99 papers:
CIAA-2015-BorsottiBCM #ambiguity #automaton #parsing #regular expression- From Ambiguous Regular Expressions to Deterministic Parsing Automata (AB, LB, SCR, AM), pp. 35–48.
CIAA-2015-BorsottiBCM15a #ambiguity #named #parsing #regular expression- BSP: A Parsing Tool for Ambiguous Regular Expressions (AB, LB, SCR, AM), pp. 313–316.
CHI-2015-FrenchSBH #ambiguity #how #lens- Is This How We (All) Do It?: Butler Lies and Ambiguity Through a Broader Lens (MF, MES, JPB, JTH), pp. 4079–4082.
CIAA-2014-Ibarra #ambiguity #on the #problem #transducer- On the Ambiguity, Finite-Valuedness, and Lossiness Problems in Acceptors and Transducers (OHI), pp. 211–225.
HIMI-AS-2014-ItaiYM #ambiguity #interface- Soft Interface with the Ambiguity Creation of the Action by Avatar Controller Inducing the Embodiment (SI, TY, YM), pp. 413–422.
ICPR-2014-GuoCLHS #ambiguity #automation #identification #multi- Multi-shot Person Re-identification with Automatic Ambiguity Inference and Removal (CCG, SZC, JHL, XJH, SCS), pp. 3540–3545.
RE-2014-MasseyRAS #ambiguity #identification #requirements- Identifying and classifying ambiguity for regulatory requirements (AKM, RLR, AIA, PPS), pp. 83–92.
ICSE-2014-DouCW #ambiguity #detection #smell #spreadsheet- Is spreadsheet ambiguity harmful? detecting and repairing spreadsheet smells due to ambiguous computation (WD, SCC, JW), pp. 848–858.
REFSQ-2013-PhilippoHKCB #ambiguity #empirical #evaluation- Requirement Ambiguity Not as Important as Expected — Results of an Empirical Evaluation (EJP, WH, BK, MRVC, DMB), pp. 65–79.
REFSQ-2013-TjongB #ambiguity #design #lessons learnt #prototype #requirements #specification- The Design of SREE — A Prototype Potential Ambiguity Finder for Requirements Specifications and Lessons Learned (SFT, DMB), pp. 80–95.
SLE-2013-VasudevanT #ambiguity #detection #programming language- Detecting Ambiguity in Programming Language Grammars (NV, LT), pp. 157–176.
CAV-2013-AdlerEV #ambiguity #equivalence- Relative Equivalence in the Presence of Ambiguity (OA, CE, TV), pp. 430–446.
CIAA-2012-Martyugin #ambiguity #automaton- Synchronization of Automata with One Undefined or Ambiguous Transition (PVM), pp. 278–288.
CHI-2012-KarrerWB #named #navigation #video- DragLocks: handling temporal ambiguities in direct manipulation video navigation (TK, MW, JOB), pp. 623–626.
KR-2012-HalpernK #ambiguity #difference- Ambiguous Language and Differences in Beliefs (JYH, WK).
RE-2012-FerrariG #detection #using- Using collective intelligence to detect pragmatic ambiguities (AF, SG), pp. 191–200.
ASE-2011-Gonzalez-SanchezAGG #ambiguity #fault #locality #reduction #testing- Prioritizing tests for fault localization through ambiguity group reduction (AGS, RA, HGG, AJCvG), pp. 83–92.
DLT-J-2010-KuppusamyMK11 #ambiguity #on the- On the Ambiguity of Insertion Systems (LK, AM, KK), pp. 1747–1758.
SLE-2011-BastenKV #ambiguity #detection #scalability- Ambiguity Detection: Scaling to Scannerless (BB, PK, JJV), pp. 303–323.
SLE-2011-BastenV #ambiguity- Parse Forest Diagnostics with Dr. Ambiguity (BB, JJV), pp. 283–302.
ASE-2010-YangWRN #automation #coordination #detection #natural language #requirements- Automatic detection of nocuous coordination ambiguities in natural language requirements (HY, AW, ANDR, BN), pp. 53–62.
SCAM-2010-BastenS #ambiguity #detection #named- AMBIDEXTER: Practical Ambiguity Detection (BB, TvdS), pp. 101–102.
DLT-2010-ReidenbachS #ambiguity #morphism #strict- Restricted Ambiguity of Erasing Morphisms (DR, JCS), pp. 387–398.
ICML-2010-BordesUW #ambiguity #learning #ranking #semantics- Label Ranking under Ambiguous Supervision for Learning Semantic Correspondences (AB, NU, JW), pp. 103–110.
OOPSLA-2010-ArnoldL #ambiguity #programming- Managing ambiguity in programming by finding unambiguous examples (KCA, HL), pp. 877–884.
RE-2010-YangRGWN #ambiguity #analysis #natural language #requirements- Extending Nocuous Ambiguity Analysis for Anaphora in Natural Language Requirements (HY, ANDR, VG, AW, BN), pp. 25–34.
REFSQ-2010-BruijnD #ambiguity #case study #natural language #requirements- Ambiguity in Natural Language Software Requirements: A Case Study (FdB, HLD), pp. 233–247.
REFSQ-2010-GervasiZ #ambiguity #on the- On the Role of Ambiguity in RE (VG, DZ), pp. 248–254.
REFSQ-2010-GleichCK #ambiguity #detection #towards- Ambiguity Detection: Towards a Tool Explaining Ambiguity Sources (BG, OC, LK), pp. 218–232.
SAC-2010-MatteoPTV #algorithm #ambiguity #clustering #folksonomy- Of mice and terms: clustering algorithms on ambiguous terms in folksonomies (NRDM, SP, FT, FV), pp. 844–848.
LDTA-J-2007-Schmitz #ambiguity #detection- An experimental ambiguity detection tool (SS), pp. 71–84.
LDTA-2010-BastenV #ambiguity #detection #performance- Faster ambiguity detection by grammar filtering (BB, JJV), p. 5.
DHM-2009-Furstenau #ambiguity- Computational Nonlinear Dynamics Model of Percept Switching with Ambiguous Stimuli (NF), pp. 227–236.
ICEIS-J-2009-MohebiS #ambiguity #analysis #clustering #detection #hybrid #network #using- An Optimized Hybrid Kohonen Neural Network for Ambiguity Detection in Cluster Analysis Using Simulated Annealing (EM, MNMS), pp. 389–401.
MLDM-2009-BouthinonSV #ambiguity #concept #learning- Concept Learning from (Very) Ambiguous Examples (DB, HS, VV), pp. 465–478.
RecSys-2009-GemmellRSCM #ambiguity #folksonomy #recommendation- The impact of ambiguity and redundancy on tag recommendation in folksonomies (JG, MR, TS, LC, BM), pp. 45–52.
SIGIR-2009-Buscaldi #ambiguity #information retrieval- Toponym ambiguity in geographical information retrieval (DB), p. 847.
PADL-2009-XiFWZ #ad hoc #ambiguity #problem- Ad Hoc Data and the Token Ambiguity Problem (QX, KF, DW, KQZ), pp. 91–106.
LDTA-2008-Basten09 #ambiguity #context-free grammar #detection #usability- The Usability of Ambiguity Detection Methods for Context-Free Grammars (BB), pp. 35–46.
DLT-2008-AllauzenMR #algorithm #ambiguity #automaton #finite #testing- General Algorithms for Testing the Ambiguity of Finite Automata (CA, MM, AR), pp. 108–120.
GT-VMT-2008-BrielerM #ambiguity #analysis #diagrams #graph grammar #sketching #syntax- Ambiguity Resolution for Sketched Diagrams by Syntax Analysis Based on Graph Grammars (FB, MM).
SIGIR-2008-Sanderson #ambiguity #query- Ambiguous queries: test collections need more sense (MS), pp. 499–506.
PADL-2008-FrostHC #ambiguity #combinator #parsing #recursion- Parser Combinators for Ambiguous Left-Recursive Grammars (RAF, RH, PC), pp. 167–181.
SAC-2008-MengleG #algorithm #ambiguity #classification #feature model #using- Using ambiguity measure feature selection algorithm for support vector machine classifier (SSRM, NG), pp. 916–920.
SAC-2008-ZhouTBAG #ambiguity #graph #named #query- Gcon: a graph-based technique for resolving ambiguity in query translation candidates (DZ, MT, TJB, HA, JG), pp. 1566–1573.
LDTA-2007-Schmitz08 #ambiguity #detection- An Experimental Ambiguity Detection Tool (SS), pp. 69–84.
CIAA-2007-BrabrandGM #ambiguity #context-free grammar- Analyzing Ambiguity of Context-Free Grammars (CB, RG, AM), pp. 214–225.
DLT-2007-BealBR #ambiguity- Coding Partitions: Regularity, Maximality and Global Ambiguity (MPB, FB, AR), pp. 48–59.
ICALP-2007-Schmitz #ambiguity #context-free grammar #detection- Conservative Ambiguity Detection in Context-Free Grammars (SS), pp. 692–703.
HCI-IPT-2007-BeehareeS- Minimising Pedestrian Navigational Ambiguities Through Geoannotation and Temporal Tagging (AKB, AS), pp. 748–757.
SIGIR-2007-QiuLBCK #ambiguity #metadata #query #using- Quantify query ambiguity using ODP metadata (GQ, KL, JB, CC, ZK), pp. 697–698.
SAC-2007-YavuzT #ambiguity #image- Improved SVD-DWT based digital image watermarking against watermark ambiguity (EY, ZT), pp. 1051–1055.
ICSM-2006-OsterlieW #ambiguity #framework #integration #maintenance- Establishing Maintainability in Systems Integration: Ambiguity, Negotiations, and Infrastructure (TØ, AIW), pp. 186–196.
DLT-2006-SanteanY #ambiguity #finite #on the #transducer- On Weakly Ambiguous Finite Transducers (NS, SY), pp. 156–167.
CHI-2006-BoehnerH #ambiguity- Advancing ambiguity (KB, JTH), pp. 103–106.
ICPR-v1-2006-KimC #ambiguity #clustering #permutation- ICA-Based Clustering for Resolving Permutation Ambiguity in Frequency-Domain Convolutive Source Separation (MK, SC), pp. 950–954.
RE-2006-ChantreeNRW #identification #natural language #requirements- Identifying Nocuous Ambiguities in Natural Language Requirements (FC, BN, ANDR, AW), pp. 56–65.
LDTA-J-2004-BegelG #algorithm #ambiguity #named #programming language- XGLR — an algorithm for ambiguity in programming languages (AB, SLG), pp. 211–227.
HT-2005-Francisco-RevillaS #ambiguity #hypermedia #parsing- Parsing and interpreting ambiguous structures in spatial hypermedia (LFR, FMSI), pp. 107–116.
CHI-2005-AokiW #ambiguity #communication #design- Making space for stories: ambiguity in the design of personal communication systems (PMA, AW), pp. 181–190.
ECIR-2005-KutsumiYKSI #ambiguity- Acquisition of Translation Knowledge of Syntactically Ambiguous Named Entity (TK, TY, KK, IS, HI), pp. 533–535.
ICSE-2005-BlahaMSSV #ambiguity #design #multi #student- Do students recognize ambiguity in software design? a multi-national, multi-institutional report (KB, AEM, DS, BS, TV), pp. 615–616.
SEFM-2004-WuY #ambiguity #concurrent #refinement #towards- Towards Action Refinement for Concurrent Systems with Causal Ambiguity (JW, HY), pp. 300–309.
LDTA-2004-BegelG #ambiguity #analysis #tool support- Language Analysis and Tools for Ambiguous Input Streams (AB, SLG), pp. 75–96.
FoSSaCS-2003-ArnoldS #ambiguity #calculus #game studies #μ-calculus- Ambiguous Classes in the Games μ-Calculus Hierarchy (AA, LS), pp. 70–86.
DLT-2003-KlimannLMP #ambiguity #automaton- Deciding the Sequentiality of a Finitely Ambiguous Max-Plus Automaton (IK, SL, JM, CP), pp. 373–385.
CHI-2003-GaverBB #ambiguity #design- Ambiguity as a resource for design (WWG, JB, SB), pp. 233–240.
ICML-2003-BrownW #ambiguity #composition #learning #network- The Use of the Ambiguity Decomposition in Neural Network Ensemble Learning Methods (GB, JLW), pp. 67–74.
RE-2003-Barnes #ambiguity #convergence #design #process #requirements #using- Using Convergent Design Processes to Surface Hidden Ambiguity and Conflict in Requirements (RJB), p. 281.
ICALP-2002-Wich #ambiguity- Universal Inherence of Cycle-Free Context-Free Ambiguity Functions (KW), pp. 669–680.
CSCW-2002-PetterssonRH #case study- Ambiguities, awareness and economy: a study of emergency service work (MP, DWR, BH), pp. 286–295.
SIGIR-2002-AllanR #ambiguity #query #using- Using part-of-speech patterns to reduce query ambiguity (JA, HR), pp. 307–314.
SIGIR-2002-GaoZNHC #ambiguity #dependence #query #using- Resolving query translation ambiguity using a decaying co-occurrence model and syntactic dependence relations (JG, MZ, JYN, HH, WC), pp. 183–190.
RE-2002-Kovitz #ambiguity #what- Ambiguity and What to Do about It (BK), p. 213.
CIAA-2000-Kempe #ambiguity #finite #transducer- Factorization of Ambiguous Finite-State Transducers (AK), pp. 170–181.
CHI-2000-MankoffHA #ambiguity #interface- Providing integrated toolkit-level support for ambiguity in recognition-based interfaces (JM, SEH, GDA), pp. 368–375.
ICPR-v2-2000-MenardDC #ambiguity #analysis #distance #modelling #using- Switching Regression Models Using Ambiguity and Distance Rejects: Application to Ionogram Analysis (MM, PAD, VC), pp. 2688–2691.
ICPR-v3-2000-LiK #ambiguity #analysis #detection- Detection of Cognitive Binding During Ambiguous Figure Tasks by Wavelet Coherence Analysis of EEG Signals (THL, WRK), pp. 3098–3101.
ICPR-v3-2000-LiuTW #self- Resolving Ambiguities of Self-Calibration in Turntable Motion (YL, HTT, CW), pp. 3873–3876.
DLT-1999-Anselmo #problem- A non-ambiguous language factorization problem (MA), pp. 141–152.
DLT-1999-Wich #ambiguity #context-free grammar #exponential- Exponential ambiguity of context-free grammars (KW), pp. 125–138.
HCI-EI-1999-Matsuda #algorithm #ambiguity #search-based- Genetic Algorithm (GA) as a Means of Ambiguous Decision Support by AHP (NM), pp. 764–768.
SIGIR-1998-BallesterosC #ambiguity #retrieval- Resolving Ambiguity for Cross-Language Retrieval (LB, WBC), pp. 64–71.
DLT-1997-Raeva #ambiguity #logic #semantics- Semantic Interpretation of Ambiguous Statements, Represented in a Logical Form (IR), pp. 529–537.
ICPR-1996-CallariF #ambiguity #nondeterminism #recognition #using- Active recognition: using uncertainty to reduce ambiguity (FGC, FPF), pp. 925–929.
ICML-1995-YamazakiPM #ambiguity #learning #natural language- Learning Hierarchies from Ambiguous Natural Language Data (TY, MJP, CJM), pp. 575–583.
SAC-1995-Cheung #ambiguity #context-free grammar- Ambiguity in context-free grammars (BSNC), pp. 272–276.
SAC-1993-MatzenGH #ambiguity- A Model for Studying Ambiguity in SGML Element Declarations (RWM, KMG, GEH), pp. 665–676.
IWMM-1992-Chailloux #ambiguity #garbage collection #static typing- A Conservative Garbage Collector with Ambiguous Roots for Static Typechecking Languages (EC), pp. 218–229.
ICALP-1991-HonkalaS #ambiguity #bound #morphism- L Morphisms: Bounded Delay and Regularity of Ambiguity (JH, AS), pp. 566–574.
ESOP-1990-Kennaway #ambiguity #lazy evaluation #pattern matching #term rewriting- The Specificity Rule for Lazy Pattern-Matching in Ambiguous Term Rewrite Systems (RK), pp. 256–270.
SIGIR-1986-BerrutP #automation #parsing- Solving Grammatical Ambiguities within a Surface Syntactical Parser for Automatic Indexing (CB, PP), pp. 123–130.
ICALP-1985-Flajolet #ambiguity- Ambiguity and Transcendence (PF), pp. 179–188.
ICALP-1983-CulikS #ambiguity #problem- Ambiguity and Decision Problems Concerning Number Systems (KCI, AS), pp. 137–146.
VLDB-1979-Hardgrave #ambiguity #case study #query- Ambiguity in Processing Boolean Queries on TDMS Tree Structures: A Study of Four Different Philosophies (WTH), pp. 373–397.
ICALP-1979-Blattner #product line- Inherent Ambiguities in Families of Grammars (Extended Abstract) (MB), pp. 38–48.
POPL-1973-AhoJU #ambiguity #parsing- Deterministic Parsing of Ambiguous Grammars (AVA, SCJ, JDU), pp. 1–21.
SIGIR-1971-DostertT #ambiguity #how- How Features Resolve Syntactic Ambiguity (BHD, FBT), pp. 19–32.
STOC-1969-Ullian #algorithm #ambiguity #context-free grammar #problem- The Inherent Ambiguity Partial Algorithm Problem for Context Free Languages (JSU), pp. 19–20.