18 papers:
DATE-2015-FuggerNNS #modelling #physics #towards- Towards binary circuit models that faithfully capture physical solvability (MF, RN, TN, US), pp. 1455–1460.
CSCW-2015-AmesRE #lens- Worship, Faith, and Evangelism: Religion as an Ideological Lens for Engineering Worlds (MGA, DKR, IE), pp. 69–81.
HCI-IT-2015-PolsonS #design #empirical #game studies- “Blind Faith”. An Experiment with Narrative Agency in Game Design (DP, VS), pp. 618–627.
RTA-2015-CirsteaLM #encoding #programmable #term rewriting- A faithful encoding of programmable strategies into term rewriting systems (HC, SL, PEM), pp. 74–88.
ICPR-2012-SchmeingJ #optimisation #using- Faithful Spatio-Temporal disocclusion filling using local optimization (MS, XJ), pp. 3799–3802.
OOPSLA-2010-Hanenberg10a- Faith, hope, and love: an essay on software science’s neglect of human factors (SH), pp. 933–946.
ICALP-v2-2009-BeaudryL #monad- Faithful Loops for Aperiodic E-Ordered Monoids (MB, FL), pp. 55–66.
FASE-2008-DuarteKU #towards- Towards Faithful Model Extraction Based on Contexts (LMD, JK, SU), pp. 101–115.
CHI-2008-WycheAG- Re-placing faith: reconsidering the secular-religious use divide in the United States and Kenya (SW, PMA, REG), pp. 11–20.
SOFTVIS-2008-SundararamanB #c #c++ #interactive #java #named #runtime #visualisation- HDPV: interactive, faithful, in-vivo runtime state visualization for C/C++ and Java (JS, GB), pp. 47–56.
CHI-2007-NguyenC #multi #named #trust #video- Multiview: improving trust in group video conferencing through spatial faithfulness (DTN, JC), pp. 1465–1474.
SAC-2006-BoldoM #evaluation- Provably faithful evaluation of polynomials (SB, CM), pp. 1328–1332.
CHI-2005-NguyenC #multi #named #video- MultiView: spatially faithful group video conferencing (DTN, JFC), pp. 799–808.
FME-2001-Katz #modelling #specification- Faithful Translations among Models and Specifications (SK), pp. 419–434.
ESOP-2000-AmtoftT #polymorphism- Faithful Translations between Polyvariant Flows and Polymorphic Types (TA, FAT), pp. 26–40.
CAiSE-2000-ObermairS #execution #transaction- Temporally Faithful Execution of Business Transactions (WO, MS), pp. 462–481.
LICS-1989-AbadiPP #modelling #polymorphism #recursion- Faithful Ideal Models for Recursive Polymorphic Types (MA, BCP, GDP), pp. 216–225.
STOC-1981-Parisi-Presicce #algebra #on the- On the Faithful Regular Extensions of Iterative Algebras (FPP), pp. 368–374.