectral techniques for sequential ATPG (AG, SS, MSH, VDA), pp. 204–208.
DAC-2000-HuangC #composition #constraints- Assertion checking by combined word-level ATPG and modular arithmetic constraint-solving techniques (CYH, KTC), pp. 118–123.
DAC-1999-GanaiAK #simulation- Enhancing Simulation with BDDs and ATPG (MKG, AA, AK), pp. 385–390.
DAC-1999-PrasadCK #question #why- Why is ATPG Easy? (MRP, PC, KK), pp. 22–28.
DATE-1999-MillanEECC #logic #optimisation- Integrating Symbolic Techniques in ATPG-Based Sequential Logic Optimization (ESM, LE, JAE, SC, FC), pp. 516–520.
DATE-1999-TragoudasM #fault #functional #tool support- ATPG Tools for Delay Faults at the Functional Level (ST, MKM), p. 631–?.
CAV-1999-BoppanaRTF #model checking- Model Checking Based on Sequential ATPG (VB, SPR, KT, MF), pp. 418–430.
DAC-1998-El-MalehKR #learning #performance- A Fast Sequential Learning Technique for Real Circuits with Application to Enhancing ATPG Performance (AHEM, MK, JR), pp. 625–631.
DAC-1997-WangG #testing- ATPG for Heat Dissipation Minimization During Scan Testing (SW, SKG), pp. 614–619.
EDTC-1997-DargelasGB #multi #named- MOSAIC: a multiple-strategy oriented sequential ATPG for integrated circuits (AD, CG, YB), pp. 29–36.
DAC-1996-FerrandiFMPS #automaton #network #optimisation- Symbolic Optimization of FSM Networks Based on Sequential ATPG Techniques (FF, FF, EM, MP, DS), pp. 467–470.
DAC-1993-GanapathyA #pseudo- Selective Pseudo Scan: Combinational ATPG with Reduced Scan in a Full Custom RISC Microprocessor (GG, JAA), pp. 550–555.
DAC-1992-ChengM #algorithm #on the #problem- On the Over-Specification Problem in Sequential ATPG Algorithms (KTC, HKTM), pp. 16–21.
DAC-1991-ChandraFGP #novel- ATPG Based on a Novel Grid-Addressable Latch Element (SJC, TF, TG, KP), pp. 282–286.
CAV-1990-CamuratiGPR #model checking- The Use of Model Checking in ATPG for Sequential Circuits (PC, MG, PP, MSR), pp. 86–95.
DAC-1987-KirklandM #algorithm- A Topological Search Algorithm for ATPG (TEK, MRM), pp. 502–508.
DAC-1980-Mourad- An optimized ATPG (SM), pp. 381–385.