59 papers:
ICSME-2015-JongelingDS #analysis #re-engineering #research #sentiment #tool support- Choosing your weapons: On sentiment analysis tools for software engineering research (RJ, SD, AS), pp. 531–535.
RecSys-2015-EkstrandKHK #algorithm #case study #recommendation- Letting Users Choose Recommender Algorithms: An Experimental Study (MDE, DK, FMH, JAK), pp. 11–18.
SEKE-2014-WangKN #classification #fault #metric #performance #predict- Choosing the Best Classification Performance Metric for Wrapper-based Software Metric Selection for Defect Prediction (HW, TMK, AN), pp. 540–545.
SAC-2014-SaraivaS #behaviour #how- Choosing my partners based on how they will evaluate my behavior (ECdRCS, VTdS), pp. 781–783.
HCI-AS-2013-KroesS #mobile #persuasion #using- Empowering Young Adolescents to Choose the Healthy Lifestyle: A Persuasive Intervention Using Mobile Phones (LK, SS), pp. 117–126.
HCI-III-2013-SatoWYR #coordination #named- suGATALOG: Fashion Coordination System That Supports Users to Choose Everyday Fashion with Clothed Pictures (AS, KW, MY, JR), pp. 112–121.
REFSQ-2013-IngolfoSJSPM- Choosing Compliance Solutions through Stakeholder Preferences (SI, AS, IJ, AS, AP, JM), pp. 206–220.
ITiCSE-2012-MyllymakiH #case study #learning- Choosing a study mode in blended learning (MM, IH), pp. 291–296.
CHI-2012-BackCB #fault #information management- Choosing to interleave: human error and information access cost (JB, ALC, DPB), pp. 1651–1654.
CIKM-2012-DybalaRAS #analysis #comparative #generative #ranking- Data filtering in humor generation: comparative analysis of hit rate and co-occurrence rankings as a method to choose usable pun candidates (PD, RR, KA, KS), pp. 2587–2590.
SEKE-2012-FoukarakisKT #open source- Choosing Licenses In Free Open Source Software (IEF, GMK, NDT), pp. 200–204.
REFSQ-2012-MahauxMH #how #people #requirements #why- Choose Your Creativity: Why and How Creativity in Requirements Engineering Means Different Things to Different People (MM, AM, PH), pp. 101–116.
SAT-2012-BalintS #probability- Choosing Probability Distributions for Stochastic Local Search and the Role of Make versus Break (AB, US), pp. 16–29.
SIGIR-2011-CaiGZW #adaptation #education #query #ranking- Relevant knowledge helps in choosing right teacher: active query selection for ranking adaptation (PC, WG, AZ, KFW), pp. 115–124.
SAC-2011-HorkoffY #how #modelling- Analyzing goal models: different approaches and how to choose among them (JH, ESKY), pp. 675–682.
HPCA-2011-HowerDHW #named- Calvin: Deterministic or not? Free will to choose (DH, PD, MDH, DAW), pp. 333–334.
DAC-2010-SingheeC- Pareto sampling: choosing the right weights by derivative pursuit (AS, PC), pp. 913–916.
ICALP-v1-2010-BeimelDKW #communication #complexity- Choosing, Agreeing, and Eliminating in Communication Complexity (AB, SBD, EK, EW), pp. 451–462.
LATA-2010-CarrascosaCGL #problem #word- Choosing Word Occurrences for the Smallest Grammar Problem (RC, FC, MG, GGIL), pp. 154–165.
CIKM-2010-QiYXD #automation #generative #taxonomy- Choosing your own adventure: automatic taxonomy generation to permit many paths (XQ, DY, ZX, BDD), pp. 1853–1856.
ECIR-2010-PotthastTS #named #word- Netspeak — Assisting Writers in Choosing Words (MP, MT, BS), p. 672.
SEKE-2010-SilvaS #classification #data mining #knowledge base #mining #modelling #relational #testing- Modeling and Testing a Knowledge Base for Instructing Users to Choose the Classification Task in Relational Data Mining (LMdS, AEAdS), pp. 608–613.
CSMR-2009-FrankeJLUHEK #assessment #metric #network #using- A Method for Choosing Software Assessment Measures Using Bayesian Networks and Diagnosis (UF, PJ, RL, JU, DH, ME, JK), pp. 241–246.
CIKM-2009-NusselderPSM #information management #people #web- Helping people to choose for whom to vote. a web information system for the 2009 European elections (AN, HP, AS, MM), pp. 2095–2096.
CIKM-2009-VyasPC #editing #set- Helping editors choose better seed sets for entity set expansion (VV, PP, EC), pp. 225–234.
CIKM-2009-WangZZ #named- MagicCube: choosing the best snippet for each aspect of an entity (YW, LZ, YZ), pp. 1705–1708.
ECIR-2009-Kettunen #metric #question #source code- Choosing the Best MT Programs for CLIR Purposes — Can MT Metrics Be Helpful? (KK), pp. 706–712.
KDD-2009-Hand #data mining #mining #modelling #tool support- Mismatched models, wrong results, and dreadful decisions: on choosing appropriate data mining tools (DJH), pp. 1–2.
RE-2009-EsmaeilsabzaliDAN #modelling #semantics- Semantic Criteria for Choosing a Language for Big-Step Models (SE, NAD, JMA, JN), pp. 181–190.
KR-2008-Chetcuti-SperandioL #how #logic #strict- How to Choose Weightings to Avoid Collisions in a Restricted Penalty Logic (NCS, SL), pp. 340–347.
RecSys-2008-KagieWG #difference #using- Choosing attribute weights for item dissimilarity using clikstream data with an application to a product catalog map (MK, MCvW, PJFG), pp. 195–202.
SEKE-2008-GhezziT #approach #architecture #case study- Choosing a Software Architecture: An Approach and a Case Study (CG, GT), pp. 255–260.
DHM-2007-LuoYZ #identification- A Method for Gene Identification by Dynamic Feature Choosing (JL, LY, XZ), pp. 678–683.
MLDM-2007-WuW #graph #kernel #parametricity- Choosing the Kernel Parameters for the Directed Acyclic Graph Support Vector Machines (KPW, SDW), pp. 276–285.
RE-2007-Alexander #constraints #experience- Choosing a Tram Route: An Experience in Trading-Off Constraints (IA), pp. 350–355.
CC-2006-GuoRW #execution #fault #locality- Accurately Choosing Execution Runs for Software Fault Localization (LG, AR, TW), pp. 80–95.
DAC-2005-WassungZABH #design- Choosing flows and methodologies for SoC design (DW, YZ, MSA, MB, CH), p. 167.
VLDB-2005-ArionBMV #named #xml- ULoad: Choosing the Right Storage for Your XML Application (AA, VB, IM, RV), pp. 1330–1333.
ICEIS-v1-2005-ArandaVCP #elicitation #tool support- Choosing Groupware Tools and Elicitation Techniques According to Stakeholders’ Features (GNA, AV, AC, MP), pp. 68–75.
ICML-2003-Bouckaert #algorithm #learning #testing- Choosing Between Two Learning Algorithms Based on Calibrated Tests (RRB), pp. 51–58.
ICML-2003-RavindranB- Relativized Options: Choosing the Right Transformation (BR, AGB), pp. 608–615.
DATE-2002-Bricaud #how #question- IP Day: How to Choose Semiconductor IP? (PB), p. 17.
DATE-2002-Martin #embedded #how- How to Choose Semiconductor IP: Embedded Software (GM), p. 16.
DATE-2002-Phillips #embedded #how- How to Choose Semiconductor IP? — Embedded Processor (IP), p. 14.
STOC-2002-GoldbergKP #complexity #random- The complexity of choosing an H-colouring (nearly) uniformly at random (LAG, SK, MP), pp. 53–62.
SEKE-2002-Lozano-TelloG #component #how #named #process #using- BAREMO: how to choose the appropriate software component using the analytic hierarchy process (ALT, AGP), pp. 781–788.
IFL-1997-Erwig #graph #persistent #question- Fully Persistent Graphs — Which One To Choose? (ME), pp. 123–140.
ICML-1997-Menczer #adaptation #heuristic #named #retrieval- ARCCHNID: Adaptive Retrieval Agents Choosing Heuristic Neighborhoods (FM), pp. 227–235.
ICSE-1997-FranklHLS #reliability #testing- Choosing a Testing Method to Deliver Reliability (PGF, RGH, BL, LS), pp. 68–78.
ICML-1995-Niyogi #complexity #learning- Free to Choose: Investigating the Sample Complexity of Active Learning of Real Valued Functions (PN), pp. 405–412.
STOC-1994-ApsitisFS #approach #learning- Choosing a learning team: a topological approach (KA, RF, CHS), pp. 283–289.
KR-1992-FriedrichN #modelling- Choosing Observations and Actions in Model-Based Diagnosis/Repair Systems (GF, WN), pp. 489–498.
ML-1992-Catlett #named- Peepholing: Choosing Attributes Efficiently for Megainduction (JC), pp. 49–54.
FPCA-1989-Peterson- Untagged Data in Tagged Environments: Choosing Optimal Representations at Compile Time (JP), pp. 89–99.
RTA-1987-Martin #how- How to Choose Weights in the Knuth Bendix Ordering (UM), pp. 42–53.
VLDB-1986-Keller- Choosing a View Update Translator by Dialog at View Definition Time (AMK), pp. 467–474.
SIGIR-1986-BelkinK #documentation #retrieval #using- Using Structural Representations of Anomalous States of Knowledge for Choosing Document Retrieval Strategies (NJB, BHK), pp. 11–22.
CADE-1980-Jeanrond #algebra #term rewriting #termination- Deciding Unique Termination of Permutative Rewriting Systems: Choose Your Term Algebra Carefully (HJJ), pp. 335–355.
VLDB-1976-Tompa #performance- Choosing an Efficient Internal Schema (FWT), pp. 65–77.