83 papers:
DATE-2010-DietrichEH #analysis #statistics #using- Digital statistical analysis using VHDL (MD, UE, JH), pp. 1007–1010.
ITiCSE-2010-ShoufanLR #framework #synthesis #visualisation- A platform for visualizing digital circuit synthesis with VHDL (AS, ZL, GR), pp. 294–298.
ECMDA-FA-2008-WoodAHM #array- Array OL Descriptions of Repetitive Structures in VHDL (SW, DHA, WGJH, KDMM), pp. 137–152.
SAC-2008-GruianW #architecture #case study #embedded #java- VHDL vs. Bluespec system verilog: a case study on a Java embedded architecture (FG, MW), pp. 1492–1497.
DATE-DF-2004-BaileyMBLA #design #verification- Improving Design and Verification Productivity with VHDL-200x (SB, EM, JB, JL, PJA), pp. 332–335.
DATE-DF-2004-HeckerCLBLO #development #library- VHDL-AMS Library Development for Pacemaker Applications (BH, MC, ML, EB, LL, JO), pp. 338–341.
DATE-v1-2004-ReNR #automation #generative- A Tool for Automatic Generation of RTL-Level VHDL Description of RNS FIR Filters (ADR, AN, MR), pp. 686–687.
DATE-v1-2004-WilsonRBKB #behaviour #modelling #performance- Efficient Mixed-Domain Behavioural Modeling of Ferromagnetic Hysteresis Implemented in VHDL-AMS (PRW, JNR, ADB, TJK, JB), pp. 742–743.
DATE-v2-2004-Fitzpatric- System Verilog for VHDL Users (TF), pp. 1334–1341.
DATE-2003-AholaWS #design- Bluetooth Transceiver Design with VHDL-AMS (RA, DW, MS), pp. 20268–20273.
DATE-2003-BombanaB #synthesis- SystemC-VHDL Co-Simulation and Synthesis in the HW Domain (MB, FB), pp. 20101–20105.
DAC-2002-MadesG #graph #modelling #using- Regularization of hierarchical VHDL-AMS models using bipartite graphs (JM, MG), pp. 548–551.
DATE-2002-Leveugle #automation #detection #fault- Automatic Modifications of High Level VHDL Descriptions for Fault Detection or Tolerance (RL), pp. 837–841.
DATE-2002-WilsonRZBK #behaviour #fault #modelling #using- Behavioural Modelling of Operational Amplifier Faults Using VHDL-AMS (PRW, JNR, MZ, ADB, YK), p. 1133.
SAS-2002-Hymans #abstract interpretation #behaviour #safety- Checking Safety Properties of Behavioral VHDL Descriptions by Abstract Interpretation (CH), pp. 444–460.
DAC-2001-JaniszewskiHM #design #performance #reuse- VHDL-Based Design and Design Methodology for Reusable High Performance Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizers (IJ, BH, HM), pp. 573–578.
DATE-2001-RonaK #modelling #using- Modelling SoC devices for virtual test using VHDL (MR, GK), pp. 770–771.
DATE-2001-StuikysZDM #component- Two approaches for developing generic components in VHDL (VS, GZ, RD, GM), p. 800.
DATE-2000-FinF #fault #functional #generative #testing- A VHDL Error Simulator for Functional Test Generation (AF, FF), pp. 390–395.
DATE-2000-LungeanuS #distributed #parallel #simulation- Parallel and Distributed VHDL Simulation (DL, CJRS), pp. 658–662.
DATE-2000-PeraliasARH #design #pipes and filters #verification- A Vhdl-Based Methodology for Design and Verification of Pipeline A/D Converters (EJP, AJA, AR, JLH), pp. 534–538.
DAC-1999-HansenNR #algorithm #approach #specification- An Approach for Extracting RT Timing Information to Annotate Algorithmic VHDL Specifications (CH, FN, WR), pp. 678–683.
DATE-1999-BarnaR #object-oriented #reuse- Object-Oriented Reuse Methodology for VHDL (CB, WR), p. 689–?.
DATE-1999-BreuerMBFLK #reasoning #semantics #using- Reasoning about VHDL and VHDL-AMS using Denotational Semantics (PTB, NMM, JPB, RBF, MMLP, CDK), pp. 346–352.
DATE-1999-DoboliV #architecture #behaviour #compilation #generative #synthesis- A VHDL-AMS Compiler and Architecture Generator for Behavioral Synthesis of Analog Systems (AD, RV), pp. 338–345.
DATE-1999-FerrandiFGS #functional #generative #specification- Symbolic Functional Vector Generation for VHDL Specifications (FF, FF, LG, DS), p. 442–?.
DATE-1999-MartinolleDCF #user interface- Interoperability of Verilog/VHDL Procedural Language Interfaces to Build a Mixed Language GUI (FM, CD, DC, MF), pp. 788–789.
DATE-1999-Sasaki #semantics #simulation #state machine- A Formal Semantics for Verilog-VHDL Simulation Interoperability by Abstact State Machine (HS), p. 353–?.
DATE-1999-TabbaraSSFL #modelling #performance #using- Fast Hardware-Software Co-simulation Using VHDL Models (BT, MS, ALSV, EF, LL), p. 309–?.
DATE-1999-X #ada #c #java #question #specification- Java, VHDL-AMS, ADA or C for System Level Specifications?, p. 720.
AdaEurope-1999-LopezVV #ada #design #embedded #hardware #using- Hardware/Software Embedded System Specifiaction and Design Using Ada and VHDL (AL, MV, EV), pp. 356–370.
DATE-1998-CoppensAR #analysis #fault #modelling- VHDL Modelling and Analysis of Fault Secure Systems (JC, DAK, CR), pp. 148–152.
DATE-1998-Kazmierski- A Formal Description of VHDL-AMS Analogue Systems (TJK), pp. 916–920.
DATE-1998-MoserM #design #modelling #named- VHDL-AMS: The Missing Link in System Design — Experiments with Unified Modelling in Automotive Engineering (EM, NM), pp. 59–63.
DATE-1998-Mrva #object-oriented #reuse- Enhanced Reuse and Teamwork Capabilities for an Object-oriented Extension of VHDL (MM), pp. 250–256.
DATE-1998-Mutz #modelling- Register Transfer Level VHDL Models without Clocks (MM), pp. 153–158.
DATE-1998-Naroska #parallel #simulation- Parallel VHDL Simulation (EN), pp. 159–163.
DATE-1998-Nicoli #behaviour #semantics #set- Denotational Semantics of a Behavioral Subset of VHDL (FN), pp. 975–976.
DATE-1998-OlcozAIP- VHDL Teamwork, Organization Units and Workspace Management (SO, LA, II, OP), pp. 297–302.
DATE-1998-Putzke-RomingRN #flexibility #message passing- A Flexible Message Passing Mechanism for Objective VHDL (WPR, MR, WN), pp. 242–249.
DATE-1998-ReetzSK #hardware #specification #verification- Formal Specification in VHDL for Hardware Verification (RR, KS, TK), pp. 257–263.
DATE-1998-TanFY #design- The Design of an Asynchronous VHDL Synthesizer (SYT, SBF, WFY), pp. 44–51.
DATE-1998-WahlV #performance #validation- A VHDL SGRAM Model for the Validation Environment of a High Performance Graphic Processor (MGW, HV), pp. 937–938.
SIGAda-1998-MillsP #ada #analysis #co-evolution #design #hardware #migration- Hardware/Software Co-Design: VHDL and Ada 95 Code Migration and Integrated Analysis (MM, GP), pp. 18–27.
DAC-1997-BauerE #approach #hardware- Hardware/Software Co-Simulation in a VHDL-Based Test Bench Approach (MB, WE), pp. 774–779.
EDTC-1997-WalkerG #simulation- VHDL extensions for complex transmission line simulation (PW, SG), pp. 368–372.
DAC-1996-LeeHCF #design #modelling #synthesis #using- Domain-Specific High-Level Modeling and Synthesis for ATM Switch Design Using VHDL (MTCL, YCH, BC, MF), pp. 585–590.
DAC-1996-Smith #c- VHDL & Verilog Compared & Contrasted — Plus Modeled Example Written in VHDL, Verilog and C (DJS), pp. 771–776.
DAC-1996-WunderLM #concept #layout #modelling #named #simulation- VAMP: A VHDL-Based Concept for Accurate Modeling and Post Layout Timing Simulation of Electronic Systems (BW, GL, KDMG), pp. 119–124.
DAC-1995-GiumaleK #modelling- Information Models of VHDL (CAG, HJK), pp. 678–683.
DAC-1995-StollonP #behaviour #complexity #metric #modelling- Measures of Syntactic Complexity for Modeling Behavioral VHDL (NSS, JDP), pp. 684–689.
DAC-1995-WalkerG #algorithm #distributed #execution #parallel #simulation- Asynchronous, Distributed Event Driven Simulation Algorithm for Execution of VHDL on Parallel Processors (PAW, SG), pp. 144–150.
DAC-1995-ZepterGM #data flow #design #generative #graph #using- Digital Receiver Design Using VHDL Generation from Data Flow Graphs (PZ, TG, HM), pp. 228–233.
DAC-1994-LeviaMR #analysis #design- Lessons in Language Design: Cost/Benefit analysis of VHDL Features (OL, SM, JR), pp. 447–453.
EDAC-1994-BreuerFK #semantics- Clean formal semantics for VHDL (PTB, LSF, CDK), pp. 641–647.
EDAC-1994-FrosslK #simulation- A New Model to Uniformly Represent the Function and Timing of MOS Circuits and its Application to VHDL Simulation (JF, TK), pp. 343–348.
PLILP-1994-SaenzHRW #memory management #specification- Shared Memory System for Babel: a VHDL Specification (FS, WH, JJR, SW), pp. 461–462.
DAC-1993-Tatarnikov- The State of VHDL in Russia (YT), pp. 709–711.
CAV-1993-CourcoubetisDJ #verification- Verification of timing Properties of VHDL (CC, WD, BJ), pp. 225–236.
DAC-1992-StollD #constraints #synthesis- High-Level Synthesis from VHDL with Exact Timing Constraints (AS, PD), pp. 188–193.
DAC-1992-VishakantaiahAA #automation- Automatic Test Knowledge Extraction from VHDL (ATKET) (PV, JAA, MSA), pp. 273–278.
DAC-1991-PitchumaniMR #fault #simulation- A System for Fault Diagnosis and Simulation of VHDL Descriptions (VP, PM, NR), pp. 144–150.
ICLP-1991-Reintjes #design #set #tool support- A Set of Tools for VHDL Design (PBR), pp. 549–562.
DAC-1990-ArmstrongCSK #validation- The VHDL Validation Suite (JA, CC, SS, CK), pp. 2–7.
DAC-1990-ChungK #design #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented VHDL Design Environment (MJC, SK), pp. 431–436.
DAC-1990-WardA #behaviour #fault #simulation- Behavioral Fault Simulation in VHDL (PCW, JRA), pp. 587–593.
DAC-1989-JordanW #composition #named- COMP: A VHDL Composition System (PRJ, RDW), pp. 750–753.
DAC-1989-Leung #behaviour #modelling- Behavioral Modeling of Transmission Gates in VHDL (SSL), pp. 746–749.
DAC-1989-LiawTL #named #verification- VVDS: A Verification/Diagnosis System for VHDL (HTL, KTT, CSL), pp. 435–440.
DAC-1989-LisG #modelling #synthesis #using- VHDL Synthesis Using Structured Modeling (JL, DG), pp. 606–609.
PLDI-1989-FarrowS #attribute grammar #compilation- A VHDL Compiler Based on Attribute Grammar Methodology (RF, AGS), pp. 120–130.
DAC-1988-AcostaAIR- The Role of VHDL in the MCC CAD System (RDA, MA, GI, BR), pp. 34–39.
DAC-1988-AugustinGHLS #design #using #verification- Verification of VHDL Designs Using VAL (LMA, BAG, YH, DCL, AGS), pp. 48–53.
DAC-1988-Coelho #named #standard- VHDL: A Call for Standards (DRC), pp. 40–47.
DAC-1988-KimTH #automation #hardware #using- Automatic Insertion of BIST Hardware Using VHDL (KK, JGT, DSH), pp. 9–15.
DAC-1987-Brei #metalanguage #named #representation- Needed: A Meta-Language for Evaluating the Expressiveness of EDIF, IGES, VHDL and Other Representation Mechanisms (MLB), p. 565.
DAC-1987-ChunCM #named- VISION: VHDL Induced Schematic Imaging on Net-Lists (RKC, KJC, LPM), pp. 436–442.
DAC-1987-Hines- Where VHDL Fits Within the CAD Environment (JH), pp. 491–494.
DAC-1987-Saunders #design- The IBM VHDL Design System (LFS), pp. 484–490.
DAC-1987-Shahdad #interface- An Interface between VHDL and EDIF (MS), pp. 472–478.
DAC-1986-Shahdad #bibliography- An overview of VHDL language and technology (MS), pp. 320–326.
DAC-1984-Dewey #hardware- The VHSIC hardware description language (VHDL) program (AD), pp. 556–557.
DAC-1983-Dewey #development #hardware- VHSIC hardware description (VHDL) development program (AD), pp. 625–628.