19 papers:
ESOP-2015-AbdullaAP #performance- The Best of Both Worlds: Trading Efficiency and Optimality in Fence Insertion for TSO (PAA, MFA, NTP), pp. 308–332.
FM-2015-0001K #bound #model checking #using- Property-Driven Fence Insertion Using Reorder Bounded Model Checking (SJ, DK), pp. 291–307.
OOPSLA-2015-BenderLP #declarative- Declarative fence insertion (JB, ML, JP), pp. 367–385.
ASPLOS-2015-DuanHT #memory management #optimisation #performance #symmetry- Asymmetric Memory Fences: Optimizing Both Performance and Implementability (YD, NH, JT), pp. 531–543.
ASPLOS-2015-MorrisonA #bound #symmetry- Temporally Bounding TSO for Fence-Free Asymmetric Synchronization (AM, YA), pp. 45–58.
PPoPP-2015-McPhersonNSC #detection #legacy #source code- Fence placement for legacy data-race-free programs via synchronization read detection (AJM, VN, SS, MC), pp. 249–250.
SAS-2014-MeshmanDVY #memory management #refinement #synthesis- Synthesis of Memory Fences via Refinement Propagation (YM, AMD, MTV, EY), pp. 237–252.
ASPLOS-2014-MorrisonA #bound- Fence-free work stealing on bounded TSO processors (AM, YA), pp. 413–426.
CAV-2014-AlglaveKNP #approach #automation #static analysis- Don’t Sit on the Fence — A Static Analysis Approach to Automatic Fence Insertion (JA, DK, VN, DP), pp. 508–524.
TACAS-2013-AbdullaACLR #automation #precise- Memorax, a Precise and Sound Tool for Automatic Fence Insertion under TSO (PAA, MFA, YFC, CL, AR), pp. 530–536.
TACAS-2013-LindenW #approach #memory management- A Verification-Based Approach to Memory Fence Insertion in PSO Memory Systems (AL, PW), pp. 339–353.
TACAS-2012-AbdullaACLR- Counter-Example Guided Fence Insertion under TSO (PAA, MFA, YFC, CL, AR), pp. 204–219.
SAS-2012-AbdullaACLR #abstraction #automation #integer #source code- Automatic Fence Insertion in Integer Programs via Predicate Abstraction (PAA, MFA, YFC, CL, AR), pp. 164–180.
SAS-2011-VafeiadisN #optimisation #verification- Verifying Fence Elimination Optimisations (VV, FZN), pp. 146–162.
ICPR-2010-YamashitaMK #image #multi- Fence Removal from Multi-focus Images (AY, AM, TK), pp. 4532–4535.
CAV-2010-AlglaveMSS #memory management #modelling- Fences in Weak Memory Models (JA, LM, SS, PS), pp. 258–272.
PLDI-2007-BurckhardtAM #concurrent #consistency #data type #memory management #modelling #named- CheckFence: checking consistency of concurrent data types on relaxed memory models (SB, RA, MMKM), pp. 12–21.
ICPR-v1-2006-YuA #detection #video- Detection of Fence Climbing from Monocular Video (EY, JKA), pp. 375–378.
ESEC-1991-Fischer #automation- CASE Seen From Both Sides of the Fence (WEF), pp. 509–511.