18 papers:
ESOP-2015-AbdullaAP #performance- The Best of Both Worlds: Trading Efficiency and Optimality in Fence Insertion for TSO (PAA, MFA, NTP), pp. 308–332.
FASE-2015-BouajjaniCDM #lazy evaluation #reachability- Lazy TSO Reachability (AB, GC, ED, RM), pp. 267–282.
TACAS-2015-AbdullaAAJLS #model checking- Stateless Model Checking for TSO and PSO (PAA, SA, MFA, BJ, CL, KFS), pp. 353–367.
PLDI-2015-GammieHE #garbage collection #on the fly- Relaxing safely: verified on-the-fly garbage collection for x86-TSO (PG, ALH, KE), pp. 99–109.
OOPSLA-2015-DemskyL #model checking #named- SATCheck: SAT-directed stateless model checking for SC and TSO (BD, PL), pp. 20–36.
ASPLOS-2015-MorrisonA #bound #symmetry- Temporally Bounding TSO for Fence-Free Asymmetric Synchronization (AM, YA), pp. 45–58.
IFM-2014-DerrickSD #architecture #verification- Verifying Linearizability on TSO Architectures (JD, GS, BD), pp. 341–356.
ASPLOS-2014-MorrisonA #bound- Fence-free work stealing on bounded TSO processors (AM, YA), pp. 413–426.
HPCA-2014-ElverN #consistency #named- TSO-CC: Consistency directed cache coherence for TSO (ME, VN), pp. 165–176.
ESOP-2013-BouajjaniDM #robust- Checking and Enforcing Robustness against TSO (AB, ED, RM), pp. 533–553.
TACAS-2013-AbdullaACLR #automation #precise- Memorax, a Precise and Sound Tool for Automatic Fence Insertion under TSO (PAA, MFA, YFC, CL, AR), pp. 530–536.
PLDI-2013-RajaramNSE #implementation #performance #semantics- Fast RMWs for TSO: semantics and implementation (BR, VN, SS, ME), pp. 61–72.
ASPLOS-2013-WangW #hardware #named #optimisation #performance- TSO_ATOMICITY: efficient hardware primitive for TSO-preserving region optimizations (CW, YW), pp. 509–520.
ESOP-2012-BurckhardtGMY #concurrent #correctness #library #memory management- Concurrent Library Correctness on the TSO Memory Model (SB, AG, MM, HY), pp. 87–107.
TACAS-2012-AbdullaACLR- Counter-Example Guided Fence Insertion under TSO (PAA, MFA, YFC, CL, AR), pp. 204–219.
CAV-2011-AtigBP #analysis- Getting Rid of Store-Buffers in TSO Analysis (MFA, AB, GP), pp. 99–115.
ECOOP-2010-Owens #abstraction #concurrent #implementation #reasoning- Reasoning about the Implementation of Concurrency Abstractions on x86-TSO (SO), pp. 478–503.
DAC-1976-Lerman #design #using- Computer aided design of printed circuit boards using remote graphics and TSO (HNL), pp. 104–108.