32 papers:
DATE-2013-PontarelliOEW #detection #fault #using- Error detection in ternary CAMs using bloom filters (SP, MO, AE, SJW), pp. 1474–1479.
HPDC-2013-CostaDOR #3d #clustering #named #network #stack- CamCubeOS: a key-based network stack for 3D torus cluster topologies (PC, AD, GO, AITR), pp. 73–84.
CHI-2012-NorrisSQ #collaboration #named- CamBlend: an object focused collaboration tool (JN, HS, GQ), pp. 627–636.
CSCW-2012-FollmerBRSI #interactive #people #using- People in books: using a FlashCam to become part of an interactive book for connected reading (SF, RB, HR, MS, HI), pp. 685–694.
HPDC-2012-LiSBKS #in the cloud #named #pipes and filters- CAM: a topology aware minimum cost flow based resource manager for MapReduce applications in the cloud (ML, DS, ARB, AK, PS), pp. 211–222.
CASE-2011-Incerti #behaviour- Dynamic behaviour of elastic cam devices driven by servomotors with PID velocity control (GI), pp. 268–273.
ICDAR-2011-YinHSN #detection #documentation #robust- Robust Vanishing Point Detection for MobileCam-Based Documents (XCY, HWH, JS, SN), pp. 136–140.
RecSys-2011-SaidBLH #challenge #recommendation- Challenge on context-aware movie recommendation: CAMRa2011 (AS, SB, EWDL, JH), pp. 385–386.
FM-2009-KohlhaseLSS #process- Formal Management of CAD/CAM Processes (MK, JL, LS, ES), pp. 223–238.
DATE-2007-ChangLR #performance #using- Improve CAM power efficiency using decoupled match line scheme (YJC, YHL, SJR), pp. 165–170.
DAC-2006-AziziN #product line- A family of cells to reduce the soft-error-rate in ternary-CAM (NA, FNN), pp. 779–784.
GPCE-2005-PintoJF #adaptation- Developing Dynamic and Adaptable Applications with CAM/DAOP: A Virtual Office Application (MP, DJ, LF), pp. 438–441.
SIGMOD-2004-GargRC #monitoring #named #query #web- Web-CAM: Monitoring the dynamic Web to respond to Continual Queries (SG, KR, SC), pp. 927–928.
HCI-CCAD-1999-BussMR #3d #chat #communication #distributed- Advantages and disadvantages of a 3D virtual environment for supporting informal communication in distributed workgroups compared with a text-chat and a chat/cam system (RB, LM, DR), pp. 512–516.
CSCW-1996-KuzuokaINN #collaboration #communication #named #video- GestureCam: A Video Communication System to Support Spatial Workspace Collaboration (Video Program) (HK, GI, YN, YN), p. 9.
ICPR-1996-NakanishiO #algorithm #evaluation #performance #realtime- A real-time CAM-based Hough transform algorithm and its performance evaluation (MN, TO), pp. 516–521.
CSCW-1994-KuzuokaKT #collaboration #communication #named #video- GestureCam: A Video Communication System for Sympathetic Remote Collaboration (HK, TK, MT), pp. 35–43.
DAC-1988-Yang #database- An Enhanced Data Model for CAD/CAM Database Systems (YKY), pp. 263–268.
SIGMOD-1987-Hardwick #database #design #optimisation #performance #why- Why Rose is Fast: Five Optimizations in the Design of an Experimental Database System for CAD/CAM Applications (MH), pp. 292–298.
DAC-1985-Kalay #approach #database #integration- A database management approach to CAD/CAM systems integration (YEK), pp. 111–116.
DAC-1985-Strojwas- CMU-CAM system (AJS), pp. 319–325.
DAC-1985-Tucker #evolution #tutorial- Electronic CAD/CAM-is it revolution or evolution (tutorial session) (BWT), pp. 830–834.
VLDB-1984-RosenthalHM #knowledge-based #query- An Example of Knowledge-Based Query Processing in a CAD/CAM DBMS (AR, SH, FM), pp. 363–370.
DAC-1983-LeeF #database #integration #modelling- Integration of solid modeling and data base management for CAD/CAM (YCL, KSF), pp. 367–373.
DAC-1983-Simon #named- CAD/CAM — the foundation for Computer Integrated Manufacturing (RLS), pp. 686–700.
DAC-1982-ArbabLM #towards- Toward CAM-oriented CAD (FA, LL, MAM), pp. 239–245.
DAC-1982-GingerichCCL #hybrid- A hybrid CAD/CAM system for mechanical applications (JZG, MPC, EJC, PKL), pp. 643–649.
DAC-1981-McNallD #approach- A structured approach to selecting a CAD/CAM system (RIMJ, RJD), p. 702.
DAC-1981-PeledC #design- The “gap” between users and designers of CAD/CAM systems: Search for solutions (JP, MPC), pp. 703–705.
DAC-1978-Olson #automation #experience- “A user’s experience in Computer Aided Manufacturing” or “CAM” at GTE — Automatic Electric (HTO), pp. 23–25.
DAC-1977-Srch #development- PIRAMED project an integrated CAD/CAM system development (RWS), pp. 437–444.
DAC-1973-TaylorC #automation #design- The CAMS preliminary missile design automation program (RJT, ERC), pp. 233–239.