53 papers:
VLDB-2015-ManabeT #documentation #html #logic- Extracting Logical Hierarchical Structure of HTML Documents Based on Headings (TM, KT), pp. 1606–1617.
OOPSLA-2015-HagueLO #approach #css #detection #html- Detecting redundant CSS rules in HTML5 applications: a tree rewriting approach (MH, AWL, CHLO), pp. 1–19.
ICST-2015-MahajanH #detection #html #locality #using- Detection and Localization of HTML Presentation Failures Using Computer Vision-Based Techniques (SM, WGJH), pp. 1–10.
ICST-2015-MahajanH15a #debugging #html #named- WebSee: A Tool for Debugging HTML Presentation Failures (SM, WGJH), pp. 1–8.
ASE-2014-MahajanH #comparison #html #image #using- Finding HTML presentation failures using image comparison techniques (SM, WGJH), pp. 91–96.
HCI-AS-2014-NakanoTA #case study #experience #html #induction #set #user interface- A Preliminary Study of Relation Induction between HTML Tag Set and User Experience (AN, AT, MA), pp. 49–56.
LCT-NLE-2014-Milde #editing #html #learning #online- An HTML5-Based Online Editor for Creating Annotated Learning Videos (JTM), pp. 172–179.
DocEng-2013-FerilliER #documentation #html #multi- Hi-Fi HTML rendering of multi-format documents in DoMinUS (SF, FE, DR), pp. 173–176.
DocEng-2013-SilvaSM #html #named #web- NCL4WEB: translating NCL applications to HTML5 web pages (ECOS, JAFdS, DCMS), pp. 253–262.
SAS-2013-KimDS #documentation #html #parsing #semantics #validation- Static Validation of Dynamically Generated HTML Documents Based on Abstract Parsing and Semantic Processing (HK, KGD, DAS), pp. 194–214.
VISSOFT-2013-GouveiaCA #fault #html #locality #using #visualisation- Using HTML5 visualizations in software fault localization (CG, JC, RA), pp. 1–10.
PADL-2013-Jeffrey #html #web- Dependently Typed Web Client Applications — FRP in Agda in HTML5 (AJ), pp. 228–243.
ITiCSE-2012-Kurmas12b #configuration management #documentation #html #named- Kielce: configurable HTML course documents (ZK), p. 403.
FM-2012-MinamideM #analysis #html #parsing #reachability #specification #testing- Reachability Analysis of the HTML5 Parser Specification and Its Application to Compatibility Testing (YM, SM), pp. 293–307.
KEOD-2012-JiC #editing #html #named #ontology #rdf- RDF/XHTML: Ontology Editing in HTML (KJ, LC), pp. 365–368.
ICSE-2012-SamirniSAMTH #automation #constraints #fault #generative #html #php #string #theorem proving #using- Automated repair of HTML generation errors in PHP applications using string constraint solving (HS, MS, SA, TDM, FT, LJH), pp. 277–287.
ASE-2011-NguyenNNN #fault #html #php #validation- Auto-locating and fix-propagating for HTML validation errors to PHP server-side code (HVN, HAN, TTN, TNN), pp. 13–22.
DocEng-2011-BultermanGCMP #documentation #html #multi- Multimedia document processing in an HTML5 world (DCAB, RLG, PC, EVM, MdGCP), pp. 273–274.
DocEng-2011-CazenaveQR #css #html- Timesheets.js: when SMIL meets HTML5 and CSS3 (FC, VQ, CR), pp. 43–52.
DocEng-2011-Tseng #developer- Developer-friendly annotation-based HTML-to-XML transformation technology (LCHT), pp. 73–76.
FoSSaCS-2011-MollerS #context-free grammar #html #validation- HTML Validation of Context-Free Languages (AM, MS), pp. 426–440.
ESEC-FSE-2011-JensenMM #api #html #javascript #modelling #static analysis #web- Modeling the HTML DOM and browser API in static analysis of JavaScript web applications (SHJ, MM, AM), pp. 59–69.
DocEng-2010-Piotrowski #documentation #html #revisited- Document conversion for cultural heritage texts: FrameMaker to HTML revisited (MP), pp. 223–226.
DRR-2009-ZouLT #html #parsing- Locating and parsing references in HTML medical articles (JZ, DXL, GRT), pp. 1–10.
MLDM-2009-ChanguelLB #automation #html #learning- A General Learning Method for Automatic Title Extraction from HTML Pages (SC, NL, BBM), pp. 704–718.
DRR-2008-ZouLT #html #online #using- Extracting a sparsely located named entity from online HTML medical articles using support vector machine (JZ, DXL, GRT), p. 68150.
CIAA-2008-NishiyamaM #html- A Translation from the HTML DTD into a Regular Hedge Grammar (TN, YM), pp. 122–131.
TestCom-FATES-2008-CalameP #case study #html #modelling #testing- Applying Model-Based Testing to HTML Rendering Engines — A Case Study (JRC, JvdP), pp. 250–265.
DocEng-2007-WildeC #html- Presenting in html (EW, PCC), pp. 35–36.
DocEng-2007-ZouLT #analysis #approach #html #markov- Structure and content analysis for html medical articles: a hidden markov model approach (JZ, DXL, GRT), pp. 199–201.
HT-2007-LeveringCY #classification #html #visual notation- Visual features in genre classification of html (RL, MC, LY), pp. 51–52.
ICDAR-2007-Burget #documentation #html #information management #layout- Layout Based Information Extraction from HTML Documents (RB), pp. 624–628.
DocEng-2006-LeveringC #html #web- The portrait of a common HTML web page (RL, MC), pp. 198–204.
OSDI-2006-ReisDWDE #html #named- BrowserShield: Vulnerability-Driven Filtering of Dynamic HTML (CR, JD, HJW, OD, SE), pp. 61–74.
SIGIR-2005-HuXSHSCL #documentation #html #retrieval #web- Title extraction from bodies of HTML documents and its application to web page retrieval (YH, GX, RS, GH, SS, YC, HL), pp. 250–257.
VLDB-2004-GraupmannBZZBTW #concept #html #named #web #xml- COMPASS: A Concept-based Web Search Engine for HTML, XML, and Deep Web Data (JG, MB, CZ, PZ, MB, MT, GW), pp. 1313–1316.
ICDAR-2003-MukherjeeYTR #automation #documentation #html #semantics- Automatic Discovery of Semantic Structures in HTML Documents (SM, GY, WT, IVR), pp. 245–249.
ECIR-2003-CeciM #classification #documentation #html- Hierarchical Classification of HTML Documents with WebClassII (MC, DM), pp. 57–72.
SAC-2003-MolinariPP #documentation #html- An Indexing Model of HTML Documents (AM, RAMP, GP), pp. 834–840.
HT-2002-Davison #html #predict #web- Predicting web actions from HTML content (BDD0), pp. 159–168.
ICDAR-2001-DiligentiGMS #classification #documentation #html #modelling- Classification of HTML Documents by Hidden Tree-Markov Models (MD, MG, MM, FS), pp. 849–853.
ICDAR-2001-YangZ #analysis #html #visual notation- HTML Page Analysis Based on Visual Cues (YY, HZ), pp. 859–864.
PASTE-2001-BrabandMS #html #validation- Static validation of dynamically generated HTML (CB, AM, MIS), pp. 38–45.
PADL-2000-Thiemann #haskell #html #modelling- Modeling HTML in Haskell (PT), pp. 263–277.
CL-2000-LimN #approach #documentation #heuristic #html #xml- A Heuristic Approach for Converting HTML Documents to XML Documents (SJL, YKN), pp. 1182–1196.
HCI-EI-1999-Wolff #design #html #user interface- Design strategy for an HTML administration and management user interface (TW), pp. 595–599.
CIKM-1999-LimN #approach #automation #html- An Automated Approach for Retrieving Hierarchical Data from HTML Tables (SJL, YKN), pp. 466–474.
CIKM-1998-LeeLS #html #incremental #library #maintenance- Incremental Maintenance for Dynamic Database-Derived HTML Pages in Digital Libraries (KCKL, HVL, AS), pp. 20–29.
SAC-1998-SiLY #html #maintenance- Maintaining page coherence for dynamic HTML pages (AS, HVL, SMTY), pp. 767–773.
ICDAR-1997-HongS #documentation #html #representation- Representing OCRed documents in HTML (TH, SNS), pp. 831–835.
HCI-SEC-1997-UenoSO #html #question- Book Based View and Scroll Based View: Which is Suited for HTML Viewers? (KU, KS, HO), pp. 795–798.
SAC-1997-SetoNT #generative #html #sql- Generating HTML sources with TFE enhanced SQL (TS, TN, MT), pp. 96–100.
TRI-Ada-1996-NebeshF #ada #component #html #learning #using- Learning to Use Ada 95 Components Using HTML Linking (BN, MBF), pp. 207–210.