13 papers:
DAC-2013-ChippaCRR #analysis #approximate- Analysis and characterization of inherent application resilience for approximate computing (VKC, STC, KR, AR), p. 9.
DAC-2012-KarakonstantisRBB #fault #on the- On the exploitation of the inherent error resilience of wireless systems under unreliable silicon (GK, CR, CB, AB), pp. 510–515.
CGO-2012-ZouR #detection #parallel #source code- Scan detection and parallelization in “inherently sequential” nested loop programs (YZ, SVR), pp. 74–83.
HCI-UA-2011-KimLK #interactive #problem #usability- Inherent Usability Problems in Interactive Voice Response Systems (HCK, DL, HK), pp. 476–483.
PLATEAU-2011-Myers #programming- Inherent vs. accidental vs. intentional difficulties in programming (BAM), pp. 1–2.
CC-2010-CraikK #object-oriented #parallel #source code #using- Using Ownership to Reason about Inherent Parallelism in Object-Oriented Programs (AC, WK), pp. 145–164.
ASE-2006-PaarT #data type #owl #programming language #xml- Programming Language Inherent Support for Constrained XML Schema Definition Data Types and OWL DL (AP, WFT), pp. 281–284.
DATE-2003-ChenKRZZ #generative #reduction- Area Fill Generation With Inherent Data Volume Reduction (YC, ABK, GR, AZ, YZ), pp. 10868–10875.
ICALP-2002-Wich #ambiguity- Universal Inherence of Cycle-Free Context-Free Ambiguity Functions (KW), pp. 669–680.
PODS-1999-Cosmadakis #complexity #query #recursion- Inherent Complexity of Recursive Queries (Extended Abstract) (SSC), pp. 148–154.
SIGIR-1981-Fraenkel #classification #documentation #problem- Document Classification, Indexing and Abstracting May be Inherently Difficult Problems (ASF), pp. 77–82.
ICALP-1979-Blattner #product line- Inherent Ambiguities in Families of Grammars (Extended Abstract) (MB), pp. 38–48.
STOC-1969-Ullian #algorithm #ambiguity #context-free grammar #problem- The Inherent Ambiguity Partial Algorithm Problem for Context Free Languages (JSU), pp. 19–20.