35 papers:
CASE-2015-RoyelYLLH #identification #optimisation #parametricity #using- A hysteresis model and parameter identification for MR pin joints using immune particle swarm optimization (SR, YY, YL, JL, QPH), pp. 1319–1324.
ICEIS-v1-2014-CoelhoAABB #network #using- Router Nodes Positioning for Wireless Networks Using Artificial Immune Systems (PHGC, JLMdA, JFMdA, LFdAB, AVdB), pp. 415–421.
SAC-2014-OliveiraNWB #approach #kernel #named- Ianus: secure and holistic coexistence with kernel extensions — a immune system-inspired approach (DO, JN, NW, MB), pp. 1672–1679.
ICEIS-v1-2013-CoelhoAABB #industrial #network- Deploying Nodes for Industrial Wireless Networks by Artificial Immune Systems Techniques (PHGC, JLMdA, JFMdA, LFdAB, AVdB), pp. 536–540.
ICEIS-v1-2012-AstiazaraB #energy #predict- Application of an Artificial Immune System to Predict Electrical Energy Fraud and Theft (MVA, DACB), pp. 265–271.
ICPR-2012-GhoshC #analysis #automation #classification- Feature analysis for automatic classification of HEp-2 florescence patterns : Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Auto-immune diseases (SG, VC), pp. 174–177.
ICPR-2012-SnellCK #identification- Texture and shape in fluorescence pattern identification for auto-immune disease diagnosis (VS, WJC, JK), pp. 3750–3753.
SAC-2012-ElsayedAR #challenge #modelling- Artificial Immune Systems: Models, Applications, and challenges (SAME, RAA, SR), pp. 256–258.
HCI-DDA-2011-LuoY #algorithm #clustering #framework #network #novel #parallel #using- A Novel Parallel Clustering Algorithm Based on Artificial Immune Network Using nVidia CUDA Framework (RL, QY), pp. 598–607.
ICEIS-v4-2011-LuCGD #algorithm #multi #network #optimisation #quality #using- Quality of Service Optimization of Wireless Sensor Networks using a Multi-objective Immune Co-evolutionary Algorithm (XL, ZRC, LG, YD), pp. 160–164.
SAC-2010-MohamedA #ad hoc #framework #network #novel- Novel immune-based framework for securing ad hoc networks (YAM, ABA), pp. 1950–1957.
DATE-2009-BobbaZPAM #design #logic #standard #synthesis- Design of compact imperfection-immune CNFET layouts for standard-cell-based logic synthesis (SB, JZ, AP, DA, GDM), pp. 616–621.
DATE-2009-MarchettiFRM- Shock immunity enhancement via resonance damping in gyroscopes for automotive applications (EM, LF, AR, MDM), pp. 1094–1099.
DATE-2009-MitraZPW #logic #using- Imperfection-immune VLSI logic circuits using Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors (SM, JZ, NP, HW), pp. 436–441.
CIKM-2009-WangML #learning #programming #question #rank #search-based #using- Learning to rank using evolutionary computation: immune programming or genetic programming? (SW, JM, JL), pp. 1879–1882.
OSDI-2008-JulaTZC #concurrent- Deadlock Immunity: Enabling Systems to Defend Against Deadlocks (HJ, DMT, CZ, GC), pp. 295–308.
DAC-2007-PatilDWM #automation #design- Automated Design of Misaligned-Carbon-Nanotube-Immune Circuits (NP, JD, HSPW, SM), pp. 958–961.
ICALP-v2-2006-ArmknechtK #algebra #multi- Constructing Single- and Multi-output Boolean Functions with Maximal Algebraic Immunity (FA, MK), pp. 180–191.
ICPR-v2-2006-GarainCM #approach- Improvement of OCR Accuracy by Similar Character Pair Discrimination: an Approach based on Artificial Immune System (UG, MPC, DDM), pp. 1046–1049.
MoDELS-2006-Cohen- Immune System Computation and the Immunological Homunculus (IRC), pp. 499–512.
MoDELS-2006-Cohen- Immune System Computation and the Immunological Homunculus (IRC), pp. 499–512.
DATE-2005-MemikKO #fault- Increasing Register File Immunity to Transient Errors (GM, MTK, ÖÖ), pp. 586–591.
SAC-2005-HouD #analysis #design #detection #search-based- Immunity-based intrusion detection system design, vulnerability analysis, and GENERTIA’s genetic arms race (HH, GVD), pp. 952–956.
SAC-2005-TangV #approach #clustering #documentation- An artificial immune system approach to document clustering (NT, VRV), pp. 918–922.
SAC-2005-TayJ #adaptation #framework #named #simulation- CAFISS: a complex adaptive framework for immune system simulation (JCT, AJ), pp. 158–164.
DAC-2004-DingM #logic #novel- A novel technique to improve noise immunity of CMOS dynamic logic circuits (LD, PM), pp. 900–903.
DAC-2003-Kumar #design- Interconnect and noise immunity design for the Pentium 4 processor (RK0), pp. 938–943.
DATE-2003-SirisantanaR #logic #power management- Selectively Clocked CMOS Logic Style for Low-Power Noise-Immune Operations in Scaled Technologies (NS, KR), pp. 11160–11161.
DATE-2002-StanP- The Selective Pull-Up (SP) Noise Immunity Scheme for Dynamic Circuits (MRS, AP), p. 1106.
ICALP-2002-Brattka #random #recursion #set- Random Numbers and an Incomplete Immune Recursive Set (VB), pp. 950–961.
SAC-2002-XuS #authentication #multi- Authenticated multicast immune to denial-of-service attack (SX, RSS), pp. 196–200.
STOC-1993-CooperL #linear #performance #protocol- Fast perfection-information leader-election protocol with linear immunity (JC, NL), pp. 662–671.
ICALP-1986-HartmanisLY #complexity #set- Containment, Separation, Complete Sets, and Immunity of Complexity Classes (JH, ML, YY), pp. 136–145.
ICALP-1983-SchoningB- Immunity (Extended Abstract) (US, RVB), pp. 653–661.
DAC-1980-McGrathW #design #layout #verification- Design integrity and immunity checking: A new look at layout verification and design rule checking (EJM, TW), pp. 263–268.