5 papers:
CHI-2011-OulasvirtaB #multi- Ease of juggling: studying the effects of manual multitasking (AO, JBL), pp. 3103–3112.
HPDC-2011-HofmeyrCIK #manycore #named- Juggle: proactive load balancing on multicore computers (SAH, JAC, CI, JK), pp. 3–14.
ICALP-B-2008-Canetti #analysis #composition #performance #security- Composable Formal Security Analysis: Juggling Soundness, Simplicity and Efficiency (RC), pp. 1–13.
CSCW-2008-TolmieCRB #quote #what- “Are you watching this film or what?”: interruption and the juggling of cohorts (PT, AC, TR, SB), pp. 257–266.
VLDB-2007-KrompassDKK #scalability- Dynamic Workload Management for Very Large Data Warehouses: Juggling Feathers and Bowling Balls (SK, UD, HAK, AK), pp. 1105–1115.