12 papers:
CHI-2015-GlassmanKMM #named #online #student- Mudslide: A Spatially Anchored Census of Student Confusion for Online Lecture Videos (ELG, JK, AMH, MRM), pp. 1555–1564.
HIMI-IKD-2015-GareauKW #documentation #effectiveness #question #visualisation #what- An Exploration of the Effectiveness of Infographics in Contrast to Text Documents for Visualizing Census Data: What Works? (MG, RK, LW), pp. 161–171.
DRR-2013-ClawsonBCPKRB #automation #recognition- Automated recognition and extraction of tabular fields for the indexing of census records (RC, KB, GC, MP, DJK, JR, WAB).
ICDAR-2013-NionMLSRMK #documentation #information management- Handwritten Information Extraction from Historical Census Documents (TN, FM, JL, CS, TR, PYM, CK), pp. 822–826.
MLDM-2013-DittakanCC #case study #comparative #image #mining- Satellite Image Mining for Census Collection: A Comparative Study with Respect to the Ethiopian Hinterland (KD, FC, RC), pp. 260–274.
ICPR-2012-CaoSPCPN- Extracting information from handwritten content in census forms (HC, KS, XP, JC, RP, PN), pp. 306–309.
ICPR-2012-GaoES #pseudo #ranking- A ranking model for face alignment with Pseudo Census Transform (HG, HKE, RS), pp. 1116–1119.
MSR-2009-Mockus #scalability #source code #towards #version control- Amassing and indexing a large sample of version control systems: Towards the census of public source code history (AM), pp. 11–20.
ICDAR-v1-1995-MadhvanathGRLS- Reading handwritten US census forms (SM, VG, VR, DSL, SNS), pp. 82–85.
ICDAR-v1-1995-SimonciniK- A system for reading USA census ’90 hand-written fields (LS, ZMKV), pp. 86–91.
VLDB-1975-SimonsonA- A DBMS for the U.S. Bureo of the Census (WES, WTA), pp. 496–498.
VLDB-1975-Weldon #database #implementation- Implementation Strategies for the Census Data Base (JLW), pp. 589–590.