81 papers:
WICSA-2015-AbukwaikNR #analysis #concept- A Proactive Support for Conceptual Interoperability Analysis in Software Systems (HA, MN, HDR), pp. 119–122.
WICSA-2015-BangM #design #detection #higher-order- Proactive Detection of Higher-Order Software Design Conflicts (JYB, NM), pp. 155–164.
CASE-2015-YuWZ- From passive demand response to proactive demand participation (NY, TW, QZ), pp. 1300–1306.
SIGMOD-2015-IbrahimDE #database #relational- Proactive Annotation Management in Relational Databases (KI, XD, MYE), pp. 2017–2030.
SEFM-2015-KamaliHKP #analysis #distributed #formal method- Formal Analysis of Proactive, Distributed Routing (MK, PH, MK, LP), pp. 175–189.
HIMI-IKC-2015-ItoSK #information management- Information Sharing System Based on Situation Comprehensions of Intelligent Vehicles to Improve Drivers’ Acceptability for Proactive ADAS (TI, TS, MK), pp. 201–212.
ICEIS-v2-2015-MaranMAWO #information management #query- Proactive Domain Data Querying based on Context Information in Ambient Assisted Living Environments (VM, AM, IA, LKW, JPMdO), pp. 610–617.
SIGIR-2015-ShokouhiG #query #ranking #recommendation- From Queries to Cards: Re-ranking Proactive Card Recommendations Based on Reactive Search History (MS, QG), pp. 695–704.
ESEC-FSE-2015-MorenoCGS #adaptation #approach #model checking #nondeterminism #probability #self- Proactive self-adaptation under uncertainty: a probabilistic model checking approach (GAM, JC, DG, BRS), pp. 1–12.
ISSTA-2015-ZhangE #detection #fault- Proactive detection of inadequate diagnostic messages for software configuration errors (SZ, MDE), pp. 12–23.
SIGMOD-2014-PsaroudakisAOA #concurrent #query- Reactive and proactive sharing across concurrent analytical queries (IP, MA, MO, AA), pp. 889–892.
HCI-AIMT-2014-WuttkeH #social- Beyond Presentation — Employing Proactive Intelligent Agents as Social Catalysts (MW, MH), pp. 182–190.
ICEIS-v2-2014-MachadoLPWO #approach- A Reactive and Proactive Approach for Ambient Intelligence (AM, DL, AMP, LKW, JPMdO), pp. 501–512.
KDD-2014-LiuGXXGP #modelling #probability #process #workflow- Proactive workflow modeling by stochastic processes with application to healthcare operation and management (CL, YG, HX, KX, WG, MP), pp. 1593–1602.
FSE-2014-Kasi #detection #scheduling- Minimizing software conflicts through proactive detection of conflicts and task scheduling (BKK), pp. 807–810.
DAC-2013-AbousamraJM #multi- Proactive circuit allocation in multiplane NoCs (AA, AKJ, RGM), p. 10.
DATE-2013-AncajasCR #approach- Proactive aging management in heterogeneous NoCs through a criticality-driven routing approach (DMA, KC, SR), pp. 1032–1037.
DATE-2013-PouyanAMR #adaptation #configuration management #design #implementation- Design and implementation of an adaptive proactive reconfiguration technique for SRAM caches (PP, EA, FM, AR), pp. 1303–1306.
DUXU-WM-2013-Huang #design #functional #interactive- Proactive Home Furnishings: Inspiring from Interactive Art for Designing Functional Aesthetics in a Space (SCCH), pp. 367–375.
ICEIS-v2-2013-MachadoPATWO- Situation-awareness as a Key for Proactive Actions in Ambient Assisted Living (AM, AMP, IA, LHT, LKW, JPMdO), pp. 418–426.
ICSE-2013-KasiS #named #scheduling- Cassandra: proactive conflict minimization through optimized task scheduling (BKK, AS), pp. 732–741.
CAiSE-2012-MoustafaZ #adaptation #towards #web #web service- Towards Proactive Web Service Adaptation (AM, MZ), pp. 473–485.
SEKE-2012-DingS #architecture #collaboration #mobile #using- Proactive Two Way Mobile Advertisement Using a Collaborative Client Server Architecture (WD, XS), pp. 768–773.
ICSE-2012-NovaisNLCDGM #comprehension #evolution #industrial #interactive #on the #visualisation- On the proactive and interactive visualization for feature evolution comprehension: An industrial investigation (RLN, CN, CANL, EC, FD, AG, MGM), pp. 1044–1053.
OSDI-2012-YuanPHLLTZS- Be Conservative: Enhancing Failure Diagnosis with Proactive Logging (DY, SP, PH, YL, MMJL, XT, YZ, SS), pp. 293–306.
ASE-2011-ZhangMPL #monitoring #predict #runtime- Run-time systems failure prediction via proactive monitoring (PZ, HM, AP, XL), pp. 484–487.
DATE-2011-LiZY- Proactive recovery for BTI in high-k SRAM cells (LL, YZ, JY), pp. 992–997.
VLDB-2011-BorisovB #approach #declarative #detection #towards- Proactive Detection and Repair of Data Corruption: Towards a Hassle-free Declarative Approach with Amulet (NB, SB), pp. 1403–1408.
ITiCSE-2011-BowerM #comparison #learning- Continual and explicit comparison to promote proactive facilitation during second computer language learning (MB, AM), pp. 218–222.
CHI-2011-IqbalHJM #exclamation- Hang on a sec!: effects of proactive mediation of phone conversations while driving (STI, EH, YCJ, EM), pp. 463–472.
HIMI-v1-2011-ParkLSKBL #development #information management- Development of a System for Proactive Information Service (MWP, SHL, YTS, JKK, IB, JKL), pp. 577–584.
CIKM-2011-ZhangYCT #detection- A machine-learned proactive moderation system for auction fraud detection (LZ, JY, WC, BLT), pp. 2501–2504.
KMIS-2011-TangPI #behaviour- Employees’ Innovation Behavior — The Role of External Information Awareness and Proactiveness of Innovation Strategy (JT, LGP, JI), pp. 5–17.
RecSys-2011-WoerndlHBG #mobile #recommendation- A model for proactivity in mobile, context-aware recommender systems (WW, JH, RB, DGV), pp. 273–276.
SEKE-2011-ZirkelW #correlation #problem- Proactive Problem Management and Event Correlation (WZ, GW), pp. 572–577.
ESEC-FSE-2011-BrunHEN #collaboration #detection- Proactive detection of collaboration conflicts (YB, RH, MDE, DN), pp. 168–178.
HPDC-2011-HofmeyrCIK #manycore #named- Juggle: proactive load balancing on multicore computers (SAH, JAC, CI, JK), pp. 3–14.
ASE-2010-CoorayMRK #configuration management #reliability- RESISTing reliability degradation through proactive reconfiguration (DC, SM, RR, DK), pp. 83–92.
DATE-2010-AyoubSR #multi #named #scheduling- GentleCool: Cooling aware proactive workload scheduling in multi-machine systems (RZA, SS, TSR), pp. 295–298.
DATE-2010-LiZYZ #functional- Proactive NBTI mitigation for busy functional units in out-of-order microprocessors (LL, YZ, JY, JZ), pp. 411–416.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-GoncalvesCCS- Extending MAS-ML to Model Proactive and Reactive Sotware Agents (EJTG, MIC, GALdC, VTdS), pp. 75–84.
REFSQ-2010-VillelaDJ #evaluation #evolution #product line- Evaluation of a Method for Proactively Managing the Evolving Scope of a Software Product Line (KV, JD, IJ), pp. 113–127.
SAC-2010-GoncalvesCCGS #modelling #towards #using- Towards the modeling reactive and proactive agents by using MAS-ML (EJTG, MIC, GALdC, GFG, VTdS), pp. 936–937.
CGO-2010-JiangZTMGSG #behaviour #correlation #predict #statistics- Exploiting statistical correlations for proactive prediction of program behaviors (YJ, EZZ, KT, FM, MG, XS, YG), pp. 248–256.
CASE-2009-TruongLD #automation #multi- Proactive remote healthcare based on multimedia and home automation services (TBTT, FFdL, JPD), pp. 385–390.
ICPC-2009-HouJJ #named #programming #towards- CnP: Towards an environment for the proactive management of copy-and-paste programming (DH, PJ, FJ), pp. 238–242.
ICSM-2009-HouJJ- Proactively managing copy-and-paste induced code clones (DH, FJ, PJ), pp. 391–392.
HCD-2009-RomeroCAMVC #concept #development- Proactive Ergonomics in Refrigerator Concept Development (MR, FC, GA, MM, JV, LC), pp. 627–634.
HIMI-DIE-2009-LeeLKC #detection #enterprise #fault #information management #process #statistics #using- Proactive Fault Detection Schema for Enterprise Information System Using Statistical Process Control (CL, DL, JK, JWC), pp. 113–122.
HIMI-II-2009-BaeLLCKB #estimation- An End-to-End Proactive TCP Based on Available Bandwidth Estimation with Congestion Level Index (SB, DL, CL, JC, JK, SB), pp. 124–130.
CIKM-2009-ElliottJ #personalisation #retrieval- A proactive personalised retrieval system (DE, JMJ), pp. 1935–1938.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-StoitsevSFM08a #modelling #process #programming- Enabling end Users to Proactively Tailor Underspecified, Human-Centric Business Processes — “Programming by Example” of Weakly-Structured Process Models (TS, SS, FF, MM), pp. 38–46.
ICEIS-J-2008-StoitsevSFM08b #modelling #process #programming- Enabling End Users to Proactively Tailor Underspecified, Human-Centric Business Processes: “Programming by Example” of Weakly-Structured Process Models (TS, SS, FF, MM), pp. 307–320.
CIKM-2008-DonmezC #learning #multi- Proactive learning: cost-sensitive active learning with multiple imperfect oracles (PD, JGC), pp. 619–628.
RE-2008-VillelaDG #embedded #evolution #requirements- Proactively Managing the Evolution of Embedded System Requirements (KV, JD, AG), pp. 13–22.
SAC-2008-SaCDR #multi- Multi-purpose proactive m-Artifacts (MdS, LC, LD, TR), pp. 1629–1633.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-MelguizoBDBB #memory management #recommendation #what- What a Proactive Recommendation System Needs — Relevance, Non-Intrusiveness, and a New Long-Term Memory (MCPM, TB, AD, LB, AvdB), pp. 86–91.
CIKM-2007-RaoCFB #analysis #network #peer-to-peer- Optimal proactive caching in peer-to-peer network: analysis and application (WR, LC, AWCF, YB), pp. 663–672.
OOPSLA-2007-XianSJ #approach #garbage collection #named #performance- Microphase: an approach to proactively invoking garbage collection for improved performance (FX, WSa, HJ), pp. 77–96.
SIGMOD-2006-DuanB #identification #performance #problem- Proactive identification of performance problems (SD, SB), pp. 766–768.
PLDI-2006-ChenBCGC #garbage collection #locality #optimisation- Profile-guided proactive garbage collection for locality optimization (WkC, SB, TMC, XG, WC), pp. 332–340.
ICEIS-HCI-2006-CarricoSA- Proactive Psychotherapy with Handheld Devices (LC, MdS, PA), pp. 27–34.
ICEIS-J-2006-CarricoSA06a #personalisation #tool support- Handheld Tools for Personalized and Proactive Psychotherapy (LC, MdS, PA), pp. 452–464.
CIKM-2006-HolzRDSMK #process #reuse- Task-based process know-how reuse and proactive information delivery in TaskNavigator (HH, OR, AD, TS, KM, KK), pp. 522–531.
ICPR-v2-2006-KurazumeOUTH #interface- Embodied Proactive Human Interface “PICO-2” (RK, HO, SU, RiT, TH), pp. 1233–1237.
SAC-2006-SousaNV #architecture- Proactive resilience through architectural hybridization (PS, NFN, PV), pp. 686–690.
DATE-2005-YardiHMH #multi #power management #quality- Quality-Driven Proactive Computation Elimination for Power-Aware Multimedia Processing (SMY, MSH, TLM, DSH), pp. 340–345.
SIGMOD-2005-BabuBD- Proactive Re-optimization (SB, PB, DJD), pp. 107–118.
SIGMOD-2005-BabuBD05a- Proactive re-optimization with Rio (SB, PB, DJD), pp. 936–938.
KDD-2005-YangWZ #data type #predict- Combining proactive and reactive predictions for data streams (YY, XW, XZ), pp. 710–715.
SIGIR-2005-PuolamakiSSSK #collaboration #eye tracking #information retrieval- Combining eye movements and collaborative filtering for proactive information retrieval (KP, JS, ES, JS, SK), pp. 146–153.
SAC-2004-ZhangVlY #approach #communication #design #multi- A decision-theoretic approach for designing proactive communication in multi-agent teamwork (YZ, RAV, TRI, JY), pp. 64–71.
KDD-2003-SahooORGMMVS #clustering #predict #scalability- Critical event prediction for proactive management in large-scale computer clusters (RKS, AJO, IR, MG, JEM, SM, RV, AS), pp. 426–435.
SAC-2003-AnaneA #implementation- Implementation of a Proactive Load Sharing Scheme (RA, RJA), pp. 1038–1045.
SEKE-2002-BalustF #approach #modelling #process- A precedence-based approach for proactive control in software process modelling (JMRB, XF), pp. 457–468.
HPDC-2002-BustamanteWS- A Case for Proactivity in Directory Services (FEB, PW, KS), p. 415.
OSDI-2000-CastroL #fault tolerance- Proactive Recovery in a Byzantine-Fault-Tolerant System (MC, BL), pp. 273–288.
SEKE-1999-AbeckerBS #enterprise #information management- Proactive Knowledge Delivery for Enterprise Knowledge Management (AA, AB, MS), pp. 103–117.
SIGMOD-1998-Chan #database #multi #transaction- Transactional Publish / Subscribe: The Proactive Multicast of Database Changes (AC), p. 521.
VLDB-1997-LockemannKKKN #challenge #database #legacy #network- The Network as a Global Database: Challenges of Interoperability, Proactivity, Interactiveness, Legacy (PCL, UK, AK, RK, RN, MW, HDW), pp. 567–574.
KDD-1994-SasisekharanSW #machine learning #maintenance #network #using- Proactive Network Maintenance Using Machine Learning (RS, VS, SMW), pp. 453–462.