36 papers:
DocEng-2015-FilhoM #physics #segmentation- Segmentation of Overlapping Digits through the Emulation of a Hypothetical Ball and Physical Forces (ANGLF, CABM), pp. 223–226.
CHI-2015-RooksbyRMC #process- Pass the Ball: Enforced Turn-Taking in Activity Tracking (JR, MR, AM, MC), pp. 2417–2426.
SIGIR-2015-Gupta #named- CricketLinking: Linking Event Mentions from Cricket Match Reports to Ball Entities in Commentaries (MG), pp. 1033–1034.
CASE-2014-HsiaoYLH #design #implementation- Design and implementation of a ball-batting robot with optimal batting decision making ability (TH, CMY, IHL, CCH), pp. 1026–1031.
CHI-2014-BardzellBZP #design- The lonely raccoon at the ball: designing for intimacy, sociability, and selfhood (JB, SB, GZ, TP), pp. 3943–3952.
CIKM-2014-DingL- Model Selection with the Covering Number of the Ball of RKHS (LZD, SL), pp. 1159–1168.
ECIR-2014-CorneyMG #detection #twitter- Spot the Ball: Detecting Sports Events on Twitter (DC, CJM, AG), pp. 449–454.
ICPR-2014-KimK #estimation #image #multi #pattern matching #robust- Robust Surface Pattern Matching for Ball Spin Estimation with Multi-exposed Images Under Varying Illumination Conditions (JK, MK), pp. 4560–4563.
OOPSLA-2013-DEliaD #multi #profiling- Ball-Larus path profiling across multiple loop iterations (DCD, CD), pp. 373–390.
SAC-2013-SouzaRB #clustering #data access #metric #performance- Faster construction of ball-partitioning-based metric access methods (JAdS, HLR, MCNB), pp. 8–12.
ICALP-v2-2012-Bar-YehudaKKR #communication- Growing Half-Balls: Minimizing Storage and Communication Costs in CDNs (RBY, EK, SK, DR), pp. 416–427.
ICML-2012-YuSL12a #performance- Efficient Euclidean Projections onto the Intersection of Norm Balls (AWY, HS, FFL), p. 203.
HIMI-v2-2011-YamaguchiKH #interface- Balance Ball Interface for Performing Arts (TY, TK, SH), pp. 440–445.
CHI-2009-ChoiK #design #evaluation #interface #named- TouchBall: a design and evaluation of a hand-held trackball based touch-haptic interface (MC, GJK), pp. 1535–1538.
EDOC-2009-Vaucouleur #enterprise- Customizable and Upgradable Enterprise Systems without the Crystal Ball Assumption (SV), pp. 203–212.
CGO-2009-RoyS #algorithm #profiling- Profiling k-Iteration Paths: A Generalization of the Ball-Larus Profiling Algorithm (SR, YNS), pp. 70–80.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-LeoDMD #approach #image #recognition- SIFT Approach for Ball Recognition in Soccer Images (ML, TD, NM, AD), pp. 207–212.
ICML-2008-DuchiSSC #learning #performance- Efficient projections onto the l1-ball for learning in high dimensions (JCD, SSS, YS, TC), pp. 272–279.
ICPR-2008-Stelldinger #re-engineering #using- Topologically correct surface reconstruction using alpha shapes and relations to ball-pivoting (PS), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ZhangLX #video- Collaborate ball and player trajectory extraction in broadcast soccer video (YZ, HL, CX), pp. 1–4.
CASE-2007-TadakumaT #design- Mechanical Design of “Omni-Ball”: Spherical Wheel for Holonomic Omnidirectional Motion (KT, RT), pp. 788–794.
VLDB-2007-KrompassDKK #scalability- Dynamic Workload Management for Very Large Data Warehouses: Juggling Feathers and Bowling Balls (SK, UD, HAK, AK), pp. 1105–1115.
HCI-IPT-2007-SchwaigerTU #framework #implementation #named- Cyberwalk: Implementation of a Ball Bearing Platform for Humans (MCS, TT, HU), pp. 926–935.
ICML-2007-TsangKK- Simpler core vector machines with enclosing balls (IWT, AK, JTK), pp. 911–918.
ICPR-v1-2006-ShimawakiSMS #estimation #image #sequence #video- Estimation of Ball Route under Overlapping with Players and Lines in Soccer Video Image Sequence (TS, TS, JM, YS), pp. 359–362.
ICPR-v1-2006-YanCK #algorithm #probability #video- A Maximum A Posteriori Probability Viterbi Data Association Algorithm for Ball Tracking in Sports Video (FY, WJC, JK), pp. 279–282.
ICPR-v3-2006-ZhangDC #analysis #detection #game studies- Ball Hit Detection in Table Tennis Games Based on Audio Analysis (BZ, WD, LC), pp. 220–223.
ICPR-v4-2004-TongLL #detection #effectiveness #performance- An Effective and Fast Soccer Ball Detection and Tracking Method (XFT, HQL, QSL), pp. 795–798.
ECIR-2003-VegasFC #named #visual notation #visualisation #web- WebDocBall: A Graphical Visualization Tool for Web Search Results (JV, PdlF, FC), pp. 351–362.
ICPR-v1-2002-DOrazioACN #algorithm #detection #image #sequence- A Ball Detection Algorithm for Real Soccer Image Sequences (TD, NA, GC, MN), pp. 210–213.
ICPR-v1-2002-YamadaSM #3d #game studies #image #parametricity #sequence #video- Tracking Players and a Ball in Video Image Sequence and Estimating Camera Parameters for 3D Interpretation of Soccer Games (AY, YS, JM), pp. 303–306.
ICPR-v1-2000-OhnoMS #3d #estimation #game studies- Tracking Players and Estimation of the 3D Position of a Ball in Soccer Games (YO, JM, YS), pp. 1145–1148.
ICPR-v4-2000-PingaliOJ- Ball Tracking and Virtual Replays for Innovative Tennis Broadcasts (GSP, AO, YJ), pp. 4152–4156.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-SeenTD #design pattern- Applying a Crystal Ball to Design Pattern Adoption (MS, PT, MD), p. 443–?.
HCI-EI-1999-TakahashiK #3d #interface #using- 3-D Input Device Using a Ball Rotation Interface (TT, MK), pp. 397–401.
CHI-1991-Thiel #gesture #interface- The cue ball as part of a gestural interface (DDT), pp. 463–464.