6 papers:
- DAC-1993-LauK #modelling
- Information Modelling of EDIF (RYWL, HJK), pp. 278–283.
- DAC-1992-KahnG #design
- The Electronic Design Interchange Format EDIF: Present and Future (HJK, RG), pp. 666–671.
- DAC-1989-LiS
- A Unified Data Exchange Environment Based on EDIF (WL, HS), pp. 803–806.
- DAC-1989-Roberts #data-driven #named
- CEDIF: A Data Driven EDIF Reader (MR), pp. 818–821.
- DAC-1987-Brei #metalanguage #named #representation
- Needed: A Meta-Language for Evaluating the Expressiveness of EDIF, IGES, VHDL and Other Representation Mechanisms (MLB), p. 565.
- DAC-1987-Shahdad #interface
- An Interface between VHDL and EDIF (MS), pp. 472–478.