6 papers:
SAC-2013-BrandaoFMPC #framework #pervasive- The CAS project: a general infrastructure for pervasive capture and access systems (RB, PF, AM, FP, RC), pp. 975–980.
CIKM-2010-ZhangGGZS #named #similarity- CasJoin: a cascade chain for text similarity joins (XZ, ZG, HG, HZ, ZS), pp. 1725–1728.
CHI-2009-BuntTL #research- Friend or foe?: examining CAS use in mathematics research (AB, MAT, EL), pp. 229–238.
DATE-2000-BenabdenebiMM #configuration management #named #scalability- CAS-BUS: A Scalable and Reconfigurable Test Access Mechanism for Systems on a Chip (MB, WM, MM), pp. 141–145.
FM-v2-1999-DunstanKML #formal method- Formal Methods for Extensions to CAS (MD, TK, UM, SL), pp. 1758–1777.
DAC-1974-Summers #design #documentation- A Computer Aided System (CAS) for the design, manufacture, test, and documentation of digital Printed Circuit Boards (RJS), pp. 273–278.