11 papers:
SIGMOD-2015-ShinJSK #approach #graph #named #random #scalability- BEAR: Block Elimination Approach for Random Walk with Restart on Large Graphs (KS, JJ, LS, UK), pp. 1571–1585.
CHI-2014-Hudson #3d #interactive- Printing teddy bears: a technique for 3D printing of soft interactive objects (SEH), pp. 459–468.
ECIR-2014-LiuYF #interactive #named #query- EntEXPO: An Interactive Search System for Entity-Bearing Queries (XL, PY, HF), pp. 784–788.
CASE-2012-LeeHJKL #matlab #simulation #using- Dynamic simulation of radial active magnetic bearing system for high speed rotor using ADAMS and MATLAB co-simulation (KCL, DKH, YHJ, CYK, MCL), pp. 880–885.
CASE-2011-ParkCH #design #hybrid- Design and control for hybrid magnetic thrust bearing for turbo refrigerant compressor (CHP, SKC, SYH), pp. 792–797.
VLDB-2010-OrairTWMP #detection- Distance-Based Outlier Detection: Consolidation and Renewed Bearing (GHO, CHCT, YW, WMJ, SP), pp. 1469–1480.
HCI-IPT-2007-SchwaigerTU #framework #implementation #named- Cyberwalk: Implementation of a Ball Bearing Platform for Humans (MCS, TT, HU), pp. 926–935.
CIKM-2007-WuHK #mining #web- Mining redundancy in candidate-bearing snippets to improve web question answering (YW, XH, HK), pp. 999–1002.
ICPR-v4-2000-DergancP- A Machine Vision System for Inspecting Bearings (JD, FP), pp. 4752–4755.
HCI-SEC-1997-HolstCG #analysis #constraints #interface- Transporting Honey Bears: A Cognitive Analysis of the Effects of Interface Manipulation Style on a Constraint-Based Planning Task (SJH, EFC, DJG), pp. 169–172.
SIGIR-1995-BooksteinKR #clustering #detection #word- Detecting Content-Bearing Words by Serial Clustering (AB, STK, TR), pp. 319–327.